Contributors / Auteurs

MARIE-ÈVE BONENFANT est détentrice d’une maîtrise en histoire de l’art de l’Université Laval. elle est conseillère en patrimoine au ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition féminine du Québec. en 2006, elle a publié Les escaliers publics en fer de la ville de Québec. Entre fonctionnalité et représentation, 1880-1900 aux éditions du Septentrion.

NATHALIE COOKE is Professor of English and associate Dean of arts at McGill University. She is founding editor of CuiZine: The Journal of Canadian Food Cultures and editor of What’s to Eat? Entrées in Canadian Food History (McGill-Queen’s Press, 2009). her publications focus on Canadian literature, culture and foodways.

ANAÏS DÉTOLLE is a PhD candidate in humanities at Concordia University (Montreal). Coming from an anthropological background, her interest in food has led her to explore various issues such as food and religion in a Buddhist Vietnamese Temple and even food and geography in the search for regional foodscape in Provence. Her thesis seeks to explore the specificity of terroir values in Quebec and the way they are actualized.

CHARLENE ELLIOTT is an Associate Professor in Communication Studies at the University of Calgary. Elliott’s research agenda pertains to issues of communication and the body (ranging from sensorial communication, taste communication and bodily “regulation” to obesity and public health). she has published in numerous journals, including Law & Social Inquiry, Canadian Public Policy, Obesity Reviews, Canadian Journal of Communication, Journal for Cultural Research, Food, Culture and Society and The Senses & Society, and is co-editor of Communication in Question: Competing Perspectives on Contentious Issues in Communication Studies. Elliott is Principal Investigator of a CIHR funded study on the marketing of foods to children.

S. HOLYCK HUNCHUCK is an art historian and independent scholar in Ottawa. She is a frequent contributor to Material Culture Review/Revue de la culture matérielle. Her essay on Ukrainian Labour Temples can be found in the anthology Re-Imaginaing Ukrainian-Canadians: History, Politics, Identity (Jim Mochoruk and rhonda hinther, co-eds, University of Toronto Press, 2010), and her research on giant food sculptures in Alberta and Saskatchewan is forthcoming.

Y. LABERGE est encyclopédiste et historien du cinéma. il a enseigné à l’Université d’Ottawa, à l’université d’aix-en-Provence et à l’université d’islande à titre de professeur invité. Ses travaux de recherche et ses enseignements portent sur les études canadiennes et américaines, sur la sociologie de la culture, des médias et du cinéma, ainsi que sur l’éducation à la citoyenneté. Yves Laberge a publié plus d’une centaine de chapitres répartis dans une douzaine d’encyclopédies publiées aux États-Unis. Depuis vingt ans, il a fait paraître plus de 500 critiques de livres et comptes rendus dans une quarantaine de revues mais aussi pour des magazines comme Nuit blanche et Cap-aux-Diamants. Il est directeur des collections L’espace public pour les Presses de l’université laval et Cinéma et société pour les éditions l’harmattan (Paris), en plus d’être membre du conseil de rédaction de six revues internationales. Il est également membre du conseil consultatif de l’association canadienne des études culturelles et de la revue d’histoire Cap-aux-Diamants. Il est aussi membre du conseil d’administration du nouveau Musée canadien des droits de la personne. M. Laberge a obtenu une maîtrise en scénarisation et un doctorat en sociologie. il a effectué des études postdoctorales au Centre national de recherche scientifique (CNRS), à Paris.

JORDAN L. LEBEL is an Associate Professor in the Department of Marketing at the John Molson School of Business (Concordia University, Montreal) where he teaches The Marketing of Food as well as the MBA course, experience Marketing. While the research for the Material Culture Review/ Revue de la culture matérielle article was being conducted, he was an associate Professor at Cornell University’s School of Hotel Administration. A trained foodservice professional, his research interests focus on understanding the structure and unfolding of hedonic experiences, particularly when they involve food and beverages.

JESSICA MUDRY is an assistant professor in the General Studies Unit at Concordia University. Her scholarship works at the intersection of science communication, food studies and public policy. Suny Press published her first book, Measured Meals: Nutrition in America, in 2009, and she has published her work in journals such as Social Epistemology and Food, Culture and Society. Her current research projects, funded by FQRSC and SSHRC, trace how the calorie became constructed as a measure of human activity and food.

ALAN NASH (MA, PhD Cambridge) is an associate professor in the Department of Geography, Planning and Environment at Concordia University in Montreal where he currently teaches courses in human geography and the geography of food. He is co-author of the textbook Human Geography: Places and Regions in Global Context (Pearson, 2010). His most recent publications includes “From Spaghetti to Sushi: An Investigation of the Growth of Ethnic Restaurants in Montreal, 1951-2001” in Food, Culture and Society (2009).

RHONA RICHMAN KENNEALLY is an Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Design and Computation Arts at Concordia University, Montreal. Her research explores the relationship between food, culture and identity in Canada, with articles in Food, Culture and Society; What’s to Eat: Entrees in Canadian Food History (ed. Nathalie Cooke); and Expo 67: Not Just a Souvenir (co-edited with Johanne Sloan). She has since begun a SSHRC-funded study of the built environment of the home in ireland during the mid-20th century, as a means to explore women’s agency and the practices of everyday life.

DAVID SUTTON is Associate Professor of Anthropology at Southern Illinois University Carbondale. Ror the past twenty years he has been conducting research on the island of Kalymnos on issues of memory, historical consciousness, gender and food. He has published two books based on this research: Memories Cast in Stone: The Relevance of the Past in Everyday Life and Remembrance of Repasts: An Anthropology of Food and Memory. current research focuses on the process of transmitting cooking knowledge on kalymnos. He is co-editor of The Restaurants Book: Ethnographies of Where We Eat (berg, 2007), and co-author of Hollywood Blockbusters: An Anthropology of Popular Movies (berg, 2009).

DAVID SZANTO teaches Gastronomy, Food Studies and Communications at l’Université du Québec à Montréal, Concordia University and the University of Gastronomic Sciences, in Italy. He lives in montreal, where he will begin an interdisciplinary doctoral program in Gastronomy in 2010 at Concordia.

IOANA TEODORESCU is an architect and architectural historian with degrees from Cambridge University and the Architectural University in Bucharest. she is currently completing her PhD research at McGill University, working on Canadian postwar small house designs and the related material culture, with a focus on the mentoring role of Central Mortgage and Housing Corporation. A recipient of numerous grants from the universities of Cambridge and McGill, the Getty Foundation and the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, she has taught extensively and published articles dealing with postwar housing trends in eastern europe and the Western world, occasionally touching upon regional perspectives and religious architecture of Christian Eastern and Western rites.

LUCIA TERRENGHI is a designer and a researcher in the field of Human-Computer Interaction. Her interests address the relationship between humans and technologies and the ways in which technological artifacts can enhance social engagement, self-expression and creativity. She holds a Master of Science in Industrial Design and a PhD in Computer Science. She has been the recipient of numerous prizes for her design and research activities, including the 1998 YOUNG & DESIGN Contest, the Dutch “De Schooltas” National Design Contest in 1999 and the Google Europe Anita Borg Memorial Scholarship in 2007. Lucia is currently employed with the Vodafone Group Research and Development Lab in Munich.