
For those of you who are regular subscribers, you will be aware that we have, with this issue, moved the publication schedule to an annual format. The number of issues for each Volume will remain at two, datelined January and July of each year. To achieve this change, we had to produce three issues of Volume 7, and in doing so were reminded of the great debt we owe to all of those persons who carry out the onerous task of reviewing every manuscript submitted to this Journal.

The front line for this effort is the Editorial Board members, many of whom have fulfilled this service since the inception of the Journal eight years ago. They, in turn, are authorised to call upon colleagues, or persons known by them to have the appropriate credentials, to review manuscripts on their behalf. Also, from time to time, the Managing Editor may request a review from someone who, in his judgement, is qualified to carry out this function for a special or unique area of expertise. For the three issues of Volume 7, over sixty persons were involved in the review process. At any given time as many as thirty persons, in every corner of the world, are in the process of reviewing submissions on behalf of this Journal. It is this individual effort, and commitment of time by each of them, which enables this Journal to maintain the high level of scientific integrity and quality for which it has become renowned.

On behalf of all our subcribers therefore, we sincerely thank them for this service. This Journal could not be published without their significant involvement.

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It is with regret that we announce that Dr. Peter Wilson has tended his resignation as a member of the Editorial Board. His commitments as a university faculty member, together with increasing responsibilities in the private sector, now make it difficult for him to apply the time to the Journal that he feels is required to fulfill his obligations. We will miss his contribution, which has been very consistent almost since the first issue. We thank him for his many contributions and wish him well in all his future activities.

Jeremy Rickards
Managing Editor


In the last issue of the Journal (Vol. 7, No. 3, page 53), we assigned a faculty title to the author which was incorrect. This should have read: The author is an Associate Professor of Forest Operations and Systems, Faculty of Bioresources.

We apologize to Dr. Masami Shiba for this unfortunate error.