Contributors / Collaborateurs

Contributors / Collaborateurs

John Carter is a marine biologist and president of the Underwater Archaeology Society of Nova Scotia in Halifax.

William Coedy is a graduate of the Art Conservation Program of queen's University, Kingston.

Elizabeth Collard is a specialist in ceramics and ceramic history and a consultant on ceramics to the History Division, National Museum of Man, Ottawa.

Sophie Drakich is an artifact analyst specializing in post-medieval ceramics and was formerly material culture research assistant with Parks Canada, Ottawa.

Ronald Getty is Curator of Cultural History, Glenbow Museum, Calgary, and has a special interest in western Canadian industries.

Jennifer F.A. Hamilton is a material culture researcher specializing in ceramic artifacts in the Prairie Regional Office of Parks Canada.

J. Duncan MacArthur is Associate Professor of Physics, Queen's University, Kingston.

David Newlands is Assistant Professor and Co-ordinator, Museum Studies Programme, University of Toronto.

R.G. Patterson is Extension/Special Collections Curator, Modern History Division, British Columbia Provincial Museum.

Lester A. Ross was formerly a material culture researcher, Parks Canada, Ottawa, specializing in the evaluation of historical archaeology methods and strategies used for induction of technical behaviour of Euro-American crafts and industries. He now resides in California.

Lynne Sussman is a material culture researcher specializing in ceramic artifacts, Parks Canada, Ottawa.

Donald B. Webster is Curator, Canadiana Department, Royal Ontario Museum, Toronto.