1 The widespread use of the World Wide Web (WWW) in recent years has greatly facilitated the development of e-commerce, which in turn has affected the traditional business model and caused profound change in the business world. The high growth potential of the WWW has meant that business is eager to use e-market trading. Much research has been conducted to this end. Kalakota and Robinson (2002) define e-market trading as a massive gathering of buyers and sellers under the automatic trading procedure that can reduce the trading cost for both sides. It expends buyers’ options for better products and services and opens new markets and customers for sellers. Bakos and Yannis (1991), McFarland (1994) and O’Brien (2002) describe e-market trading as a platform of buyers and sellers exchanging products and cash through inter-organizational information systems and trading mechanisms. Goldman (1999), Sharp (1997), and Wright and McMahan (1992) define e-market trading simply as a B2B online operation.
2 The key factor for the success of current e-marketplace trading is not based on real-time information delivery, multiple services or lower cost, but the fast and error-free delivery of merchandise. The logistic industry thus plays an important role by connecting producers, consumers, manufactures, and retailers together for common benefit. Regulated by government policies, logistic flow in business-trading is created by manufacturers and consumers to transport real products through a set of managed procedures such as warehousing, transportation, loading/unloading, packing, assembling, labeling, re/co-packing, and marketing. It ultimately creates the added-values to satisfy the needs of customers, industry and society at large. Ballou (1992), Johnson and Wood (1996), Kalakota and Whinston (1996), and Shapiro and Heskette (1985) define shipping flow as the management of transporting raw material, semi-product, and products from factories to consumers. Ratliff and Nulty (1996) define shipping flow to include all activities from ordering, packing, transporting, storing, servicing, and information processing of supply chain products. Coyle (1996), Cooke (1997), Prahalad and Hamel (1993), Stank and Daugherty (1997), Simchi et al. (2001), and Weber et al. (2000) further define shipping flow to include all operations such as R&D, manufacturing, transportation, storage, inventory management, post-sale service, documentation, and the price billing process in connection with delivery from raw material to end product at the consumer end. Copacino (2001) describes the third party shipping flow as an external company that provides the shipping function for work-in-process or finished goods.
3 The effective connection of virtual e-trading and real merchandise delivery is a key factor in the rapid success of e-commerce. E-marketplace trading has become an important territory for the logistic industry to explore. The logistic industry in Taiwan is still in the beginning stages with respect to e-market trading. How to effectively establish conditions, conduct analysis, and investigate other concerns related to logistic models of successful e-market trading has become an urgent issue for Taiwan’s future e-commerce. This study explores relationships between e-marketplace, logistic, organization, and information systems. Based on the results of a questionnaire survey from various logistic companies in Taiwan, including marine and air carriers, terminal warehousing, custom brokers, shipping centers, and marine information service providers, we propose an e-business logistic model to simulate the relationship between essential factors for the logistic industry in Taiwan.
4 The preliminary e-business model we developed for the logistic industry in Taiwan is shown in Figure 1. The dimensions of this model as described in Table 1 include e-marketplace, logistic, organization analysis, and information systems. We have analyzed the effectiveness and magnitude of the influence from each of the above factors on the e-business logistic model.
Dimensions of e-Marketplace
5 This dimension provides supporting services for one to multiple, or multiple to multiple, trading activities in order to reduce cost and improve operational efficiency. The sub-dimensions in this area include:
Figure 1. An e-Business Model for the Logistic Industry in Taiwan.
Dimensions of Logistics
Dimensions of Organization Analysis
Dimensions of Information System
6 Kalakota and Robinson (2002) define an information system as inter-organizational information sharing. Davenport et al. (1996) and O’Brien (2002) describe information systems as a system that uses information and communication technology to perform inter-organization operations. It combines necessary resources using employees and communication networks to collect, exchange, and distribute information. Advantages of information system operations that can improve the information exchange and the development of e-marketplace are reported in the literature. Sub-dimensions in this area include:
Results and Discussion
7 A questionnaire survey was conducted for logistic companies located in Taiwan with 75 respondents. Among these, 25 companies were not active in e-business trading and were thus excluded from the study. The breakdown of the remaining 50 companies in terms of their industry category and associated Taiwan market share is listed in Table 1. Table 2 and Table 3 reveal the frequency tables of the number of employees and capital amounts of these 50 surveyed companies, respectively.
Table 1. Number of Companies Surveyed and Associated Taiwan Market Shares.
Display large image of Table 1
Table 2. Number of Employees for Surveyed Companies
Display large image of Table 2
Table 3: Capital of Surveyed Companies.
Display large image of Table 3
8 SPSS was used for data analysis, including the analysis of reliability, multiple regression, Pearson product-moment correlation, one-way ANOVA, and factor analysis.
Reliability and Validity
9 Reliability measures the exactness and accountability of the data collected. In order to reach a reasonable level of reliability, it is commonly believed that the standard reliability value of Cronbach’s should be at least greater then 0.5, or greater then 0.7, for high reliability standard (Nunnally, 1978). Cronbach’s value for reliability for each dimension in our logistic model is reported in Table 4. The overall reliability of the questionnaires collected in this research is 0.8432. Cronbach’s values for the rest of the measurements are at least greater then 0.8 which indicates the existence of internal consistency (Wright and McMahan, 1992). In addition to reliability, this research also follows the guidelines provided by O’Brien (2002) to maintain a reasonable level of validity.
Table 4. Cronbach’s α value for Reliability Analysis.
Multiple Regression
10 The e-business model that describes the operations as proposed by this research treats the logistic industry as a dependent variable. The eight independent variables and their significance tests are reported by SPSS in Table 5. At a significance level of 0.05 (5%), the results clearly show that Purchasing does not have enough evidence to warrant its significance on logistic industry. We would thus remove Purchase from the list of e-business operations in our model. After this modification, the resulting model is depicted in brief in Figure 2. Pearson’s product-moment correlation analysis is then conducted to examine the inter-relationships among the remaining seven independent variables and their respective impact on the model as a whole. The result of this analysis is reported in Table 6.
Table 5. Significance Test on Multiple Regression Analysis.
Display large image of Table 5
Table 6. Analysis of Pearson’s Product-moment Correlation.
Display large image of Table 6
11 From the last row in Table 6, the e-business logistic model in Taiwan appears to be affected more by (1) buyer’s behavior and environment (r = 0.565), (2) market domain and variability (r = 0.498), (3) organizational structure, culture, and quality of manpower (r = 0.47), and (4) inventory management procedures (r = 0.444). It is somewhat influenced by the information management system (r = 0.311), and is slightly influenced by both out-going product delivery system (r = 0.282) and product complexity, characteristic and value (r = 0.239). Table 6 also indicates that buyer’s behavior, market impact, inventory management, and delivery are closely related to the organizational structure and culture. It also reveals that the information system used is related to product, market, and delivery. Inventory, on the other hand, is closely related to both buyer’s behavior and product.
Figure 2. The Modified Model of e-market for Logistical Industry and Hypothesis.One-Way ANOVA Analysis
12 In order to determine whether the basic information in different groups may affect different attributes of the dimensions in our proposed e-business model, a one-way ANOVA was conducted with the results shown in Table 7. At a significance of 0.1 (10%), it is observed that for category is inter-related with at least a one dimension attribute (i.e., those with p-value < 0.1 as indicated by asterisk).
Table 7. One-Way ANOVA on Basic Information.
Display large image of Table 7
13 To further investigate the connections between each category item and its classifications, we looked into their averages and reported the results as follows:
Table 8. Average Value for Different Industries
Display large image of Table 8
Table 9. Average Value for Number of Employees.
Display large image of Table 9
Table 10. Average Value for Capital.
Display large image of Table 10
Table 11. Average Value for Department.
Display large image of Table 11
Table 12. Average Value for Business Location.
Display large image of Table 12
Table 13. Average Value for Customer.
14 In conclusion, the e-business model in Taiwan is dominated by logistic, information system and organization behavior structure. Industries believe that logistics is the most important factor towards successful e-business trading. This is because no virtual business can sustain itself without support from an effective and efficient logistic system. Our studies indicate that companies in the logistic industry need to develop fine information systems and encourage employee involvement in the construction of e-business trading. Support from high-level management is also important for successful implementation of e-market trading.
15 We found that among the various logistic industries, air carrier companies are the most sensitive to providing buyer service for information access to reduce cost and time in inventory (storage). Larger companies are more willing to lower their costs to provide more information to the buyers. As a result, they can achieve higher customer satisfaction. They also have better management in market change and inventory fluctuation. Conversely, smaller and medium companies usually focus on the fineness of their information systems and the training of their employees to achieve employee loyalty. Companies with smaller capital generally pay more attention to product specialty and uniqueness, without adding too much cost to their e-business operations. On the other hand, companies with larger capital emphasize their employees’ adaptation to new environments.
16 From an internal point of view, departments dealing with distribution and business are more concerned with market change due to their direct effects on the departments. Departments dealing with production are more concerned with loyalty and whether involving e-business trading might disturb the production line. Under e-business trading, multi-national corporations are keener to market expansion, product circulation, and inventory reduction to boast their competitiveness. Domestic companies focus more on improving their abilities in merchandise distribution. Foreign companies tend to emphasize the fineness of their information systems.
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