Contributors / Auteurs

JONATHAN AITKEN teaches web design at Ryerson University. His area of creative research is in the field of kinetic typography. He is currently working on a project funded by an SSHRC Research/Creation Grant in Fine Arts. This project combines moving typography with live theatre and dance, with the goal of creating a believable “typographic actor.”

ELIZABETH BEATON, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor in the Community Studies Department of Cape Breton University. From 1988 to 1994, she was director of the Steel Project for CBU’s Beaton Institute.

MARSHALL JOSEPH BECKER, is Professor Emeritus at West Chester University. His principal research interest is the Lenape (“Delaware”) people of the Delaware River Valley of the period from 1500 to 1750. Their unusual uses for wampum led him, in 1971, to investigate the origins and functions of these shell beads. As a Senior Research Fellow at the University of Pennsylvania, Dr. Becker is engaged in the publication of the many aspects of wampum that now have been revealed.

MARIE-ÈVE BONENFANT a obtenu son diplôme de maîtrise en histoire de l’art de l’Université Laval. Au cours de ses études, elle a été boursière du Conseil de recherches en sciences humaines (CRSH). Elle travaille maintenant comme conseillère en patrimoine au ministère de la Culture, des Communications et de la Condition feminine du Québec.

MICHAEL GATES has a BA in archaeology (University of Calgary) and an MA in History Museum Studies (State University of New York). He also studied artifact conservation at the Canadian Conservation Institute in Ottawa. Formerly the Curator of Collections at Klondike National Historic Sites in Dawson City, he is currently the Cultural Integrity Specialist of the Yukon Field Unit of Parks Canada in Whitehorse. He has written articles in the fields of conservation, material history and museology and is the author of an early history of the gold exploration in the Yukon (“Gold at Fortymile Creek, UBC Press: 1994). His most notable work was as the team leader for the restoration of the Commissioner’s Residence in Dawson City.

S. HOLYCK HUNCHUCK is an art historian and independent scholar in Ottawa. Her interests include architecture and urban design, and more recently, war memorials.

A. J. B. (JOHN) JOHNSTON is a longtime historian with Parks Canada, currently working in the Halifax office. He is the author of numerous studies on the history of Atlantic Canada. His most recent book is Endgame 1758: The Promise, the Glory and the Despair of Louisbourg’s Last Decade, published in late 2007 in Canada by Cape Breton University Press and in the USA by University of Nebraska Press.

YVES LABERGE détient un doctorat en sociologie de l’art et dirige les collections « L’espace public » et « Cinéma et société » aux Presses de l’Université Laval. En plus d’avoir publié une centaine d’articles, Yves Laberge fait partie du comité de lecture de cinq revues arbitrées: Sociological Research Online, Laval théologique et philosophique, New Cinemas - Journal of Contemporary Film, Contemporary Aesthetics, Ethnography and Education.

PIERRETTE LAFOND termine des études au 2e cycle en Ethnologie des francophones d’Amérique du Nord à l’Université Laval, sous la direction de Laurier Turgeon et Denis Saint-Jacques (littérature). Son mémoire porte sur le corpus des livres à l’index de la bibliothèque du Séminaire de Québec. Elle participe actuellement au projet de recherche de l’Institut du patrimoine culturel de l’Université Laval (IPAC) sur la présence des huguenots en Nouvelle-France qui fera l’objet d’une exposition au Musée de l ‘Amérique française de Québec à l’été 2008.

COLIN P. LAROQUE is a professor in the Department of Geography and Environment at Mount Allison University in Sackville, New Brunswick. He is the director of the Mount Allison Dendrochronology Laboratory (MAD).

STERLING MARSH is an officer with the Tantramar Planning Commission in Sackville, NB, and an amateur historian of the Tantramar region of New Brusnwick.

MEREDITH QUAILE is originally from a dairy farm, south of Ottawa, Ontario. She obtained her undergraduate degree in History from the University of Ottawa in 1999, followed by a combined Masters of Arts from the University of Ottawa, in History and Women’s Studies. She is currently finishing her dissertation for her doctoral degree. In addition to having taught at Memorial University of Newfoundland and the University of Ottawa, she has presented her research at the 2001 Dalhousie University Graduate Student’s conference, the 2005 Canadian Historical Association conference in London, Ontario, and at MUN’s 2007 School of Graduate Studies Colloquia.

COLIN RIPLEY is an Assistant Professor in the Department of Architectural Science at Ryerson University, and Graduate Program Director for Ryerson’s Master of Architecture degree. Mr. Ripley is interested in architecture as a form of cultural exploration, specifically the role of architecture and of the architect, in the extended framework of Western cultural practices, the role of sexual identity in the construction of modern space and the use of sound in architectural design. A partner with Paul Raff, Kathy Velikov and Geoff Thün in RVTR, Colin Ripley holds a Bachelor of Engineering from McMaster University, a Master of Science in theoretical physics from the University of Toronto, and a Master of Architecture from Princeton University. His first book, In the Place of Sound: Architecture/Music/Acoustics will be released in Spring, 2008.

NIGEL SELIG is currently pursuing his MA (Planning) at the University of Waterloo. He graduated from Mount Allison University in 2006 with a BA in geography and history. His interests include historical changes in Maritime culture and architecture.

DIANE TYE is Associate Professor and Head of the Department of Folklore, Memorial University of Newfoundland. She specializes in areas of women’s traditional culture and has just completed a study that explores women’s personal recipe collections as autobiography. With Dr. Pauline Greenhill, she is co-editor of Undisciplined Women: Tradition and Culture in Canada (McGill Queen’s: 1997).

JEFF WEBB is a member of the Department of History at Memorial University of Newfoundland. He is the author of a number of essays on aspects of political and cultural history.