Research Reports / Rapports de recherche

An Inventory of Research and Researchers Concerned with Atlantic Canadian Material Culture

Sheila Stevenson
Nova Scotia Museum


1 This inventory of research and researchers concerned with Atlantic Canadian material culture is meant as a preliminary list. No doubt there are research projects and researchers who are not represented in the inventory. Perhaps they did not hear about the project, in which case we invite them to contact their provincial editor for the Bulletin so that they can be integrated into the network. Others may not have submitted their projects for other reasons and we'd like to know those too.

2 The matter of subject headings and categories is always an interesting one. What surprises, inconsistencies, problems are you having with the subject headings selected for this project? Do tell!

3 And finally, what's to come after this initial effort? If it's useful, an attempt will be made to continue the project. What about the computer? Obviously, a number of questions remain unanswered. In any case, we hope the focus this inventory provides on material culture research will generate further interest in the subject.

4 Part Ⅰ is an alphabetical list of contributing institutions and individuals with addresses, and broad subject headings only.

5 Part Ⅱ is a list of projects organized alphabetically by subject heading.

6 Part Ⅲ is a list of projects which are not directly materially-oriented but which produce information essential to material culture studies.

Part I

List of contributing institutions and/or individuals*
Thumbnail of Table 1Display large image of Table 1

Part Ⅱ

7 This is an inventory of research projects currently underway in Atlantic Canada which are related to the material history of the region. A list of the institutions and/or individuals who contributed to this initial inventory is provided as Part I of this pilot effort.

Part Ⅲ

8 This section of the inventory lists projects, the aim of which is to compile data for future reference.

* The author wishes to thank all contributors for their help.