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Volume 3, Number 2 (2002)

Hydrographic Data Standards and Standards-based Geospatial Data Infrastructures

août 13, 2013


The global leadership shown by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) in leading the development and implementation of international standards for the paper navigational chart has been successfully carried over into the digital domain. This has been demonstrated by the acceptance and use of the S57 and S52 data standards for Electronic Navigational Charts (ENCs). The IHO has also been careful to ensure that S57 and S52 retain upward compatibility with other emerging international standards for geospatial data. The first part of the paper reviews the position and status of S57 in re lation to this new standards environment. The second part of the paper considers the influence of the Internet which is having a major influence on the emerging geospatial data infrastructures that are being built in a number of countries and impacting the distribution and use of geospatial data, and will also provide opportunities for, and have an effect on the provision of data by hydrographic offices.