Contracts, Quality Assurance and Risk in the Offshore Survey Business


  • W. J. M. Roberts Racal Survey Limited, UK


There is no doubt that surveyors involved in any aspect of the offshore survey industry have an absorbing job. It is equally certain that they are in a difficult business. These difficulties do not arise only from the ever increasing complexity of the technology; there is just as much need for care and preparation in tackling the administrative and contractual aspects of the work. Where surveyors get a chance to get together at various symposia and conferences it is a fairly safe prediction that the whole of the programme will be taken up with study of the techniques and technology of their work. Few would deny that, as professionals, we have tended to skimp on consideration of the equally important management problems. This session at Hydro 86, devoted to aspects of the latter subject, is therefore particularly welcome. This is a discussion paper. The views expressed in it are personal; they do not necessarily reflect the thinking of any corporate organisation.




How to Cite

Roberts, W. J. M. (2015). Contracts, Quality Assurance and Risk in the Offshore Survey Business. The International Hydrographic Review, 64(2). Retrieved from


