Bruce Bowden is Assistant Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Western Ontario, and Coordinator of the university's M.A. option in Public History.
Valerie Evans is Curator of Decorative Arts at the New Brunswick Museum.
David J. Goa is Curator of Folk Life at the Provincial Museum of Alberta.
Madeleine Grammond détient une Maîtrise en Bibliothéconomie; elle est chargée du traitement et de l'analyse documentaire de diverses collections à la Bibliothèque de l'Université de Montréal.
Roger Hall is an assistant professor of history at the University of Western Ontario. He and Gordon Dodds of the Provincial Archives of Manitoba are currently writing a book on photographer William Notman.
Benoît Lacroix, théologien, historien, est chercheur associé à l'Institut québécois de la recherche sur la culture.
Debra McNabb is currently completing a master's thesis in geography at the University of British Columbia.
John van Nostrand is a practising architect and planner, author of several studies on planning and architecture, and lecturer in the Department of Architecture, University of Toronto.
Nancy-Lou Patterson, Professor of Fine Art at the University of Waterloo, has published numerous books and articles on Canadian native and ethnic arts.
Gerald L. Pocius is an associate professor in the Department of Folklore at the Memorial University of Newfoundland.
Eric J. Ruff is the Curator of the Yarmouth County Museum, Yarmouth, Nova Scotia.
Gary Selig is the Curator of the DesBrisay Museum National Exhibition Centre, Bridgewater, Nova Scotia.
Deborah Trask is Assistant Curator in the History Section of the Nova Scotia Museum and editor of the Association for Gravestone Studies Newsletter.
Earl Waugh teaches in the Department of Religious Studies, University of Alberta.