Winterthur Portfolio:A Journal of American Material Culture Building an understanding of American material culture by drawing on America's past arts, artifacts, and architecture American art is a strong component of American material culture, an exciting area of study whose relevance reaches far beyond
this specialized field. It has a rich context that often transcends national borders. The journal emphasizes analytical studies
that integrate artifacts into their cultural framework, with contributions from such diverse fields as listart historyanthropology architectureAmerican studiesliteraturedecorative artscultural geography archaeology folk studieshistory Winterthur Portfolio is not a museum bulletin, nor is it an antiques magazine. Nor is it only for curators and preservationists. Winterthur Portfolio: A Journal of American Material Culture is a scholarly journal presenting articles that foster knowledge of the arts in America and the broader cultural context
within which they were developed. Catherine E. Hutchins, editor Published triannually by the University of Chicago Press Regular one-year subscriptions rates: Individuals $31.50; Members, College Art Association $28.00, Students $24.00, Institutions $69.00. Outside USA, please add
$8.00 postage. Canadians, please add 7% GST plus $8.00 postage. Visa and MasterCard payments accepted. To order, please send
check, purchase order, or complete charge card information to the University of Chicago Press, Journals Division, Dept. SS4SA,
P.O. Box 37005, Chicago, IL 60637. 2/94 Canadian Historical Association Unnamed ImageSociété historique du Canada Founded in 1922, the Canadian Historical Association (CHA) is an internationally recognized, bilingual association committed to encouraging historical research and public interest in history, promoting the preservation of historic sites and buildings, and publishing historical works and documents. It lobbies archives, museums, govern-ments, and granting agencies in the interest of historians, particularly on issues relating to the preservation of heritage materials and public access to historical documents. Many members are professional historians, but the CHA also encourages anyone with an interest in history to join. Membership categories include professional, sustaining, general, student, and emeritus as well as affiliated society and institutional members. All members receive: Unnamed Image Unnamed Image • the Association's Bulletin, a newsletter with topical articles, information on forthcoming conferences, fellowships and research grants, and news from historians and archives across Canada. • the annual Journal of the CHA with the best papers presented at the annual conference; • an average of two Historical Booklets annually as well as booklets from Canada's Ethnic Group series. Other services include a subscription service to numerous learned journals, and a defence fund to protect members when legal costs arise from their work. For more information please contact the Canadian Historical Association 395 Wellington Street Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N3. Fax: (613) 567-3110 Tel: (613) 233-7885 International Journal of Canadian Studies Revue internationale d'études canadiennes Subscription Abonnement Rate per year'/Tarif par année*: $30 regular subscription/abonnement régulier ($35 outside Canada/à l'extérieur du Canada) $20 members of ICCS Associations, retirees or students, please include proof/membres
des associations du CIEC,retraitésou étudiants, s.v.p. joindre une preuve ($25 outside Canada/ à l'extérieur du Canada) 'Canadian subscribers, please add 7% GST/ Abonnés canadiens, s.v.p. ajouter 7 p. 100 de TPS. Please indicate year of subscription/Veuillez indiquer Vannée d'abonnement désirée : ] 1990 N° 1-2 - Research on Canada/La recherche sur le Canada D 1991 N° 3 - The Changing Dimensions of Ethnicity in Canada/Les
nouvelles dimensions du phénomène ethnique au Canada N° 4 - The Evolving Canadian Landscape/Le paysage canadien en évolution
D 1992 N° 5 - European Contacts with Canada/Les contacts entre l'Europe et le CanadaN° 6 - Arts and Literature in Canada: Views from Abroad/Les arts et la littérature au Canada :regardsde l'extérieur D 1993 N° 7/8-The Charter, Federalism and the Constitution/La Charte, le fédéralisme et la Constitution Special issue/Numéro hors
série - Generations in Canadian Society/Le phénomène des générations et la société canadienne D 1994N° 9-Canada and the USSR/CIS: Northern Neighbours/Partenaires du Nord: le Canada et l'URSS/CEIN° 10 - Identities and Marginalities/Identités et marginalités D 1995 N° 11 - Women in Canadian Society/Les femmes et la société canadienne N° 12 - Aboriginal Peoples and Canada/Les peuples autochtones et le Canada Name/Nom Address/Adresse Credit card #/Nº de carte de crédit : Expiry Date/Date d'expiration Signature Please return ad and payment to/S.v.p. retourner l'annonce et votre paiement à la IJCS/RIEC 2 Daly, Ottawa, Ontario, KIN 6E2, Canada THE AMERICAN REVIEW OF CANADIAN STUDIES Unnamed ImageACSUS, a non-profit organiza-tion, encourages the study of Canada at all educational levels and in all disciplines. Throughits national secretariat, ACSUS coordinates developments and activities in Canadian studies and works closely with academ-ics, business executives, andgovernment officials in striving for an improved understanding of issues affecting the bilateral relationship. The majority ofACSUS members are univer-sity professors engaged in re-search and teaching about Canada; a growing number rep-resent the corporate sector, the legal community, and govern-ment agencies in both theUnited States and Canada. In-stitutional members includelibraries, publishers, and profess-ional groups. A multidisciplinary quarterly journal published by the Association for Canadian Studies in the UnitedStates (ACSUS) focused on Canada, the Canadianpoint-of-view, and Canada's place in die world. While scholarly analysis—both interdisciplinary and disciplinary—makes up most of the Review's content, topical discussions of ongoing issues affecting Canada and Canadians are also featured.A wide-ranging selection of book-review essays,shorter book reviews, and listings of books receivedoffers readers an overview of recent publication inCanadian studies. The American Review of CanadianStudies appeals to specialist and general reader alike, engaging Canadian concerns from an Ameri-can perspective. Robert Thacker, EditorSt. Lawrence University Bruce A. Butterfield, Associate Editor (Book Reviews)State University of New York College at Plattsburgh The Review is distributed free of charge to all members of ACSUS. Back issues are available, as are back runs for new institutional members. Annual Rates: One Year Two Years Individual $60 $110 Student/retired 25 45 Institution 105 200 Contributing 100 200 For subscription and membership information, contact: The Association for Canadian Studies in the United States One Dupont Circle, Suite 620 Washington, DC 20036 (202) 887-6375 Fax: (202)296-8379 Internet: CANADIAN STUDIES The Material History Review provides a venue for refereed articles and research reports encompassing a range of approaches in interpreting the past through
an analysis of Canadians' relationship to their material world. Critical reviews of books, exhibitions, and historic sites,
artifact studies and reports on collections encourage the use of material evidence in understanding historical change and
continuity. MHR is distributed to more than 250 universities, research institutes, museums, and libraries, in 30 countries. It is indexed
in America: History and Life, Journal of American History, Technology and Culture's Current Bibliography in the History of Technology, and Annual Bibliography of Ontario History. MHR is also indexed on the CHIP database, available through the Canadian Heritage Information Network (CHIN). Subscription Rates (Canadian subscribers please add 7% GST) One-Year Two-Year Three-Year 1995 1995-1996' 1995-1997' Individuals $ 18.00 $ 32.00 $ 46.00 Institutions $ 30.00 $ 52.00 $ 77.00 Back Issues $ 8.50 $ 8.50 $ 8.50 * Rates valid until December 31,1995. The Material History Review is published twice a year. Cheques or money orders should be made payable to the National Museum of Science and Technology.
Please allow four weeks for back orders. Subscriptions and related correspondence should be addressed to: Finance Division (MHR)National Museum of Science and TechnologyP.O. Box 9724, Station T Ottawa, Ontario K1G 5A3 Credit card orders (including name, card number, expiry date, amount and signature) can be faxed to: Finance Division (MHR),
613-990-3635. Submission of Manuscripts Correspondence concerning contributions, author guidelines and editorial matters should be addressed to the Managing Editor,
Material History Review, at the above address. Revue d'histoire de la culture matérielle La Revue d'histoire de la culture matérielle présente des articles et des travaux de recherche ayant fait l'objet de rapports critiques, qui proposent différentes façons
d'aborder l'étude et l'interprétation du passé par l'analyse des rapports unissant les Canadiens et leur monde matériel. Des
critiques de livres, d'expositions et de lieux historiques, des études d'objets et des articles sur les grandes collections
canadiennes favorisent l'utilisation de témoins matériels dans l'interprétation du changement et de la continuité historiques.
La Revue est envoyée à plus de 250 universités, instituts de recherche, musées et bibliothèques dans 30 pays. Elle est répertoriée
dans America : History and Life, Journal of American History, dans la « Current Bibliography in the History of Technology » publiée dans Technology and Culture, et dans Annual Bibliography of Ontario History. Elle figure également dans la base de données CHIP, accessible par l'entremise du Réseau canadien d'information sur le patrimoine
(RCIP). Tarifs d'abonnement (au Canada, ajouter TPS de 7 p. 100) Un an Deux ans Trois ans 1995 1995-1996* 1995-1997* Particuliers 18,00$ 32,00$ 46,00$ Établissements 30,00$ 52,00$ 77,00$ Anciens numéros 8,50$ 8,50$ 8,50$ * Tarifs en vigueur jusqu'au 31 décembre 1995 inclus. La Revue paraît deux fois l'an. Les chèques ou mandats postaux doivent être faits à l'ordre du Musée national des sciences et de la
technologie. Il faut compter quatre semaines pour la livraison des anciens numéros. Toute correspondance au sujet des abonnements
doit être envoyée à l'adresse suivante : Division des finances (RHCM)Musée national des sciences et de la technologie C.P. 9724, succursale TOttawa (Ontario)K1G 5A3 Les commandes payées par carte de crédit (comprenant nom, numéro et date d'expiration de la carte, montant et signature) peuvent
être acheminées par télécopieur à la Division des Finances, au (613) 990-3635. Présentation des manuscrits Toute correspondance concernant les articles ou leur présentation, ainsi que les questions rédactionnelles, doit être adressée
au directeur administratif, Revue d'histoire de la culture matérielle, à l'adresse mentionnée plus haut. ISSN 11Û3-1D73 02 $9.00 9,00$ 9 771183"107008' Canada