Contributors / Collaborateurs

Hilary Abrahamson, Assistant Exhibitions Co-ordinator of the Ontario Crafts Council, is completing museology studies at the University of Toronto. She has written and published on food research in Ontario.

Martha Eckmann Brent is Training Co-ordinator for the Ontario Museum Association. The article on Ontario sewing machines is based on her thesis for the Master of Museology degree from the University of Toronto.

Elizabeth Collard is an international authority on nineteenth-century ceramics and the author of many publications on that subject.

Victoria Dickenson obtained her Master of Museology degree from the University of Toronto in 1973. She is presently Chief Curator of Collections at the Newfoundland Museum.

Marie Elwood, Chief Curator of History at the Nova Scotia Museum, has researched ceramics in Canada, Great Britain, and the United States.

Benno Forman is a Research Fellow and Teaching Associate at the Henry Francis du Pont Winterthur Museum, Winterthur, Delaware.

Jean-Pierre Hardy poursuit des recherches à la Division de l'histoire du Musée national de l'Homme sur la civilisation matérielle et plus particulièrement sur le monde ouvrier pré-industriel au Québec.

Corneliu Kirjan est archéologue aux Services des inventaires de la Direction générale du patrimoine du ministère des Affaires culturelles du Québec.

Valerie Kolonelgraduated from Memorial University with a B.A. in history in 1979. She is presently working on contract for Memorial University to complete the User's Guide for the Newfoundland Museum's computer project.

Clarence LeBreton est conservateur en chef du Village Historique Acadien à Caraquet, Nouveau-Brunswick.

Leslie Maitland is an Architectural Analyst with the Canadian Inventory of Historic Building, Parks Canada. Her Masters of Museology thesis was written on samplers in Upper Canada.

Tara Nanavati, curator of the special exhibit on Canadian silver at the British Columbia Provincial Museum, is now Co-ordinator of Public Programmes at the museum. Her Master of Museology thesis was on Canadian presentation silver of the nineteenth century.

Rosemary E. Ommer is assistant professor of history at Memorial University, St. John's, and a member of the Maritime History Group.

David Skene-Melvin is Editor of the Historical Planning and Research Branch of the Ontario Ministry of Culture and Recreation.

David Taylor is an M.A. student in the Department of Folklore at Memorial University whose thesis is on the construction of small fishing craft in Trinity Bay, Newfoundland.

Martin E. Weaver, Director of Education and Technical Services at Heritage Canada, has worked as an architectural conservator in several countries as well as serving as a consultant to UNESCO.