Estimation of Nautical Chart Datum by the Statistical Method in Micro and Meso Tidal Regime : An Alternative to the Balay Harmonic Method


  • Vinícius Fuchs
  • Gregorio Luiz Galvão Teixeira Federal University of Espirito Santo
  • Teodósio das Neves Milisse Nzualo Federal University of Rio de Janeiro


In coastal areas that have a great meteoceanographic influence in sea-level variability, the Chart Datum (CD) can be computed using the statistical method (SM), which considers the tidal and the non-tidal sea-level components. However, that method was not systematically evaluated along the Brazilian coast. In this work, the SM is compared with the harmonic method used to define the CD in Brazilian Nautical Charts. Both methods were applied in five tidal gauge stations, with simulations performed for different time range series. The results show that the method found a safe value in all the cases, being consistent even at microtidal regimen with significant meteorological influences.

Author Biographies

Vinícius Fuchs

Lieutenant Vinícius Fuchs, Assistant of the Oceanography Division of the Research and
Survey Vessel "Vital de Oliveira". B.Sc. in Naval Science (Naval College, 2016), he comple-ted
the Hydrographic Course IHO/FIG/ICA Category A in 2020 (Directorated of Hydrography and
Navigation – DHN).

Gregorio Luiz Galvão Teixeira, Federal University of Espirito Santo

Gregorio Luiz Galvão Teixeira, Assistant Professor of Oceanic Tides and of Geology and Geophysisc on Admiralty Radler de Aquino Instruction and Training Center. He received her master degree in Envromental Engeneering from Federal University of Espirito Santo, in Brazil. His current research interests include morphogravimetric variabilities on Brazil continental margin and estatistical methods to compute chart and tidal datums. He has published papers in national and international journals in oceanography and hydrography areas.

Teodósio das Neves Milisse Nzualo, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro

Teodósio das Neves Milisse Nzualo, since 2015 is a Postdoctoral Research Associate in Coastal Engineering at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) in Brazil. He holds a Ph.D. (2015) and M.Sc. in Coastal Engineering with emphasis on hydrodynamic and sediment transport modeling on shallow water regions, from Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ); He also received B.Sc in Oceanography from Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) in Mozambique. Dr. Teodósio Nzualo has 12 years of experience with computational numerical modeling in the areas of: hydrodynamics of rivers, estuaries, bays, lagoons etc; hydraulic modeling; fluvial mechanics; hydraulic works; sediment transport; dredging; Water quality models; control of water pollution and tidal current energy resource assessment.




How to Cite

Fuchs, V., Teixeira, G. L. G., & das Neves Milisse Nzualo, T. (2021). Estimation of Nautical Chart Datum by the Statistical Method in Micro and Meso Tidal Regime : An Alternative to the Balay Harmonic Method. The International Hydrographic Review, (26), 7–19. Retrieved from


