J. L. H. Luymes Tidal information for mixed tides and a comparison of two methods for a rough prediction of diurnal tides PDF (English)
Rolf Kjaer The Norwegian Service for the scientific exploration of the Svalbard and the Polar region PDF (English)
Gustaf S. Ljungdahl An attempt to determine the magnetic declination at sea on board an ordinary motor boat PDF (English)
K. Kuribayasi, Y. Sanematu On a method of observing tides in the open sea where it is possible to anchor PDF (English)
P. de Vanssay de Blavous Traité des projections des cartes géographiques à l'usage des cartographes et des géodésiens by L. Driencourt and J. Laborde PDF (English)
Floyd M. Soule Note on the practical correction of deep-sea reversing thermometers and the determination of the depth of reversal from protected and unprotected thermometers PDF (English)
C. C. Ennis Note on computation of density of sea-water and on corrections for deep-sea reversing thermometers PDF (English)
G. W. Littlehales Sounding the depths of the ocean for mapping the conformation and topography of the bottom PDF (English)
H. Rauschelbach Definitions of terms used for describing calculating the tidal phenomena in the sea PDF (English)
Determination of the ship's position by observations of two points the bearings of which intersect at a small angle PDF (English)