Juha Korhonen Baltic Sea Hydrographic Re-Survey Scheme “To ensure that safety of navigation is not endangered by inadequate source information” PDF (English)
Wilfried Ellmer, Rune Carbuhn Anderson, Andrew Flatman, Jyrki Mononen, Ulf Olsson, Hans Öiås Feasibility of Laser Bathymetry for Hydrographic Surveys on the Baltic Sea PDF (English)
Seppo H. Mäkinen , Ulf Olsson, Magnuss Wallhagen, Hans Öiås EU TEN-T MonaLisa Activities in the Baltic Sea PDF (English)
Juha Korhonen, Hermanni Backer, Thomas Hammarklint, Bjarke Wiehe Bøtcher Baltic Sea Hydrographic Commission (BSHC) and Co-Operation on Hydrographic Issues with Other Baltic Sea Organizations PDF (English)