Text and translation of the legends of the Original Chart of the world by Gerhard MERCATOR, issued in 1569 PDF (English)
J. D. Nares The Adjustment of a Quadrilateral when one triangle has already been adjusted PDF (English)
M. A. Gougenheim Nomographic determination of the inclination correction of soundings taken by means of a fish lead (plomb poisson) PDF (English)
G. W. Littlehales Measures for the settlement of reports of doubtful dangers in the Ocean PDF (English)
Report on Oceanic Survey in the western part of the North Pacific carried out by H.I.J.M.S. "Mansyu" from April 1925 to March 1928 PDF (English)
The offset gravure zinc plate adopted by the Japanese Hydrographic Department for chart production and its advantages PDF (English)
List of instruments amongst those shown at the Oceanographic Exhibition of Seville: 1st May - 15th June, 1929 PDF (English)
Raymond Dubois, Louis Laboureur Note concerning a direct reading electrical chronograph for accurate reading of very short intervals of time PDF (English)