July, 1999, vol.10 no.2

Volume 10 Number 2 July 1999

Greetings ...

It is with great pleasure that we bring you the second of two 10th Anniversary Issues of this Journal. We have been completely overwhelmed by the response to our call for papers based on the theme of the future for Forest Engineering, and hence we have been unable, by limitations of page count and mailing, to publish every technical paper contribution we have received. We will therefore include those we could not accomodate in this anniversary volume in the next issue. We wish to thank those authors who graciously agreed to delay publication of their technical paper to this next issue.

The lead paper published in this issue is based on a survey made in North America regarding postgraduate degrees, and the implications for the supply of future teaching and research faculty. The conclusions are not encouraging. We would be interested to know what that situation is in other countries of the world, and what strategies are in place to address it. If you have data which can complement that which has been determined for this continent, please send it to us. We will assemble it, together with other contributions, and publish a global position paper on this subject.

Jeremy Rickards
Managing Editor

Errata Sheet for Volume 10, No. 1

Unfortunately, there were a number of errors in Volume 10, No. 1. We apologize to the authors and Editorial Board members for these, the corrections being shown below:

1) On the "Editorial Board" listing, Dr. Siegfried Häberle's name was misspelled and Dr. Paul Efthymiou is currently with the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki.

2) In the paper "Comparison of Single-Grip Harvester Productivity in Clear- and Shelterwood Cutting" by Lars Eliasson, Jonas Bengstsson, Jonas Cedergren and Håkan Lageson --

a) Mr. Bengstsson, Dr. Cedergren and Dr. Lageson were referred to as MSc, Ph.D, and Ph.D students respectively in the authors' identification section. In reality, these gentlemen completed their degrees prior to 1996.

b) The last sentence of paragraph four in the "Discussion" section should have read "This is in analogy with Klunder and Stokes (8), who found that the increased inter tree distance ..."

3) In the Technical Review "The Barycentric Coordinates Solution to the Optimal Road Junction Problem" by Francis E. Greulich a figure was excluded. This figure can be found on page 81 of this issue.