Notes and Comments / Nouvelles brèves

Research Queries

E. Ross, Cabinetmaker

1 The Bruce County Museum is seeking information on the whereabouts of an elaborate secretary-desk made from 58,000 inlaid pieces of wood. Built in the late nineteenth century by E. Ross, cabinetmaker, Kincardine, Ontario, this piece came with revolving doors and drawers, locking compartments and over eighty wooden stars of varying shapes and sizes. Anyone with knowledge of this rare piece is asked to contact the Curator, Bruce County Museum, 33 Victoria St. N., Southampton, Ontario, N0H 2L0 (519)797-3644.

Harris and Campbell Furniture Factory, Ottawa

2 Christine Grant, Acting Curator of Collections, History Division, Canadian Museum of Civilization, Ottawa, Ontario KlA 0M8, wishes to contact the curator of the western museum or historic site who wrote to her approximately two years ago about furniture made by Harris and Campbell. Information is available on this Ottawa firm.