MOIRA DAY is a graduate student at the University of Toronto Drama Centre and a sessional Instructor in the University of Alberta Drama Department. She is currently completing a dissertation on 'Elizabeth Sterling Haynes and the Development of the Alberta Theatre'.

JOAN FERRY was co-founder of Toronto Workshop Productions. She attended the Central School of Speech & Drama in London, England where she co-edited in the mid-fifties the theatre magazine Encore. She has held theatre workshops and directed plays in English and French in British Columbia, Ontario, England. She is a playwright, director, writer and educator presently working in the French immersion program for the Board of North York and preparing her first novel 'The World's Fair'.

LOUISE H. FORSYTH, Professor of French, University of Western Ontario, does research in Quebec theatre history and Quebec feminist writers. She has published in both areas. She was formerly Book Review Editor for publications in French for Theatre History in Canada / Histoire du théâtre au Canada.

KATHLEEN FRASER obtained her PhD from the University of Western Ontario, with research on Ida van Cortland. She is a member of the ACTH / AHTC executive and has edited the Newsletter of that Association for a number of years.

MONIQUE GENUIST est professeure de français et de littérature québécoise à l'Université de la Saskatchewan. Publications: La Création romanesque chez Gabrielle Roy, Languirand et l'absurde, plusieurs contributions pour les tomes 2 à 5 du Dictionnaire des oeuvres littéraires du Québec, et de nombreux articles pour différentes revues. Un travail de recherche est maintenant orienté vers l'étude des textes d'écrivaines québécoises et françaises dans une perspective féministe.

RENÉE NOISEUX GURIK, scénographe, a fait ses études au Collège Marguerite Bourgeois, à l'Institut des Arts appliqués de la Province de Québec (formation décorateur-ensemblier), et à l'Ecole Nationale de Théâtre du Canada, section décoration. De 1965 à 1974 elle a exercé le métier de scénographe, principalement à la Nouvelle Compagnie Théâtrale, à l'Opéra du Québec, au Théâtre du Nouveau-Monde. Depuis 1970 elle enseigne la Scénographie et l'Histoire du décor et du costume à l'Option-théâtre au Cégep Lionel-Groulx.

RAIJA KOSKI a fait son doctorat, étude de l'oeuvre de Claire Martin, à l'Université de Toronto. Elle enseigne actuellement dans le département des études françaises à l'Université de Western Ontario. Ses recherches portent sur la femme et la littérature québécoise.

ROBIN MATTHEWS is a playwright and co-founder of the Great Canadian Theatre Company of Ottawa. He is currently Visiting Professor at the Centre for Canadian Studies of Simon Fraser University.

MALCOLM PAGE was President of ACTH/AHIC, 1981-83. This year he has published File on Shaffer (Methuen) and Richard II ('Text and Performance' Macmillan). He is working on a study of Michael Cook's work and an anthology of British Columbia plays.

LINDA M. PEAKE is a director and stage manager with a particular interest in Canadian women playwrights. She is currently completing a doctoral thesis on the theatre history of Prince Edward Island at the Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama, University of Toronto.

MARILYN POTTS is a High School Drama teacher with the Calgary Catholic School Board. She earned an M.A. from the Department of Education, University of Calgary, with a thesis entitled: 'Alberta Drama Education Origins: The Contributions of the Department of Extension, University of Alberta in the Field of Drama Education from 1912-1962.' She is presently seconded by the University of Calgary, Faculty of Education, for 1985-87 as a University Associate working with student teachers in Art, Drama, Music and Physical Education.

ANN SADDLEMYER, co-founder and formerly co-editor of Theatre History in Canada/Histoire du théâtre au Canada and founding President of the Association for Canadian Theatre History, has written and edited numerous works on Canadian and Irish drama and theatre.

ANTON WAGNER obtained his doctorate from the Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama, University of Toronto. He is the editor of Contemporary Canadian Theatre: New World Visions, published by Simon & Pierre.