Two Anglo-Norman inedita from MS Douce d.6


  • Delbert Russell
  • Tony Hunt


This article presents an edition of and commentary on the Anglo-Norman prose version of "Seth and the Holy Rood" (the legend of "L'arbre de paradis" or "Le bois de la croix"). The text is found in four manuscripts and has remained without edition. A rhymed Anglo-Norman version has been edited (1960), along with its Latin source, both found in a single manuscript. Dean and Boulton comment that the Anglo-Norman prose version is possibly based on a Picard original. The legend recounts Seth's trip to Paradise at the bequest of Adam, to seek the oil of life, where he is shown the tree associated with the first sin, and from which the tree of the cross will eventually spring. It is part of a longer legend known as "The Penitence of Adam."




Comment citer

Russell, D., & Hunt, T. (2007). Two Anglo-Norman inedita from MS Douce d.6. Florilegium, 24, 55–79. Consulté à l’adresse



Anglo-Norman Language and Literature / Langue et littérature anglo-normandes