Inventory, Modelling and Auditing Systems for Planning and Controlling Forestry Operations


  • Graham Whyte Christchurch, New Zealand


This paper attempts to review briefly in broad terms the need for researchers and managers of forestry operations to collate their respective knowledge and experience in order to assist the process of designing appropriate inventory, modelling and auditing systems for planning, controlling and reporting operational performance responsibly and effectively. The approach taken here is to outline a relevant philosophy, supported by a few examples regarded as typical of what is envisaged. The aim is not to focus on one particular situation, but to emphasise crucial aspects in general of: (i) multi-resource, pre-harvest inventory (ii) integrated market-led strategic, tactical and operational modelling; and (iii) developing and implementing routine procedures to monitor, control and audit outcomes, so as to provide ecosystem accountability. Knowledge on how to proceed in principle is widely available, but there is still apparent resistance to adopting worthwhile technological improvements routinely. Some few suggestions are given on how forest management pertaining to the above three aspects could be beneficially redirected.





