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1972: Vol. XLIX, No. 2

An Offshore Tide Gauge

août 11, 2015


Between October and December 1970 the Hydrographic Department of Japan carried out jointly with the Governments of the Republic of Indonesia, Malaysia and the Republic of Singapore a hydrographic survey of the Straits of Malacca and Singapore lasting about 80 days. The present paper reports on an offshore tide gauge which was specially manufactured for the occasion and worked very successfully during the field operations. Since these Straits form the longest channel in the world and tides there vary not only lengthwise but also crosswise between the two shores, at the time the survey was being planned it was thought that tidal observations ashore would not suffice for providing proper tidal corrections for the soundings taken in the mid-channel passages. After some discussion it was decided to place a tide gauge on the seabed in the survey area.