This checklist is intended to help geologists collect or review geological data on mining prospects in a manner that will conform to the increasingly stringent reporting requirements. Survey, assay, and geological data are the key initial inputs required to build a robust computer-based resource model. Once the resource model is built, a geologist reviewing the model should understand the methods and assumptions used in interpolating from the initial data to the gridded resource model. Closer cooperation between project geologists and resource modellers should improve the way data are collected initially as well as identifying biases, weakness and inconsistencies within the resource model.SOMMAIRE
Voici une liste de vérification à l'intention des géologues qui ont à collecter et analyser les données de gisements minéraux, liste qui leur permettra de se conformer aux normes de compte rendu de plus en plus strictes. Les données de levés, de teneur et de géologie constituent les éléments clés initiaux indispensables pour l'élaboration d'un modèle informatisé de la ressource fiable. Le modèle de ressource retenu doit permettre au géologue de comprendre la méthode suivie ainsi que les hypothèses d'interpolation appliquées aux données initiales conduisant au modèle matriciel de la ressource. Une meilleure collaboration entre les géologues de projet et les modélisateurs de la ressource devrait permettre d'améliorer la qualité des données initiales collectées et de repérer les biais, faiblesses et incongruités du modèle de la ressource.INTRODUCTION
1 The vast increase in computing power during the last few decades have resulted in geostatistical and geological visualization software becoming widely available. Such software can be used to build sophisticated three-dimensional models from which an estimate of the size of the resource can be derived. However, any model is only as good as the data and assumptions upon which it is built. Following the Bre-X scandal, resource and reserve definitions were formally defined by the CIM []; now security regulators and lending institutions commonly require a robust resource model based upon these definitions before a reserve can be stated and money raised to finance a project. While the standards for reserve reporting are now very well defined, the standards for the building of resource models need to be strengthened.
2 The goal of this article is to provide a checklist that will ensure relevant and reliable data are used to produce the resource model, and thus minimize the amount of wasted effort.
3 The project geologist controls the quality of location data, lithological classification, sample integrity and adequacy of sampling (sample size, density); yet, the geologist commonly has little understanding of whether these data comply with the increasingly stringent standards for resource estimation. All too often, the information collected during the earliest phases of exploration is not sufficiently rigorous to be used during subsequent resource estimates. The shortcoming is understandable; most exploration projects prove to be uneconomic, and it seems wasteful to spend time and money collecting data that may never be used. When a project does turn out to be potentially economic and a resource or reserve estimate is required for financing, the initial exploration data are typically thrown out of the modelling process because they are not up to the standards of current resource evaluations. This can lead to delays while holes are re-drilled or re-assayed, and resource models are rebuilt.
4 Building computerized resource models is a specialized task and project geologists will almost certainly send their geological and geochemical data to an in-house expert or to an external consultant for resource evaluation. The resource modeller is generally unfamiliar with the details of the geology of the property. This lack of familiarity with the property may introduce errors or inaccuracies that the project geologist could identify; hence, there needs to be cooperative and constructive collaboration between the project geologist and the resource modeller, from the earliest stages of the project. If the geological interpretation, built into the resource model, and the geological reasonableness of the interpolated grade are not checked regularly enough by the geologist most familiar with the deposit, inaccurate resource estimates may result or exploration opportunities may be lost.
5 A resource model is built via a number of steps. The first step is data collection by the on-site geologist, who builds a geological database from drill core, geophysical measurement and mapping, and sample assays for the metal content. The database is then verified and a computer model designed. Next, the resource modeller breaks the mining property into a series of small blocks, each of which can carry a number of model items, for instance, rock type and ore grade. A three-dimensional array is formed that will take the known assays or geological data and interpolate them to areas for which there are no hard data. This process of transforming point data (e.g. drill hole) into gridded data (block model) will hopefully lead to success in modelling what is actually in the rock. A resource model has many variables; hence a number of iterations are required to document the sensitivity of the model to various parameters. Identifying the most important unknowns allows the geologist to focus on what additional data need to be collected, and allows the company to assess the up- and down-sides of proceeding with the project. Model output can include geological cross sections and isopach maps, as well as grade and tonnage estimates.
6 The checklist below is intended to help the geologist who is on-site controlling data collection, as well as geologists who are reviewing or doing due diligence on a project, by ensuring that all the data required to generate a reasonable geological picture of a mining prospect are present. Excellent additional resources abound: links to the Canadian Securities Administrators National Instrument 43-101, and the CIM Exploration Best Practices, can be found on the Internet [], and there are numerous thoughtful articles on the role of geology and geologists in accurately assessing resources (e.g. Hodgson 1990; Lawrence 1997; Sinclair 2001; Sinclair and Postolski 1999, Smith 1994; Smith and Hancock 1995; Stone and Dunn 2002; and Vallée 2000). None, however, presents an itemized list of checks that need to be made. The following checklist is divided into two parts: Part A refers to geological data and has nine subheadings; part B is specific to the resource model and has five subheadings. The checklist is by no means comprehensive, but if all the questions can be answered, then the resulting model will be reasonable and the deficiencies clear.
Data Trail
7 Is there an easy-to-follow audit trail for each dataset that includes:
8 With regard to topography:
Exploration Grids
9 With regard to exploration grids:
10 With regard to drilling, there are twoaspects to consider:
11 For each drill hole:
12 For diamond drill cores:
13 With regard to assays, there are three aspects to consider:
14 For sampling:
15 For analytical precision and accuracy:
16 For treatment of analytical data:
Geological Interpretation
17 With regard to geological interpretation:
Density/Tonnage Factor
18 For the density/tonnage factor:
Metallurgical Recovery
19 For metallurgical recovery:
20 With regard to compositing samples:
21 NOTE: Compositing assays into larger units helps to speed calculation and smooth grades.
Grade Interpolation
22 With regard to grade interpolation, there are two categories of questions:
23 For those related to spatial distribution:
24 For those related to samples:
Tonnes Estimation
25 With regard to tonnes estimation, there are three categories of questions:
26 For those related to the ore body:
27 For those related to gridded surfaces:
28 For those related to models and blocks:
29 NOTE: Block models are good for steep-dipping beds, non-bedded or irregular shapes, and will run floating cone pit optimization. Gridded seams have variable height and variable tops and are best for flat lying or bedded deposits, variable bench heights, or sloping benches.
Interpolation Passes
30 For interpolation passes:
31 NOTE: A model may need multiple interpolation passes.
Model Validation
32 With regard to model validation, there are two categories of questions:
33 For those related to tracking:
34 For those related to cross-comparisons:
36 Commonly, there is a lack of feedback between the data collection and the data analysis ends of a mining project, due to the limits of time and budget. Workflows are typically developed on a project-by-project basis. The feedback protocols need to be strengthened to ensure that relevant and reliable data produce models that are consistent and comparable to similar deposits elsewhere.
37 This can be achieved by grouping the workflow in sections that will ensure consistency and completeness in the way data are collected and reported over the life of a project. By properly documenting the data gathered and analyzed – survey, assay, geology, ore classification, metallurgy and density; compositing, interpolation, and validation – an easy-to-follow audit trail is produced showing that reliable data were used, that the appropriate methods were implemented, and that verifications were performed.
38 By better documenting the many steps required to build a resource estimate, and by leaving a clear audit trail, critical review of the model becomes relatively simple and much quicker. Both the project team and external auditors will be able to review the work that has been done and to make their own checks.
39 This checklist will require modification to meet the needs of specific projects; however, it can form the basis of a paper trail leading to improved data collection, a more accurate resource model, and a simplified audit process.
Hodgson, C.J., 1990, Uses (and abuses) of ore deposit models in mineral exploration: Geoscience Canada, v. 17, p. 79-89.
Lawrence, M.J., 1997, Behind Busang: The Bre-X Scandal: Australian Journal of Mining, v. 9, p. 33-50.
Sinclair, A.J., 2001, High-quality geology, axiomatic to high-quality resource/ reserve estimates: Canadian Institute of Mining Bulletin, v. 94, p. 37-41.
Sinclair, A.J., and Postolski, T.A., 1999, Geology – a basis for quality control in resource/reserve estimation of porphyry-type deposits: Canadian Institute of Mining Bulletin, v. 92, no. 1027, p. 37-44.
Smith, L.D., 1994, Checklist for economic evaluations of mineral deposits: Canadian Institute of Mining Bulletin, v. 87, no. 983, p. 32-37.
Smith, P.M., and Hancock, J.B., eds., 1995, Project Evaluation and Due Diligence: Proceedings of a short course given by the Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada., 179 p.
Stone, J.G., and Dunn, P.G., 2002, Ore Reserves Estimates in the Real World: Society of Economic Geologists, Special Paper, No. 3, 121 p.
Vallée, M., 2000, Mineral resource + engineering, economic and legal feasibility = ore reserve: Canadian Institute of Mining Bulletin, v. 93, no. 1038, p. 53-61.