From Security Threat to Protection of Vital Interests: Changing Perceptions in the Dutch Security Service, 1945-91 Bob de Graaff PDF (English)
The Role of the United Nations in the Settlement of the Iran-Iraq War, 1980-88 Peter Bardehle PDF (English)
Walter Reich, ed. Origins of terrorism. Psychologies, ideologies, theologies, states of mind David George PDF (English)
Anthony Babington, Military Intervention in Britain: From the Gordon Riots to the Gibraltar Incident Charles Townshend PDF (English)
Barry M. Schutz and Robert O. Slater, eds. Revolution and Political Change in the Third World; and Farideh Farhi. States and Urban-Based Revolutions: Iran and Nicaragua Joseph M. Scolnick PDF (English)
Miron Rezun, ed. Iran at the Crossroads: Global Relations in a Turbulent Decade Saeed Rahnema PDF (English)
R.M. Koster and Guillermo Sanchez, In the Time of the Tyrants: Panama, 1968-1990; and Bruce W. Watson and Peter G. Tsouras, eds. Operation Just Cause: The US. Intervention in Panama Gabriel Marcella PDF (English)
Michael Howard, British Intelligence in the Second World War. Volume 5. Strategic Deception J. R. Ferris PDF (English)
Richard Cleroux, Official Secrets: the story behind the Canadian Security Intelligence Service; and J.L. Granatstein and David Stafford. Spy Wars: espionage and Canada from Gouzenko to Glasnost Peter Gill PDF (English)