Vice-Admiral Hugo DOMINIK: President of the Deutsche Seewarte, Died 15th September 1933 PDF (English)
Regulations concerning the organisation of the Hydrographic Office of the Republic of Ecuador PDF (English)
The measurement of the Santa Elena Geodetic Base by the Hydrographic Service of the Ecuador Navy PDF (English)
W. R. Gherardi Oceanographic Work of the Hydrographic Office and the United States Navy during the year 1932 PDF (English)
S. Kisindo Methods of Ocean Current Observations now used by the Hydrographic Department, Tokyo, and some results obtained to date PDF (English)
Willis Ray Gregg History of the application of Meteorology to Aeronautics with special reference to the United States PDF (English)
S. F. Grace Publication Scientifique N° 1 (of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union) PDF (English)
Paul Kahle Die verschollene Columbus-Karte von 1498 - in einer Türkischen Weltkarte von 1513 PDF (English)
J. D. Nares A method of obtaining Current Observations from a ship in deep water without anchoring PDF (English)