Harvester-Forwarder and Harvester-Yarder Systems for Fuel Reduction Treatments
Erik S. Drews
University of Idaho, Moscow, ID
Bruce R. Hartsough
University of California, Davis, CA
James A. Doyal
Ward Northwest, Inc., Florence, OR
Loren D. Kellogg
Oregon State University, Corvallis, Oregon
Two harvesting systems were compared for reducing fuel loadings in overstocked conifer stands in eastern Oregon; forest managers also set a high priority on minimizing soil disturbance. Both employed cut-to-length (CTL) harvesters; one used a forwarder and the other a small skyline yarder. Both systems produced very similar and acceptable results in terms of fuels reduction and soil disturbance, but at different stump-to-mill costs: $46/green ton for the forwarder system versus $80/green ton for the yarder system.