MATHÉ ALLAIN is Professor of French and Francophone Literature at the University of Southwestern Louisiana in Lafayette.

GERALDINE ANTHONY is Professor Emeritus of English at Mount Saint Vincent University, Halifax. She is author of John Coulter (1976) and Gwen Pharis Ringwood (1981) and has edited Stage Voices and the series Profiles in Canadian Drama. She is also a Past President of ACTH/AHTC and a member of the Advisory Board of Canadian Drama/L'Art dramatique canadien.

KATALIN KÜRTÖSI teaches Canadian literature and drama in the Department of Comparative Literature at Joseph Attila University, Szeged, Hungary.

RICHARD PAUL KNOWLES is chair of the department of drama at the University of Guelph. He has published on Shakespeare and on Canadian drama and theatre in a variety of periodicals.

ROTA HERZBERG LISTER is Associate Professor of English at the University of Waterloo. The founding editor of Canadian Drama/L'Art dramatique canadien, she has published numerous articles and reviews and presented papers on Canadian drama. She has also edited the critical edition of John Fletcher's Renaissance comedy, The Wild-Goose Chase.

JAMES NOONAN, a founding member of ACTH/AHTC, is Associate Professor of English at Carleton University. He has written several articles on Canadian drama and theatre for three of the Oxford Companions published in Canada, and for other publications. He is currently working on a study of Culture and Rideau Hall.

ANNE NOTHOF, Associate Professor of English at Athabasca University, has for the past six years produced and hosted 'Theatre of the Air,' a weekly radio programme on ACCESS Network CKUA, for which she has co-produced Arthur Milner's Learning to Live with Personal Growth and Paul Quarrington's The Invention of Poetry.

MARIEL O'NEILL-KARCH enseigne la littérature québécoise à l'Université de Toronto et fait de la critique de théâtre sur les ondes de CJBC (Toronto). Elle a publié des articles sur le théâtre de Marie-Claire Blais ainsi que sur le théâtre québécois joué à Toronto.

JONATHAN RITTENHOUSE, Associate Professor and Chair of the Drama Department at Bishop's University, is currently guest editor of Studies in History and politics (vol 9, 1990) and Director of the Eastern Townships Research Centre.

CHRISTL VERDUYN est directrice du programme Women's Studies à l'Université Trent, et membre du Département d'études françaises. Ses publications portent sur l'écriture de la femme au Canada anglais et au Québec. Editrice de Margaret Laurence: An Appreciation (Broadview 1988), elle travaille actuellement sur une étude approfondie de l'œuvre de Marian Engel.

HERBERT WHITTAKER is founding Chairman of the Canadian Theatre Critics' Association, having been critic for the Montreal Gazette and The Globe and Mail, Toronto. His most recent book is Winston's: Life and Times of a Great Restaurant, covering its theatrical years. He was made Officer of the Order of Canada in 1976 for his contribution to Canadian theatre.