LOUISE H. FORSYTH enseigne le français à l'université Western Ontario depuis 1965. A partir de juillet 1980 elle est directrice du département des études françaises. Ses dornaines de recherche sont la civilisation et la littérature québécoises. Elle s'intéresse surtout à l'histoire du théâtre et à 1'écriture au féminin. Elle a fait des communications et publié des articles dans les deux domaines.

KATHLEEN FRASER is a doctoral student at the University of Western Ontario, where she completed an M.A. thesis in 1978 on a history of the McDowell Theatre Company, 1872-93. She served as research assistant for James Reaney's The Dismissal in 1977 and has recently been appointed editor of the ACTH/AHTC Newsletter.

DAVID GARDNER is an actor, director, and doctoral student at the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama, University of Toronto. He is currently writing a history of the theatre in Canada.

CHRISTOPHER JOHNSON teaches in the Department of English at the University of Manitoba. He originated the Brock Bibliography of Published Canadian Stage Plays in English, 1900-1972, and is also a playwright.

A. OWEN KLEIN, JR. is Chairman of the Liberal Studies Division of St Clair College in Windsor, Ontario. He previously taught speech and theatre at Notre Dame University and the University of Windsor.

ROBERT G. LAWRENCE is Professor of English at the University of Victoria, British Columbia. He has published four editions of Elizabethan-Jacobean plays and articles of Canadian fiction and drama. He is currently working on a book about English theatre companies in Canada.

MARY JANE MILLER, Associate Professor and former Chairman of the Department of Drama and Film at Brock University, is currently engaged in research on contemporary Canadian theatre and vintage Canadian television drama.

JAMES S. MOY is Assistant Professor of Theatre at the University of Oregon where he teaches theatre history, play direction and acting. His articles on popular theatre have appeared in Theatre Quarterly, Educational Theatre Journal, and Theatre Survey.

ANNETTE SAINT-PIERRE enseigne la littérature canadienne-française au Collège Universitaire de Saint-Boniface. Elle vient de terminer sa thèse de doctorat au Manitoba sur le théâtre français. Elle est co-fondateur de la maison d'edition 'Les Editions du Blé' et fondateur-administrateur du Centre d'Etudes franco-canadiennes de l'Ouest.