
GERALDINE ANTHONY is Chairman of the Department of English at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax, Nova Scotia. She is the author of the books John Coulter and Gwen Pharis Ringwood, and the editor of Stage Voices and Profiles in Canadian Drama, as well as contributor to many journals on Canadian drama and literary criticism.

YASHDIP SINGH BAINS received his doctorate at Syracuse University and has taught in universities in Canada, the United States and India. He is author of a dozen articles on Canadian theatre, one of the most recent being 'Painted Scenery and Decorations in Canadian Theatres 1765-1825', published in Theatre History in Canada, 3,2 (Fall 1982).

MAURICE BLANCHARD teaches French at the University of Western Ontario. He specializes in Quebec literature, particularly Gérard Bessette, and is currently involved in research in twentieth-century Quebec theatre.

MARY M. BROWN, Associate Professor in the Department of English, University of Western Ontario, is the author of two chapters in the forthcoming History of Theatre in Ontario. Her current interest is a study of the Michigan, Ohio and Ontario theatres controlled by C.J. Whitney and Ambrose Small.

J.A. EURINGER, actor, director and playwright, is currently Head of the Department of Drama at Queen's University

DAVID GARDNER is a professional actor, director and Canadian theatre historian. In addition to television and film appearances, he has performed with Stratford, the Old Vic and Tarragon. In the 1960s he produced drama for CBC Television and went on to become Artistic Director of the Vancouver Playhouse and Theatre Officer for the Canada Council. He has recently completed a Ph.D. thesis on the early years of Canadian theatre history for the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama, University of Toronto.

GEORGES GODIN is a member of the Department of French at the University of Western Ontario. He is a specialist in Michel Butor and French-Canadian literature.

JEAN-CLÉO GODIN enseigne les littératures françaises et québécoise au département d'études françaises de l'Université de Montréal. Il a publié, avec Laurent Mailhot, deux ouvrages sur la théâtre québécois. Il a également signé plusieurs articles sur l'histoire du théâtre au Québec et sur le théâtre québécois contemporain.

INGRID JOUBERT est professeur agrégé au Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface, chargée de cours de littérature française depuis 1972. Elle a publié un livre sur l'oeuvre romanesque de Jean-Paul Sartre et des articles sur le théâtre canadien-français et Sartre. Elle prépare actuellement un recueil d'essais sur Sartre, un doctorat d'Etat a Paris III et un livre sur le théâtre canadien-français de l'après-guerre.

JOHN MARGESON is Professor of English at Scarborough College, University of Toronto, where he teaches Elizabethan drama and Canadian literature. A graduate of University of British Columbia and the University of Toronto, he has taught at Acadia, Cambridge, Hull and Oslo Universities.

PATRICK B. O'NEILL is Associate Professor of Speech and Drama at Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax. His primary interest recently has been compiling bibliographies of Canadiana. He is currently preparing a list of Canadian materials held by the British Library.

NATALIE REWA is working on her doctoral dissertation at the Graduate Centre for Study of Drama on garrison and amateur theatricals in Kingston and Quebec City from 1800 to 1880, and has been the editorial assistant for Theatre History in Canada since 1981. She has worked as a puppet designer and manipulator exploring the symbolic qualities of puppets in adaptations of adult plays. Among her other interests are theatre for young audiences and collective creations.

ANNETTE SAINT-PIERRE est professeur de littérature canadienne au Collège universitaire de Saint-Boniface où elle dirige le Centre d'études franco-canadiennes de l'Ouest. Elle a publié Gabrielle Roy sous le signe du rêve, Le rideau se 1ève au Manitoba et, tout récemment, un roman intitulé La fille bègue. D'ici quelques mois, elle publiera, en collaboration avec Rossel Vien, Le répertoire littéraire des auteurs de l'Ouest.