SCOTT DUCHESNE is currently a doctoral candidate at the University of Toronto. In May of 1999, at the Humanities Reflections on the Future conference at Laurentian University he gave a presentation entitled "Of Replicants and In-Valids: The Future of the Human in BLADE RUNNER and GATTACA".

JANE MOSS is the Robert E. Diamond Professor of French and Women's Studies at Colby College in Waterville, Maine where she has taught since 1979. Her numerous articles on French and Quebec theatre have appeared in a wide variety of scholarly journals, including The American Review of Canadian Studies, Quebec Studies, Theatre Research International, Mosaic, Canadian Literature, Signs, Atlantis, Modern Language Studies, The French Review, L'Annuaire théâtral, and Dalhousie French Studies. She has also contributed essays to books on Quebec and Francophone women writers. She was President of the American Council of Quebec Studies from 1992 to 1995 and is Managing Editor of Quebec Studies.

GLEN NICHOLS teaches drama and Engllish literature at the Université de Moncton. He has published articles on nineteenth-century theatre in Quebec and is currently compiling a checklist of Canadian theatre translations.

ANNE NOTHOF is Professor of English at Athabasca University, Alberta, and Chair of the Centre for Language and Literature. She has published essays on Canadian and modern British drama in Modern Drama, Mosaic, and the International Journal of Canadian Studies. She has recently edited an anthology of plays for NeWest Press, entitled Ethnicities: Plays from the New West. Her monograph on Sharon Pollock will be published by Guernica Press in 1999.

JULIE SALVERSON is a playwright, producer and educator and has worked in community arts and popular theatre since the early 1980s. She is currently writing a dissertation at OISE/UT looking at ethical and aesthetic issues in the performance of testimony. She has taught at Queen's University, the University of British Columbia, California State University at Long Beach and numerous community organizations. Her most recent play Boom, co-authored with Patti Fraser, is a one hour play with music about friendship and landmines. The script is available to youth groups free of charge from The Canadian Red Cross.