At War, but Far From The Front

Crashes, Disasters, and The Newfoundland Airport


  • Lisa Daly

Author Biography

Lisa Daly

Dr. Lisa M. Daly, BA, MSc, PhD, is an independent researcher focusing on Newfoundland and Labrador airplane archaeology and history. She lives in St. John's, NL, and works and volunteers in the heritage, culture, and publishing sectors. Her most recent publications include "Engaging the Public at the Crossroads of the World: Methods and Site Preservation of Aviation Archaeology Sites" in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada in Strides Towards Standard Methodologies in Aeronautical Archaeology (Springer 2023), Their Sturdy Pride: RCAF Torbay History and Aviation Mysteries of Newfoundland and Labrador with Nelson J. Sherren, CD (Engen Books 2024) and will be featured on an episode of 39-45 en sol canadien (S03 TV5 unis).




How to Cite

Daly, L. (2024). At War, but Far From The Front: Crashes, Disasters, and The Newfoundland Airport. Newfoundland & Labrador Studies, 38(1). Retrieved from