SlÂN BEST is a freelance press writer and photograph editor living in London, England.
MARTA BRAUN teaches film and photographic history at Ryerson Polytechnic University in Toronto, Ontario. She is author of the prize winning Picturing Time: The Work of Etienne-Jules Marey (1830 - 1904), for which she was awarded the Knight of the Order of Academic Palms by the government of France.
RANDALL C. BROOKS, curator of Physical Sciences and Space at the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa, has a special interest in eighteenth- and nineteenth-century observatories and related facilities in Canada.
BRYAN DEWALT is curator of Communications at the Canada Science and Technology Museum in Ottawa.
SARAH GORDON is a doctoral candidate at Rutgers University studying American and Women's history. Her publications include Magic Wardrobe: Time Travel with Paper Dolls, an educational CD-ROM published by IBM and Crayola.
ROBERT HANNAH, a senior lecturer with the Department of Classics and dean of the School of Language, Literature and Performing Arts with the University of Otago, in Dunedin, New Zealand, has authored several papers on Greek and Roman Calendars.
DAVID HARRIS is an independent curator and photographic historian in Montreal, specializing in nineteenth-century and contemporary architectural and landscape photography.
ELIZABETH IRVING-WADDLETON, of Quebec, has published in numerous journals including Thema (Louisiana Arts Council), Cicada, and Night Owl.
CATHERINE MARCOGLIESE is a Quebec artist living and working in France. In 1998 a selection of her work was published in the photographic review Images (no. 39).
ALEXIS McCROSSEN, an assistant professor of History at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas, was awarded a National Endowment for the Humanities Fellowship for a project entitled Time Consciousness in the United States.
PAUL NATHANSON has a Ph.D. in religious studies from McGill University. His area of specialization is the relation between religion and secularity in America, with particular interest in popular religion and popular culture.
CATHERINE SAOUTER, sémiologue, est professeure au Département des communications de l'Université du Québec à Montréal. Ses recherches, enseignements et publications portent sur les théories de l'image dans une perspective sémiotique et historique.
ANDREA SCHULD is a graduate student in Human Ecology at the University of Alberta.
CARLENE E. STEPHENS is a curator in the History of Technology Division, National Museum of American History, at the Smithsonian Institution in Washington, D.C..
PATRICIA K. WOOD is an assistant professor in the Department of Geography, York University, Toronto, and co-author of Citizenship and Identity.