Issues Published / Numéros publiés

Issues Published / Numéros Publiés

(Mercury Series/Collection Mercure, History/Histoire, No. 15, 1976).
Out of print/épuisé.
(Mercury Series/Collection Mercure, History/Histoire, No. 21, 1977).
Out of print/épuisé.
(Spring/Printemps 1977).
Articles: Ruth Holmes Whitehead, Christina Morris: Micmac Artist and Artist's Model; David Newlands, A Catalogue of Sprig Moulds from Two Huron County, Ontario, Earthenware Potteries; Charles Foss, John Warren Moore: Cabinetmaker, 1812-1893; Marie Elwood, The State Dinner Service of Canada, 1898.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Lise Boily et Jean-François Blanchette, Les fours à pain au Quebec par Pierre Rastoul; Vancouver Centennial Museumn, "Milltown Gallery" by Nicholas Dykes; Musée du Québec, La fabrication artisanale des tissus; appareils et techniques by Adrienne Hood; A. Gregg Finley, ed., Heritage Furniture/Le mobilier tranditionnel by Elizabeth Ingolfsrud; Virginia Careless, Bibliography for the Study of British Columbia's Domestic Material History by Jim Wardrop.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Norman R. Ball, Comments on the Burrard Inlet Sawmill Inventory: 1869; Bernard Genest, Recherches ethnographiques au Ministère des Affaires culturelles du Québec; Adrienne Hood, Research into the Technical Aspect of Reproducing 19th Century Canadian Handwoven Fabrics; History Section, Nova Scotia Museum.
(Fall/Automne 1977).
Article: George N. Horvath, The Newfoundland Cooper Trade.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: D. Pennington and M. Taylor, A Pictorial Guide to American Spinning Wheels by Judy Keenlyside; Carol Priamo, Mills of Canada and William Fox et al., The Mill by Felicity Leung; Lise Boily et Jean-François Blanchette, Les fours à pain au Québec (Réplique des auteurs).
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Jeanne Arseneault, A la recherche du costume acadien; Robert D. Watt, The Documentation of a Rare Piece of British Columbiana: The Helmcken Presentation Silver; Gerald L. Pocius, Material Culture Research in the Folklore Programme, Memorial University of Newfoundland; R.G. Patterson, Recent Research on a Victoria, B.C., Silversmith: William Maurice Carmichael (1892-1954).
(Spring/Printemps 1978).
Articles: Stephen Archibald, Civic Ornaments: Ironwork in Halifax Parks; David L. Newlands, A Toronto Pottery Company Catalogue.
Reviews/Comptes rendus:Woodward's Catalogue 1898-1953 and The Autumn and Winter Catalogue 1910-1911 of the Hudson's Bay Company by David Richeson; Valerie Simpson, ed., Women's Attire/Les vêtements féminins by Ivan Sayers; Jacques Bernier, Quelques boutiques de menuisiers et charpentiers au tournant du ⅪⅩe siècle par Serge Saint-Pierre; Charles H. Foss, Cabinet-makers of the Eastern Seaboard: A Study of Early Canadian Furniture by John Mclntyre; National Museum of Man "A Few Acres of Snow/ Quelques arpents de neige" by Jean Friesen.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Jim Wardrop, Modem History Division, British Columbia Provincial Museum; Joyce Taylor Dawson, The Needlework of the Ursulines of Early Quebec.
(Fall/Automne 1978).
Articles: C. Peter Kaellgren, Glass Used in Canada: A Survey from the Early Nineteenth Century to 1940 (Ontario); John Sheeler, Factors Affecting Attribution: The Burlington Glass Works; Paul Hanrahan, Bottles in the Place Royal Collection; Robert D. Watt, Art Glass Windown Design in Vancouver.
Review/Compte rendu: Janet Holmes and Olive Jones, Glass in Canada: An Annotated Bibliography.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Carol Sheedy, Les vitraux des maisons de la Côte-de-Sable d'Ottawa; Deborah Trask, The Nova Scotia Glass Company; Peggy Booker, Ontario's Victorian Stained Glass Windows; Peter Rider, Dominion Glass Company Records.
(Spring/Printemps 1979).
Articles: R. Bruce Shepard, The Mechanized Agricultural Frontier of the Canadian Plains; John Adams, A Review of Clay burn Manufacturing and Products, 1905 to 1918.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Marylu Antonelli and Jack Forbes, Pottery in Alberta: The Long Tradition by David Richeson; Eileen Collard, publications on clothing in Canada by Katharine B. Brett; Mary Conroy, 300 Years of Canada's Quilts by Leslie Maitland; Alexander Fenton, Scottish Country Life by J. Lynton Martin; Ellen J. Gehret, Rural Pennsylvania Clothing by Adrienne Hood; Jean-Pierre Hardy, Le forgeron et le ferblantier par Jean-Claude Dupont; Howard Pain, The Heritage of Upper Canadian Furniture by Donald Blake Webster; Mary Shakespeare and Rodney H. Pain, West Coast Logging: 1840-1910 by Warren F. Sommer; Deborah Trask, Life How Short, Eternity How Long: Gravestone Carving and Carvers in Nova Scotia by Gerald L. Pocius.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves:Glass Collections in Canada/Les collections de verre au Canada; F.J. Thorpe, Eighteenth-Century Land-Surveying Equipment and Supplies.
(Special Issue/Numéro spécial, 1979). Canada's Material History: A Forum/Colloque sur l'histoire de la culture matérielle au Canada.
Papers/Communications: F.J. Thorpe, Remarks at the Opening Session; Jean-Pierre Wallot, Culture matérielle et histoire; John J. Mannion, Multi-disciplinary Dimensions in Material History; Robert D. Watt, Toward a Three-Dimensional View of the Canadian Past; Elizabeth Ingolfsrud, Tangible Social History: The Ontario Furniture Collection of the National Museum of Man; Jean-Pierre Hardy et Thiery Ruddel, Un projet sur l'histoire de la culture et de la société québécoises; David J. Goa, The Incarnation of Meaning: Approaching the Material Culture of Religious Traditions; Luce Vermette, Sources archivistiques concernant la culture matérielle; Lilly Koltun, Seeing is Believing? — A Critique of Archival Visual Sources; Gerald L. Pocius, Oral History and the Study of Material Culture; W. John McIntyre, Artifacts as Sources for Material History Research; Alexander Fenton, Material History in Great Britain; Joseph Goy, L'histoire de la culture matérielle en France; Thomas J. Schlereth, Material Culture Studies in America; Marie El wood, A Museum Approach to Material History Studies; Paul-Louis Martin, Un passé en quête d'avenir.
(Fall/Automne 1979).
Articles: Anita Campbell, An Evaluation of Iconographic and Written Sources in the Study of a Traditional Technology: Maple Sugar Making.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Patricia Baines, Spinning Wheels, Spinners and Spinning by Judy Keenlyside; Bus Griffiths, Now You're Logging by Robert Griffin; David L. Newlands and Claus Breede, An Introduction to Canadian Archaeology by Dianne Newell; D.R. Richeson, ed., Western Canadian History: Museum Interpretations by Alan F.J. Artibise; Vancouver Centennial Museum, "The World of Children: Toys and Memories of Childhood" by Zane Lewis; Musée du Québec, "Cordonnerie traditionnelle" par Yvan Chouinard.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Robert Shiplay, War Memorials in Canadian Communities; Peter Priess and Richard Stuart, Parks Canada, Prairie Region.
(Spring/Printemps 1980).
Articles: Martha Eckmann Brent, A Stick in Time: Sewing Machine Industry of Ontario, 1860-1891.
Special Report/Rapport spécial: Victoria Dickenson and Valerie Kolonel, Computer-Based Archival Research Project: A Preliminary Report.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Clement W. Crowell, The Novascotiaman by Rosemary E. Ommer; Jean-Claude Dupont, Histoire populaire de l'Acadie par Clarence LeBreton; Michel Gaumond et Paul-Louis Martin, Us maîtrespotiers du bourg Saint-Denis, 1785-1888 par Corneliu Kirjan; Bernard Genest et al., Les artisans traditionnels de l'est du Québec par Jean-Pierre Hardy; Paul B. Kebabian and Dudley Whitney, American Woodworking Tools by Martin E. Weaver; Ray MacKean and Robert Percival, The Little Boats: Inshore Fishing Craft of Atlantic Canada by David A. Taylor; Ruth McKendry, Quilts and Other Bed Coverings in the Canadian Tradition by Leslie Maitland; Marcel Moussette, La pêche sur le Saint-Laurent; Répertoire des méthodes et des engins de capture par Corneliu Kirjan; David L. Newlands, Early Ontario Potters: Their Craft and Trade by Elizabeth Collard; Loris S. Russell, Handy Things to Have Around the House by Hilary Abrahamson; Jeffrey J. Spalding, Silversmithing in Canadian History by Tara Nanavati; Sheila Stevenson, Colchester Furniture Makers by David L. Myles; Donald Blake Webster, English-Canadian Furniture of the Georgian Period by Benno Forman.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Marie Elwood, The Weldon and Trumball-Prime China Collections; David Skene-Melvin, Historical Planning and Research Branch, Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation; Corneliu Kirjan, Les publications de la Direction générale du patrimoine, Ministère des Affaires culturelles, Québec.
(Fall/Automne 1980). Furniture in Canada — Le mobilier au Canada.
Out of print/épuisé.
(Spring/Printemps 1981).
Articles: Gerald L. Pocius, Eighteenth and Nineteenth-Century Newfoundland Gravestones.
Research Note/Note de recherche: Ronald Getty and Ester Klaiman, Identifying Medalta, 1916-1954: A Guide to Markings.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: British Columbia Provincial Museum, Modem History Galleries by Ian MacPherson; British Columbia Provincial Museum, "William Maurice Carmichael, Silversmith" by Martin Segger; Judith Buxton-Keenlyside, Selected Canadian Spinning Wheels in Perspective: An Analytical Approach by Peter W. Cook; Musée du Québec, "Regard sur le mobilier victorien" par Denise Leclerc; Point Ellice House, Victoria, B.C. by John Adams; Lynne Sussman, SpodelCopeland Transfer-Printed Patterns Found at 20 Hudson's Bay Company Sites by Elizabeth Collard.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Duncan Stacey, The Iron Chink; Richard Stuart, An Approach to Material Culture Research.
(Fall/Automne 1981). Exploiting the Forest/Exploitation forestière.
Out of print/épuisé.
(Spring/Printemps 1982).
Articles: George Bervin, Espace physique et culture matérielle du marchand-négociant à Québec au début du XIXe siècle; Georges P. Léonidoff, L'habitat de bois en Nouvelle-France: son importance et ses techniques de construction; Anita Rush, Changing Women's Fashion and its Social Context, 1870-1905.
Research Notes/Notes de recherche: Martin Segger, Some Comments on the Use of Historical Photographs as Primary Sources in Architectural History; Robert W. Frame, Woodworking Patterns at the Sutherland Steam Mill, Nova Scotia Museum; E.M. Razzolini, Costume Research and Reproduction at Louisbourg; Richard MacKinnon, Company Housing in Wabana, Bell Island, Newfoundland.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: Barbara Riley, Domestic Food Preparation in British Columbia, 1895-1935; Elizabeth Quance, Ontario Historical Society Material Culture Project; CELAT, Ethnologie de l'Amérique française; Sheila Stevenson, An Inventory of Research and Researchers Concerned with Atlantic Canadian Material Culture.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: National Museum of Man, "The Covenant Chain: Indian Ceremonial and Trade Silver" by Robert S. Kidd; Vancouver Museum, "Waisted Efforts" by Marion Brown; National Gallery of Canada, "The Comfortable Arts" by Anita Rush; Newfoundland Museum, "Newfoundland Outport Furniture" by Christine Cartwright; New Brunswick Museum, "On the Turn of the Tide: Ship and Shipbuilders, 1769 to 1900" by Eric Ruff; Musée national de l'Homme, "L'art du marteau: coup d'œil sur la ferronnerie et la ferblanterie" par Johanne LaRochelle; Collectif, Jean-Claude Dupont et Jacques Mathieu, comps., Les métiers du cuir par David T. Ruddel; Peter E.Rider, ed., The History of Atlantic Canada: Museum Interpretation by William B. Hamilton; Thomas J. Shlereth, Artifacts and the American Past by Del Muise; David and Suzanne Peacock, Old Oakville: A Character Study of the Town's Early Buildings and of the Men Who Built Them by Harold Kalman; Jack L. Summers, René Chartrand, and R.J. Marion, Military Uniforms in Canada, 1665-1970 by Charles Bourque; Robert S. Elliott, Matchlock to Machine Gun: The Firearms Collection of the New Brunswick Museum by John D. Chown.
(Special Issue/Numéro spécial, 1982). Colloquium on Cultural Patterns in the Atlantic Canadian Home.
Papers/Communications: Gerald L. Pocius, Interior Motives: Rooms, Objects, and Meaning; Shane O'Dea, The Development of Cooking and Heating Technology; Linda Dale, A Woman's Touch: Domestic Arrangements; Wilfred W. Wareham, Aspects of Socializing and Partying in Outport Newfoundland; Gary R. Butler, Sacred and Profane Space; Kenneth Donovan, Family Life and Living Conditions in Eighteenth-Century Louisbourg; Carol M. Whitfield, Barracks Life in the Nineteenth Century; Donald Blake Webster, Furniture and the Atlantic Canada Condition; Thomas Lackey, Folk Influence in Nova Scotia Interiors; Marie Elwood, Halifax Cabinet-Makers, 1837-1875: Apprenticeships; Irene Rogers, Cabinet-making in Prince Edward Island; T.G. Dilworth, Thomas Nisbet; Cora Greenaway, Decorated Walls and Ceilings in Nova Scotia; Charles H. Foss, Room Decorating and Furnishing in the First Half of the Nineteenth Century; David Orr, Traditional Furniture of Atlantic Canada; A Roundtable Discussion: Collectors, Dealers, and Museums: Private Initiative and Public Responsibility; Victoria Dickenson and George Kapelos, Closing Remarks.
(Winter/Hiver 1982). Ceramics in Canada/La céramique au Canada.
Articles: Lester Ross, The Archaeology of Canadian Potteries; Elizabeth Collard, Nineteenth-Century Canadian Importers' Marks; Ronald Getty, The Medicine Hat and the Alberta Potteries; Lynne Sussman, Comparing Ceramic Assemblages in Terms of Expenditure; Jennifer Hamilton, Ceramics Destined for York Factory; William Coedy and J.D. MacArthur, Characterization of Selected Nineteenth-Century Southern Ontario Domestic Earthenwares by Chemical Analysis; Donald B. Webster, The Prince Edward Island Pottery, 1880-98; Sophie Drakich, Eighteenth-Century Coarse Earthenwares Imported into Louisbourg; John Carter, Spanish Olive Jars from Fermeuse Harbour, Newfoundland.
Research Note/Note de recherche: Colette Dufresne, La poterie au Québec, une histoire de famille.
Ceramics Collections/Collections de poteries.
(Spring/Printemps 1983). Material Conditions and Society in Lower Canada: Post mortem inventories/Civilisation matérielle au Bas-Canada: les inventaires après décès.
Introduction: Jean-Pierre Hardy, Gilles Paquet, David-Thiery Ruddel et Jean-Pierre Wallot, Material Conditions and Society in Lower Canada, 1792-1835/Culture matérielle et société au Québec, 1792-1835.
Articles: Gilles Paquet et Jean-Pierre Wallot, Structures sociales et niveaux de richesse dans les campagnes du Québec, 1792-1812; George Bervin, Environnement matériel et activités économiques des conseillers exécutifs et législatifs à Québec, 1810-1830; Jean-Pierre Hardy, Niveaux de richesse et intérieurs domestiques dans le quartier Saint-Roch à Québec, 1820-1850; D.T. Ruddel, The Domestic Textile Industry in the Region and City of Quebec, 1792-1835; Christian Dessureault, L'inventaire après décès et l'agriculture bas-canadienne; Lorraine Gadoury, Les stocks des habitants dans les inventaires après décès.
(Fall/Automne 1983).
Articles: Anita Rush, The Bicycle Boom of the Gay Nineties: A Reassessment; Catherine Sullivan, The Bottles of Northrup & Lyman, A Canadian Drug Firm.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: Julia Cornish, The Legal Records of Atlantic Canada as a Resource for Material Historians; Tina Rolande Roy, New Brunswick Newspaper Study of Imports, 1800-1860; Nancy-Lou Patterson, German-Alsatian Iron Gravemarkers in Southern Ontario Roman Catholic Cemeteries; Lynn Russell and Patricia Stone, Gravestone Carvers of Early Ontario; Luigi G. Pennacchio and Larry B. Pogue, Inventory of Ontario Cabinetmakers, 1840-ca.1900.
Notes and Comments/Nouvelles brèves: Robert Griffin and James Wardrop, Preliminary Investigations into Ocean Falls Pulp and Paper Plant; Claudia Haagan, Material History Sources in Eighteenth-Century Nova Scotia Newspapers; Sandra Morton, History of Alberta Quilts; T.B. King, A Research Tool for Studying the Canadian Glass Industry; Andrée Crépeau, An Inventory of Persons Working on the Material Culture of Eighteenth-Century Louisbourg; Elizabeth J. Quance and Micheal Sam Cronk, Selected Museum Studies Dissertations at the University of Toronto.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Glenbow Museum, "The Great CRP Exposition" by David R. Richeson; National Museum of Man, "The Ever-Whirling Wheel" by Catherine Cooper Cole; Robert W. Passfield, Building the Rideau Canal by Norman R. Ball; Walter W. Peddle, The Traditional Furniture of Outport Newfoundland by Shane O'Dea; Barbara Lang Rottenberg with Judith Tomlin, Glass Manufacturing in Canada: A Survey of Pressed Glass Patterns by Deborah Trask; David T. Ruddel, Canadians and Their Environment by Robert Griffin; Thomas J. Schlereth, Material Culture Studies in America by A. Fenton.
(Spring/Printemps 1984).
Articles: Hilary Russell, "Canadian Ways": An Introduction to Comparative Studies of Housework, Stoves, and Diet in Great Britain and Canada; Ian Radforth, In the Bush: The Changing World of Work in Ontario's Pulpwood Logging Industry during the Twentieth Century; W. John McIntyre, From Workshop to Factory: The Furnituremaker; Marilyn J. Barber, Below Stairs: The Domestic Servant.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: Sandra Morton, Inventory of Secondary Manufacturing Companies in Alberta, 1880-1914; Nancy-Lou Patterson, Waterloo Region Gardens in the Germanic Tradition; H.T. Holman, Some Comments on the Use of Chattel Mortgages in Material History Research.
Reviews/Comptes rendus:Costume in Canada: An Annotated Bibliography by Jacqueline Beau-doin-Ross and Pamela Blackstock; Canadian War Museum, "The Loyal Americans" by John Brooke; Newfoundland Museum, "Business in Great Waters" by James Hiller; McCord Museum, "The Potters' View of Canada" by Lynne Sussman; Elizabeth Collard, The Rotters' View of Canada: Canadian Scenes on Nineteenth-Century Earthenware by Robert Copeland; Eileen Marcil, Les Tonneliers du Québec by Peter N. Moogk.
(Fall/Automne 1984).
Articles: Jocelyne Mathieu, Le mobilier contenant: Traitement comparatif Perche-Québec, d'après des inventaires de biens après décès des XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles; Alison Prentice, From Household to School House: The Emergence of the Teacher as Servant of the State.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: Frances Roback, Advertising Canadian Pianos and Organs, 1850-1914; Luce Vermette, L'habillement traditionnel au début du XIXe siècle; Eileen Marcil, La rôle de la tonnellerie dans la réglementation de la pêche au début du XIXe siècle; Anita Rush, Directory of Canadian Manufacturers, Bicycle Industry, 1880-1984; David Neufeld, Dealing with an Industrial Monument: The Borden Bridge; Claudia Haagen and Debra McNabb, The Use of Primary Documents as Computerized Collection Records for the Study of Material Culture.
Notes and Comments/Notes et commentaires: Gregg Finley, Material History and Museums: A Curatorial Perspective; Hilary Russell, Reflections of an Image Finder: Some Problems and Suggestions for Picture Researchers; Papers completed in North American Decorative Arts Graduate Course, University of Toronto, 1968-82.
Forum/Colloque: Robert D. Turner, The Limitations of Material History: A Museological Perspective; Peter E. Rider, The Concrete Clio: Definition of a Field of History.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Manitoba Museum of Man and Nature, "Concerning Work" by David Flemming; National Museum of Man, "Of Men and Wood" by Robert H. Babcock; Pares Canada, région du Québec, "Québec: port d'entrée en Amérique" by David-Thiery Ruddel.
(Spring/printemps 1985).
Greg Baeker, Introduction.
Articles: Thomas J. Schlereth, The Material Culture of Childhood: Problems and Potential in Historical Explanation; Felicity Nowell-Smith, Feeding the Nineteenth-Century Baby: Implications for Museum Collections; Christina Bates, "Beauty Un-adorned": Dressing Children in Late Nineteenth-Century Ontario; Hilary Russell, Training, Restraining, and Sustaining: Infant and Child Care in the Late Nineteenth Century; Janet Holmes, Economic Choices and Popular Toys; Mary Tivy, Nineteenth-Century Canadian Children's Games.
(Fall/Automne 1985).
Articles: Ernst W. Stieb, A Professional Keeping Shop: The Nineteenth-Century Apothecary; W. John Mclntyre, Diffusion and Vision: A Case Study of the Ebenezer Doan House in Sharon, Ontario; Bruce Curtis, The Playground in Nineteenth-Century Ontario: Theory and Practice.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche:Towards a Material History Methodology; Richard Henning Field, Proxemic Patterns: Eighteenth-Century Lunenburg-German Domestic Furnishings and Interiors; David Mattison, All the Latest Improvements: Vancouver Photographic Studios of the Nineteenth Century.
Research Note/Note de recherche: Serge Rouleau, 1986: Cent ans d'exploitation de la cale sèche Lome, à Lauzon.
Forum/Colloque: D.R. Richeson, An Approach to Historical Research in Museums; Barbara Riley, Research and the Development of a Domestic History Collection.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Canadian War Museum, "Women and War" by Ruth Roach Pierson; Royal Ontario Museum, "Georgian Canada: Conflict and Culture, 1745-1820" by Gregg Finley; New Brunswick Museum, "Treasures;" "The Great 19th Century Show;" "Colonial Grace: New Brunswick Fine Furniture;" "Foundations: The River Province;" by Stuart Smith, Judith Tomlin, Rosemarie Langhout, Tim Dilworth, Elizabeth W. McGahan; Elizabeth Collard, Nineteenth-Century Pottery and Porcelain in Canada by Alan Smith; Edwinna von Baeyer, Rhetoric and Roses: A History of Canadian Gardening 1900-1930 by Alex Wilson; Canadian War Museum, "The Rebellion of 1885" by Brereton Greenhous; Louisiana State Museum, "L'Amour de Maman: Acadian Textile Heritage" by Robert S. Elliot; Musée régional Laure-Conan, "Deux cent ans de villégiature dans Charlevoix" by Francine Brousseau.
(Spring/Printemps 1986).
Gerald L. Pocius, Introduction.
Articles: David J. Goa, Dying and Rising in the Kingdom of God: The Ritual Incarnation of the "Ultimate" in Eastern Christian Culture; Roger Hall and Bruce Bowden, Beautifying the Boneyard: The Changing Image of the Cemetery in Nineteenth-Century Ontario; Gerald L. Pocius, The Transformation of the Traditional Newfoundland Cemetery: Institutionalizing the Secular Dead.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: Deborah Trask and Debra McNabb, Carved in Stone: Material Evidence in the Graveyards of Kings County, Nova Scotia; Nancy-Lou Patterson, Open Secrets: Fifteen Masonic and Orange Lodge Gravemarkers in Waterloo and Wellington Counties, Ontario (1862-1983).
Research Note/Note de recherche: Valerie Evans, In Mourning.
Bibliographies: Gerald L. Pocius, An Introductory Bibliograpy on Cultural Studies Relating to Death and Dying in Canada; Madeleine Grammond et Benoît Lacroix, Mort et religion traditionnelle au Québec: Bibliographie.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Provincial Museum of Alberta, "Spiritual Life — Sacred Ritual" by Earl Waugh; DesBrisay Museum National Exhibition Centre, "The Ox in Nova Scotia" by Earl J. Ruff; Thomas J. Schlereth, U.S. 40: A Roadscape of the American Experience by John van Nostrand.
Books received/Ouvrages reçus.
(Fall/Automne 1986).
Article: Joyce Taylor Dawson, An Analysis of Liturgical Textiles at Sainte-Marie among the Hurons.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: Tim Dilworth, Thomas Nisbet's Furniture: Distinctive Style, Design and Workmanship; Richard Henning Field, Lttnenburg-German Household Textiles: The Evidence from Lunenburg County Estate Inventories, 1780-1830; Patricia Stone and Lynn Russell, Observations on Figures, Human and Divine, on Nineteenth-Century Ontario Gravestones; Thérèse Beaudoin, Le processus technique de fabrication d'un moule de sable au XIXe siècle.
Notes and Comments/Notes et commentaires: Gregg Finley, North American Material Research: New Objectives, New Theories — Conference Report; Atlantic Canada Newspaper Survey; Research Queries.
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Royal Ontario Museum, "The Canadiana Gallery," by M. Christina Castle; Newfoundland Museum, "For King and Country: Newfoundland and the Fighting Services, 1689-1945," by David R. Facey-Crowther; Thomas J. Schlereth (ed.), Material Culture: A Research Guide, by Kenneth McLaughlin; Olive R. Jones and E. Ann Smith, Glass of the British Military, ca. 1755-1820, and Olive Jones and Catherine Sullivan et al., The Parks Canada Glass Glossary, by Judith Tomlin.
(Spring/Printemps 1987).
Articles: Elizabeth W. McGahan, Inside the Hallowed Walls: Convent Life through Material History; Colin M. Coates, Monuments and Memories: The Evolution of British Columbian Cemeteries, 1850-1950; Ann Gorman Condon, Loyalist Style and the Culture of the Atlantic Seaboard.
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: Tom Brown, Agricultural Equipment Manufacturers Advertisement Index 1847-1942.
Research Notes/Notes de recherche: Elizabeth Bloomfield and Gerald Bloomfield, Mills, Factories and Craftshops of Ontario, 1870: A Machine-Readable Source for Material Historians.
Notes and Comments/Notes et commentaires: Gregg Finley, Federation of Nova Scotian Heritage Conference "Rum by Gum"; "Wallpaper in Canada, 1600s-1900s."
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Glenbow Museum, "Metis," by Jean Friesen; Environment Canada, Parks, Batoche National Historic Park, Phase I, by W.A. Waiser; Royal Ontario Museum, "Canada's Handwoven Heritage," by Susan Burke; Vancouver Museum "Captain George Vancouver: A Voyage of Discovery," by Douglas Cole; Robert C. Wheeler, A Toast to the Fur Trade: A Picture Essay on Its Material Culture, by Jean Morrison; P. A. Buckner (ed.), Teaching Maritime Studies, by Mary Ellen Herbert.
(Fall/Automne 1987)
Results of Bulletin Surveys / Résumé des sondages
Articles: Robert B. Klymasz, "Crucial Trends in Modern Ukrainian Embroidery"; Jacques Mathieu avec la participation de Georges-Pierre Léonidoff et John R. Porter, «L'objet et ses contextes»; Ronald W. Hawker, "Monuments in the Nineteenth-Century Public Cemeteries of Victoria, British Columbia."
Research Reports/Rapports de recherche: M.A. MacDonald, "Artifact Survivals from Pre-Loyalist English-speaking Settlers of New Brunswick"; Nancy-Lou Patterson, "The McWilliam House Hallway: A Painted Room in Drayton, Ontario."
Reviews/Comptes rendus: Museum of the History of Medicine and the Mother-Child Project, Inc. "Mother and Child: History of Mothering from 1600 to the Present," by Katherine Arnup; New Brunswick Museum, "Reflections of an Era: Portraits of 19th Century New Brunswick Ships," by Eileen Reid Marcil; Ian M.G. Quimby (ed.), The Craftsman in Early America, by W. John McIntyre; Environment Canada, Parks Canada, Christ Church Cathedral, National Historic Site, by Cynthia Wallace-Casey.