HÉLÈNE BEAUCHAMP is an editor of Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches théâtrales au Canada. Her biographical statement appears elsewhere in this issue.

LOUIS BÉLANGER est professeur au Département d'études littéraires de l'Université du Nouveau Brunswick, campus St-Jean. Il travaille présentement A la rédaction de sa thése de doctorat. Il s'intéresse au théâtre québécois et canadien-français.

RENATE BENSON is a Professor in the Department of Languages and Literatures at the University of Guelph. She has published several books on German expressionist theatre, and has translated numerous French-Canadian plays into German and English.

REID GILBERT is on the Editorial Board of Theatre Research in Canada / Recherches théâtrales au Canada. His biographical statement appears elsewhere in this issue.

SARA GRAEFE is a playwright whose latest work, Scribbles, was produced by the National Arts Centre as part of the NAC English Theatre's 1992-93 Off-Centre Series. She is currently an M.F.A. candidate in Theatre and Creative Writing at the University of British Columbia.

TOM HENDRY is a writer who works as Policy Director of the Toronto Arts Council on a consulting basis. He is a co-founder of, among other organizations, Manitoba Theatre Centre, Toronto Free Theatre, Playwrights Canada/PUC, Arts and the Cities, and the Banff Playwrights Colony and Playwriting Department. He was Secretary-General of the Canadian Centre of the ITI (1964-9), and Literary Manager for the Stratford Festival (1969-70). He is the author of many plays and articles, as well as a pioneering 1985 study of Arts/Municipal relationships, 'Cultural Capital: The Care and Feeding of Toronto's Artistic Assets.' He served in 1986 as Chair of the National Arts Centre Task Force.

HARRY LANE teaches Drama at the University of Guelph; his publications include Canada On Stage 1986-1988, and he is co-editor of the journal Essays in Theatre/Études théâtrales.

PATRICK B. O'NEILL is on the Editorial Board of Theatre Research in Canadal Recherches théâtrales au Canada. His biographical statement appears elsewhere in this issue.