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1971: Vol. XLVIII, No. 2

Resolution in Continuous Seismic Profiling

août 11, 2015


The operation we shall refer to as continuous seismic profiling consists of emitting a short impulse underwater, receiving the echoes reflected by the bottom and the elastic discontinuity of the subsoil, and amplifying, filtering and recording these echoes on paper band in the same way as for echo-sounding, and then of repeating these operations several times per second, or per minute. The resulting time section resembles a geological section, for the elastic discontinuity of the subsoil corresponds roughly to the interfaces between the different sedimentary layers. It differs, however, from a geological section because the vertical scale is time graduated. Also, since the scale ratio is above one there is often much distortion. There are also a certain number of acoustical phenomena which give unwanted images.