Logistics in Forest Operations

Volume 16(2) of the International Journal of Forest Engineering, to be published in July of 2005 will be dedicated to the subject "Logistics in Forest Operations". This issue will be printed in time for the IUFRO World Congress meetings.

Authors are invited to submit papers for this issue. By announcing this well in advance we hope to give researchers an opportunity to plan and execute some experimental work to produce a manuscript for the logistics issue. The Journal would also consider a modest number of review articles describing the state of the art in this field and key areas for further development. Indications of intent to submit an article would be appreciated.

The deadline for submission of manuscripts for this issue will be June 1, 2004. Manuscripts and indications of interest should be sent directly to Guest Editor Dr. Bo Dahlin at the following address:

Bo Dahlin
PhD, Asst. Prof.
Southern Swedish Forest Research Centre
Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences
Box 49, SE230 53
Alnarp, SWEDEN
Tel: +46 40 41 51 82
Fax: +46 40 46 23 25
Mobile: +46 70 631 23 61