The Hydrographic and Wrecksearch Vessel "DENEB" as an Example for a Modern Survey Vessel


  • Udo Laube SIN Atlas Elektronik, Bremen, Germany


The Survey, Wrecksearch, and Research Ship (VWFS) "DENEB", built at the Peenewerft in Wolgast, is the latest in the fleet of the German Federal Maritime and Hydrographic Agency BSH (Bundesamt für Seeschiffahrt und Hydrographie). It is a sister-ship to the existing VWFS "ATAIR" and "WEGA" and is intended as a successor to the Survey Vessel "CARL FRIEDRICH GAUSS" and the old Survey and Wrecksearch Vessel "DENEB" taking over their tasks. The "DENEB", commissioned in the late fall 1994, is equipped with a currently unique combination of sensors and a prevailing system concept for navigation and hydrographic tasks, which changes the traditional concept of having an Operating Navigation System separated from the Hydrographic Survey System. The main operating area of this new vessel is the Baltic Sea, but other tasks will be performed in accordance with the requirements.




How to Cite

Laube, U. (2015). The Hydrographic and Wrecksearch Vessel "DENEB" as an Example for a Modern Survey Vessel. The International Hydrographic Review, 72(1). Retrieved from


