ANNMARIE ADAMS is Assistant Professor at the School of Architecture, McGill University.
GERRY BERKOWSKI is an archivist with the Provincial Archives of Manitoba in Winnipeg.
JOHN E. CARTER is Curator of Photographs at the Nebraska State Historical Society.
JEFFERSON G. DAVIS is the archivist for the Hockey Hall of Fame in Toronto.
BRYAN DE WALT is a historian at the National Museum of Science and Technology in Ottawa.
ÉLISE DUBUC est conseillère en muséologie et en étude et mise en valeur des vêtements. Détentrice d'une maîtrise en muséologie, elle prépare une thèse de doctorat sur l'utilisation des reproductions en contexte muséal. Elle a travaillé dans plusieurs établissements museaux canadiens.
RICHARD FISET a reçu une formation en archéologie préindustrielle et prépare un doctorat en archéologie industrielle. Il fait aussi partie de la firme Arkéos à titre de conseiller en histoire des techniques.
JENNIFER HAYMAN has an M. A. in Public History and is a quilt historian, lecturer and teacher.
WALTER HILDEBRANDT is a historian and poet living in Calgary.
FRANZ KLINGENDER is a doctoral fellow studying the history of technology in the Department of History at the University of Ottawa.
DR. DAVID CHUENYAN LAI is a professor in the Department of Geography at the University of Victoria.
LOUISE LALONGER est conservatrice des textiles à la Direction de la conservation du Ministère de la culture du Québec.
ALAN B. MCCULLOUGH is a historian with the National Historic Sites Directorate of Parks Canada in Ottawa.
PAUL NATHANSON has published works on film and television, including, "You Can't Go Home Again... Or Can You?: Reflections on the Symbolism of TV Families," in the Journal of Popular Culture, 1993.
JOAN SEIDL is Curator of History at the Vancouver Museum.
JOHN SUMMERS, Curator of the Marine Museum of Upper Canada, is a councillor of the Canadian Nautical Research Society, and a member of the Board of Directors of the Museum Small Craft Association.
LOUISE TROTTIER est conservatrice des collections reliées au secteur de l'énergie au Musée national des sciences et de la technologie, à Ottawa.