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1973: Vol. L, No. 2

Negative Surges in the Southern North Sea

août 11, 2015


Following a request by the Hydrographer of the Royal Netherlands Navy in connection with the navigation of deep draught vessels in the southern part of the North Sea, a Working Group of the “Raad van Overleg voor fysisch-oceanografisch Onderzoek van de Noordzee” (Consultative Council for Physical Oceanographic Research in the North Sea) has recently made preliminary investigations into the occurrence of negative surges in the southern North Sea. Special attention was given to the Sandettié Bank and the Brown Ridge areas in view of the water depths there. An abstract of the Group’s report has been inserted in the “Zeemansgids van de Nederlandse kust en aangrenzend gebied” (Netherlands Coast Pilot). The following is a translation of this report. A section dealing with other factors also affecting underkeel clearance has, however, been omitted, as have some suggestions to the above-mentioned Council.