Jean-François Beaupré works as a Senior Surveyor for Natural Resources Canada, Sur-veyor General, Cadastral Survey Information. He participated in the IHO S-121 project team’s de-velopment activities and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC) pilot project on Maritime Limits and Boundaries. In the recent years, he also acted as a technical expert for different projects for the Standard Council of Canada (SCC), International Standard Organization (ISO), International Federation of Surveyor (FIG), and United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management (UN-GGIM). He holds a B.Sc. in Geomatics from Université Laval, Canada and a M.Sc. in Land administration from ITC, Netherlands.
Serge Lévesque joined the Canadian Hydrographic Service in 2011 as part of the team re-sponsible for Canada’s Maritime Limits and Boundaries (MLB) and nautical geodesy. He now de-velops and implements standards supporting Canada’s Marine Spatial Data Infrastructure (MSDI). He participated in the IHO S-121 project team’s development activities and the OGC pilot project on MLB where S-121 was further developed. He holds a B.Sc. in Geological Engineering from Laval University, Québec and a M.Sc. in Oceanography from Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada. Serge held the CARIS LOTS (Law Of The Sea software) product manager position for five years.
Ryan Ahola is an Environmental Scientist with Canada’s national mapping agency: Natural Resources Canada’s (NRCan) Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation. He acts as the technical liaison between NRCan and the Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), helping to co-ordinate the many activities NRCan undertakes with OGC as a Strategic Member. He also fulfills additional roles to help advance Canada’s Geospatial Data Infrastructure, from supporting Cana-da’s participation at the United Nations Committee of Experts on Global Geospatial Information Management to driving the use of microservices to modernize NRCan’s geospatial information technology systems. Ryan also has a background in satellite imagery analysis.
Sébastien Durand works for Natural Resource Canada, Canada Centre for Mapping and Earth Observation, an organization supporting Canada Open directive. His contributions to the Maritime Limits and Boundaries S121 started many years ago as technical advisor in the Canadi-an Hydrographic Services, within Fisheries and Oceans Canada. He contributed to the IHO-S121 project team as vice-chair, integrating vision and contributions made by all members of this great team of experts. He bares the conviction that this standard enables the integration of the admin-istration context within geomatics, which represents an opportunity to leverage space and time to enhance decision making.
C. Douglas O’Brien, President of IDON Technologies Inc., has extensive experience with respect to Information Technology with emphasis on the handling of spatial data in a standards environment. He has served as International Convenor of ISO TC211 Geographic Information Working Group 6 on Imagery for 15 years and has been involved in all aspects of information technology standardization for over 40 years. The Canadian Government has twice honored Mr. O'Brien with the Public Service Merit Award, he was awarded the Engineering Medal of the Asso-ciation of Professional Engineers of the Province of Ontario for Research and Development and was co-recipient of the Touche-Ross New Perspectives Award. Douglas O'Brien was born in Ot-tawa Canada and received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Carleton University in Ottawa Canada.
Jonathan Pritchard has over twenty years experience in Hydrography and more than thirty years in the technology industries. He works for IIC Technologies in the United Kingdom where he is the senior technical manager. Jonathan is an active contributor and active participant in many of the leading IHO working groups developing technical standards for marine geospatial phenomena. He is a former IHO working group chair, a current co-chair of the ENC conversion subgroup and also co-chair of the OGC's Marine Domain Working Group.
Mark Alcock is the Principal Advisor for Georegulation and Law of the Sea at Geoscience Australia, where he leads Australia's offshore boundary program. He has a particular interest in the digital transformation of land administration and sound management of the oceans for the public good. He has chaired the S-121 project team at the International Hydrographic organisa-tion since its inception. He has provided assistance on management of the marine space to more than 20 countries. He has a BSc in Geology from the University of Canberra and Graduate Diplo-ma in Legal Studies from the Australian National University.
The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) establishes guidelines for management of coastal States’ maritime limits and boundaries information. For consistent deposit of maritime limits and boundaries under the UNCLOS, a standards-based approach is required. This article describes development of this approach through the IHO S-121 standard. Requirements for IHO S-121 are outlined, followed by the data model development methodology. Results outline the data model structure and show how IHO S-121 meets UNCLOS requirements. IHO S-121 represents a significant advancement for consistent management of coastal States’ limits and boundaries data and will help States meet their UNCLOS obligations.