1 Brookes and Stevens (1985) reported a conventional radio-carbon date of 8250 ± 320 BP (δ13C = +1.0 per mil; GSC – 3433 [2σ error]; Blake (1986), p. 5; normalized to 8634 ± 320 BP) on three paired valves of Hiatella arctica (Linné) occupying cavities bored by them in limestone breccia at 6 m asl, at Cow Head, Newfoundland, on the Gulf of St. Lawrence (49°55’N; 57°48’W). Over the bored rock surface the beach-ridged surface of nearshore gravel relates to a sea-level stand at 8 m. This terrace is prominent locally, eroded across resistant Cambrian– Ordovician carbonates, as at Lower Head, which encloses Shallow Bay northward (Brookes and Stevens 1985, Fig.1). As mentioned in the original paper, two other shell occurrences in coastal cliffs along this shore have similar conventional 14C dates, and are associated with emerged marine landforms with elevations falling on a plane rising gently northwards, from 6 m asl at Western Brook, 10 km south (8340 ± 150 BP, GSC 1763 [no δ 13C determined]), through the Cow Head – Lower Head features, to Parsons Pond, 13.5 km north (GSC – 1762, 8650 ± 150 BP [no δ 13C determined]). At the latter site, Grant (in Lowdon et al. 1977, p. 3) reported an emerged marine foreland terraced at 13 m, 8 m, and 5 m asl. A feature at closer to 11 m would be expected there in this projection.
2 A more precise AMS radiocarbon age has been obtained on a fragment of one Hiatella shell at 6 m asl on the same bored outcrop at Cow Head, 8960 ± 25 BP (δ13C -1.4 per mil) (UCIAMS – 44422 [normalized to 9382 ± 25]. After normalization and subtraction of an estimated marine reservoir age of 530 years, averaged from values given for northern and southwestern Gulf of St. Lawrence in Dyke et al. (2003), this age calibrates to 10 599 ± 35 cal yr BP (Fairbanks et al. 2005).
3 Such a relative sea-level stand, which includes the geomorphic and taphonomic contexts at Cow Head, and the similar context at Western Brook, and possibly at Parsons Pond, over a coast-wise distance of 23.5 km, could be expected to apply more widely along this shore, although there is no sufficiently detailed survey. The sea-level stand may have been due to (i) regional climatic deterioration sufficient to cause significant increase in glacial loading, briefly slowing isostatic uplift to the same rate as ocean-level rise; (ii) briefly increased glacial melting on a regional or wider scale, causing ocean-level to rise at the same rate as isostatic uplift; or (iii) briefly increased seaice activity which eroded the bedrock surface, destroying the Hiatella colony, and increasing the supply of inshore gravel to blanket the shore platform so formed.
4 The calibrated age of the shells at Cow Head, 10599 ± 35 cal yr BP, is at the upper end of the range of calendar ages determined for a climatic cooling in evidence at ten localities in and around the Gulf of St. Lawrence (Brookes and Grant, in press). Three of these contexts represent glacier stillstand or readvance – along the 700 km Quebec North Shore Moraine System (Dubois and Dionne 1985), and in small highland ice caps in the northern Long Range of Newfoundland (Waitt 1981), and in the Cape Breton Highlands (Grant 1994). The age limits of this cooling have yet to be determined, but its effects, nevertheless, would have been felt in increased seaice activity, possibly accelerating coastal erosion (iii, above). Considering the proximity of the retreating margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet, retardation of isostatic uplift along this coast of the Goldthwait Sea by ice readvance or stillstand (i, above) is a possibility worthy of geophysical attention.
A. Telka, Palaeotec Services, Ottawa, processed the shell sample, and expedited it to the Keck Laboratory at UC Irvine for the AMS date. A.S. Dyke generously advised on normalization of 14C ages. The journal’s reviewer contributed necessary cautions, while the editor handled matters helpfully and patiently.REFERENCES
Blake, W. Jr. 1986. Geological Survey of Canada Radiocarbon Dates - XXV. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 85-7, 32 p.
Brookes, I.A. and Stevens, R.K. 1985. Radiocarbon age of rock-boring Hiatella arctica (Linné) and post-glacial sea-level change at Cow Head, Newfoundland. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, 22, pp. 136–140.
Brookes, I.A. and Grant, D.R. in press. Geological evidence of a palynologically defined cooling in southeastern Canada at 10 000 – 8 000 14C years BP. Géographie physique et Quaternaire, 61.
Dubois, J-M. and Dionne, J-C. 1985. The Québec North Shore Moraine System: a major feature of late Wisconsin deglaciation. In Late Pleistocene History of Northeastern New England and adjacent Québec. Edited by H. W. Borns, Jr., P. LaSalle and W. B.Thompson. Geological Society of America, Boulder, Special Paper 197, pp. 125–133.
Dyke, A.S., McNeely, R., Southon, J., Andrews, J.T., Pel-tier, W.R., Clague, J.J., England, J.H., Gagnon, J-M., and Baldinger, A. 2003. Preliminary assessment of Canadian marine reservoir ages. Canadian Quaternary Association, 11th Biennial Meeting, Dalhousie University, Halifax, Nova Scotia, June 2003, Program and Abstracts, p. A23–A24.
Fairbanks, R.G., Mortlock, R.A., Tzu-Chien Chiu, Kaplan, A., Guilderson, T.P., Fairbanks, T.W., and Bloom, A.L. 2005. Marine radiocarbon calibration curve spanning 0 to 50 000 years B.P. based on paired 230Th/234U/238U and 14C on pristine corals. Quaternary Science Reviews, 24, pp. 1781–1796. doi:10.1016/j.quascirev.2005.04.007
Lowdon, J.A., Robertson, I.M., and Blake, W. Jr. 1977. Geological Survey of Canada Radiocarbon Dates - XVII. Geological Survey of Canada Paper 77-7, 25 p.
Grant, D.R. 1994. Quaternary Geology, Cape Breton Island, Nova Scotia. Geological Survey of Canada, Ottawa, Bulletin 482, 159 p.
Waitt, R.B. 1981. Radial outflow and unsteady retreat of Late Wisconsin to early Holocene icecap in the northern Long Range upland, Newfoundland. Geological Society of America Bulletin, 92, pp. 834–838. doi:10.1130/0016-7606(1981)92<834:ROAURO>2.0.CO;2
Editorial responsibility: Sandra M. Barr