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1994: Vol. LXXI, No. 2

Airborne Laser Depth Sounding in Sweden

julio 30, 2015


This paper will review some of the laser depth sounding work in Sweden. These activities include the development of a helicopter borne lidar called FLASH1,2 as well as instrumentation (HOSS) for in situ measurement of the optical water parameters.3 These instruments have been used in a rather extensive field trial, some of which will be discussed in more detail. The FLASH system has been further developed into two operational systems called Hawk Eye, with Saab Instruments as the main contractor and Optech Inc. as the main subcontractor. Data from Hawk Eye will hopefully be available at the time of the meeting and will be discussed. FOA is member of the Hawk Eye project team together with the Swedish Hydrographic Department, the Swedish Navy and the Swedish Material Administration (FMV).