Vol 19, No 1 (1999)
Book Reviews

McCarthy, Shaun P. The Function of Intelligence in Crisis Management: Towards an Understanding of the Intelligence Producer-Consumer Dichotomy. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Company, 1998.

Melvin A. Goodman
National War College, Washington, DC

Publié-e 1999-07-01

Comment citer

Goodman, M. A. (1999). McCarthy, Shaun P. The Function of Intelligence in Crisis Management: Towards an Understanding of the Intelligence Producer-Consumer Dichotomy. Aldershot, UK: Ashgate Publishing Company, 1998. Journal of Conflict Studies, 19(1). Consulté à l’adresse https://journals.lib.unb.ca/index.php/JCS/article/view/4398