Damage to Natural Regeneration in the Hyrcanian Forests of Iran: A Comparison of Two Typical Timber Extraction Operations
Seyed Mohammad Hosseini
Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran
Baris Madjnonian
Tehran University, Karadj, Iran
Maarten Nieuwenhuis
University College Dublin, Ireland
This study investigated the impact of two different timber extraction systems on the natural regeneration in two compartments in the Hyrcanian Forests in northern Iran. These forests consist of mixed uneven-aged stands which are managed under the single tree selection system, with timber extraction taking place by cable system or by skidder. The operations were carried out by standard crews in 2 compartments with very similar terrain and stand conditions. The amount of damage to all stages of the regeneration was significantly higher in the skidding operation than in the cable operation. Based on this preliminary result and on observations of the authors, recommendations for future research and for improved harvest practices were drawn up.