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1994: Vol. LXXI, No. 1

Oceanographic Characteristics of the Canary Islands Waters

julio 30, 2015


From the temperature and salinity data obtained in 61 CTD stations from 15 April to 5 May 1988 aboard the Oceanographic/Hydrographic ship TOFINO in the Canary Islands waters, the area oceanographic conditions, thermohaline structure, waters masses and surface geostrophic currents have been determined. Temperature values show an upwelling between the Eastern Islands and the African continent, with a thermic increase towards the West, and a cold water nucleus at SW of La Palma Island. NACW (Northern Atlantic Central Water) is located below the thermodine; there is also a Mediterranean water influence. Depth water masses have not been determined because of the CTO's depth limit of 1000 m. Surface geostrophic currents depicts a flow to the South, corresponding to the Canary Islands current, however the values are numerically small and show evidence of three eddies in both the Eastern and Western regions of the Islands area.