KEVIN BURNS has just taken up residence in the nation's capital after a five year term producing The Arts Report for CBC Radio in Toronto. Before turning to arts journalism in 1990, he taught acting and collective theatre in the Drama Department at the University of Alberta in Edmonton.

TIBOR EGERVARI est professeur au département de théâtre de l'Université d'Ottawa. Formé comme metteur en scène à Strasbourg, il a enseigné à l'École nationale de Théâtre du Canada et a dirigé pendant 14 ans le plus ancien théâtre populaire de France, le Théâtre du Peuple de Bussang. Il s'intéresse à la mise en scène, à son enseignement et à la relation Public Théâtre.

JAMES FORSYTHE is Associate Professor of Drama and Head of the Drama Program at Brandon University, Brandon, Manitoba.

JESSICA GARDINER is a doctoral student in the Graduate Centre for the Study of Drama at the University of Toronto where she recently directed a production of Sharon Pollock's Getting It Straight. She is also an actor, and drama coach, with a particular interest in nineteenth century Russian and British drama.

SHAWN HUFFMAN est étudiant de 3e cycle au Département de français à l'Université de Toronto. Il prépare une thèse sur le théâtre de Michel Marc Bouchard, Normand Chaurette et René-Daniel Dubois intitulée <<L'Affect en cachot: sémiotique des passions et le théâtre québécois d'enfermement>>. Il est présentement chargé de cours au Département de littérature à l'Université du Québec à Montréal où il enseigne la sémiotique littéraire. Il a publié des articles sur le genre bref, sur l'enfermement et sur le théâtre.

ELIZABETH JOHNSON is Curator of Ethnology at the U.B.C. Museum of Anthropology, where she has worked since 1979. She received her doctorate in anthropology from Comell University in 1976. Her research interests include the social organization of Cantonese Opera in Canada, and questions of social organization, gender, and identity in twentieth century south China. She has just completed research leave in Hong Kong.

JAMES NOONAN is Associate Professor of English at Carleton University where he teaches Canadian Drama and the Literature of Modem Ireland. Those interests were combined in Biography and Autobiography: Essays in Irish and Canadian History and Literature, a book he edited in 1993. He is completing a study of Culture and Rideau Hall.

ANDRÉ- LOISELLE, who wrote his PhD dissertation on film adaptations of Canadian plays, teaches in the Department of Film & Video at the University of Regina. He has published articles on theatre and film in such journals as Essays in Theatre, L'Annuaire théâtral, Canadian Journal of Film Studies and Québec Studies. He has recently co-edited (with Prof. Brian McIlroy) a book on cineaste Denys Arcand.

PIERRE POPOVIC est professeur au département des études françaises de l'Université de Montréal. Il a publié ou codirigé une dizaine d'ouvrages (La contradiction du poème, Montréal 1642-1992. Le grand passage, Miscellanées en l'honneur de Gilles Marcotte). Il collabore régulièrement aux Cahiers de théâtre/Jeu.