The Fraunhofer “Smart Ocean Technologies” (SOT) research team extends its range of services towards underwater technology by developing new internal infrastructure. To test sensor technology and materials, empirical underwater data is required to evaluate new technology within realistic conditions. Various external factors like swell, wind, and the underwater environment itself complicate stable framework conditions during the measurements. For this purpose, a test platform called MiniLab was developed which can be extended by modules with respect to common interfaces. It serves as a base frame for internal as well as external projects. The MiniLab consists of an underwater unit and an onground unit. Both are connected via a hybrid underwater cable. In addition to the environmental conditions, camera live streams can be transmitted. The MiniLab service platform is currently being used in the Warnow River and in the Digital Ocean Lab (DOL) in the Baltic Sea. However, it is available for observations in other waters (Fraunhofer, 2021a).