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1994: Vol. LXXI, No. 1

The Hydrodynamics of the Gulf of Cadiz and the Exchange of Water Masses Through the Gibraltar Strait

julio 30, 2015


Studies on the exchange of water masses through the Gibraltar Strait, between the Atlantic Ocean and the Mediterranean Sea, are numerous, mainly in recent years. However, there is a lack of works of synthesis about the mechanism, distribution and nature of the water masses etc., based on more recent data. On the other hand, the establishment of temperature and salinity data for the waters partially covering the continental shelf near Câdiz, has demonstrated the presence, in this area, of North Atlantic Surface Water (NASW), to about 140 metres depth, with clear seasonal variations. At a deeper level, some North Atlantic Central Water (NACW) has been detected, but the presence of Mediterranean Water (MW), which circulates below 500 metres, in the continental slope, has not been observed.