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1979: Vol. LVI, No. 1

Captain Cook and the Crumpled Echogram

août 7, 2015


Although navigation and surveying techniques have evolved since the days of sextants and azimuth compasses, two aspects of contemporary surveys have undergone little change : 1) the storage of documents collected at sea has not kept pace with technical developments in the field of data collection and manipulation ; and, 2) few hydrographic cruises are only slowly returning to the multidisciplinary mentality which prevailed in earlier times. Echograms and seismic records are essential tools in the interpretation of bathymetric data and the production of bathymetric and morphologic maps. Negligence in their care and preservation results in their deterioration and/or loss. It is proposed that these documents be copied onto 35 mm microfilm and the original documents granted archival status. The cost of this operation is minimal when compared to cruise costs. Pre-season briefings, a greater participation by scientists in cruises and familiarization of hydrographers with all scientific aspects of the cruises are suggested. This would result in a greater scientific return and closer co-operation between scientists and hydrographers.