
Bibliography of Atlantic Canadian Environmental History

Teresa Devor Hall


Arsenault, Georges. L’agriculture chez les Acadiens de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard, 1720-1980. Summerside, PE: Société Saint-Thomas-d’Aquin, c. 1981.
Aucoin, Réjean. La pêche au homard au Cap Breton. Montréal: Guérin, 1992.
Barlow, Maude, and Elizabeth May. Frederick Street: Life and Death on Canada’s Love Canal. Toronto: HarperCollins, 2000.
Bavington, Dean. Managed Annihilation: An Unnatural History of the Newfoundland Cod Collapse. Nature | History | Society Series. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2010.
Betts, Matthew, David Coon, and Conservation Council of New Brunswick. Working with the Woods: Restoring Forests and Community in New Brunswick. Fredericton: Conservation Council of New Brunswick, 1996.
Bleakney, J. Sherman. Sods, Soil, and Spades: The Acadians at Grand Pré and Their Dykeland Legacy. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2004.
Bode, Rita, and Jean Mitchell, eds. L.M. Montgomery and the Matter of Nature(s). Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2018.
Bogaard, Paul A., ed. Profiles of Science and Society in the Maritimes prior to 1914. Fredericton and Sackville, NB: Acadiensis Press and Mount Allison University Centre for Canadian Studies, 1990.
Brice-Bennett, Carol, ed. Our Footsteps Are Everywhere: Inuit Land Use and Occupancy in Labrador. Nain, NL: Labrador Inuit Association, 1977.
Brun, Régis. La ruée vers le homard des Maritimes. Moncton: Michel Henry, 1988.
Burrows, Kenneth C. Nova Scotia through the Trees, 1761-1930. Wellington, NS: Terra Firma Press, 2003.
Busch, Briton Cooper. The War against the Seals: A History of the North American Seal Fishery. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1985.
Cadigan, Sean. Newfoundland and Labrador: A History. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
Campbell, Claire. Nature, Place, and Story: Rethinking Historic Sites in Canada. See esp. “Gateway to a New World: L’Anse aux Meadows,” 25-53, and “Idyll and Industry: Grand Pré,” 54-70. Rural, Wildland, and Resource Studies Series, 8. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2017.
Campbell, Claire, and Robert Summerby-Murray, eds. Land and Sea: Environmental Histories of Atlantic Canada. See esp. “Introduction: Environmental History in Atlantic Canada,” 1-8. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 2013.
Campbell, Claire Elizabeth, Edward MacDonald, and Brian J. Payne, eds. The Greater Gulf: Essays on the Environmental History of the Gulf of St. Lawrence. See esp. “Introduction: Environmental History in the Greater Gulf,” 3-12, and “Conclusion: Glimpses of a Greater Gulf,” 345-52. Rural, Wildland, and Resource Studies Series, 6. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2019.
Candow, James E. Of Men and Seals: A History of the Newfoundland Seal Hunt. Ottawa: National Historic Parks and Sites, Canadian Parks Service, Environment Canada, 1989.
Candow, James E., and Carol Corbin. How Deep Is the Ocean?: Historical Essays on Canada’s Atlantic Fishery. Sydney, NS: University College of Cape Breton Press, 1997.
Carr, Deborah. Sanctuary: The Story of Naturalist Mary Majka. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 2010.
Carson, Rachel. Silent Spring. 1962; New York: Houghton Mifflin, 2002.
Chantraine, P. The Last Cod-Fish: Life and Death of the Newfoundland Way of Life. St. John’s: Jesperson, 1993.
Choyce, Lesley. Nova Scotia: Shaped by the Sea: A Living History. East Lawrencetown, NS: Pottersfield Press, 2007.
Clark, Andrew Hill. Acadia: The Geography of Early Nova Scotia to 1760. London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1968.
-. Three Centuries and the Island: A Historical Geography of Settlement and Agriculture in Prince Edward Island, Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1959.
Coady, Lawrence W. The Lost Canoe: A Labrador Adventure. Halifax: Nimbus, 2008.
Coates, Colin M., and Graeme Wynn, eds. The Nature of Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press and On Point Press, 2019.
Craig, Béatrice. Backwoods Consumers and Homespun Capitalists: The Rise of a Market Culture in Eastern Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2009.
Craig, Béatrice, and Maxime Dagenais. The Land in Between: The Upper St. John Valley, Prehistory to World War I. Gardiner, ME: Tilbury House, 2009.
Dawson, Joan. Nova Scotia’s Lost Highways: The Early Roads That Shaped the Province. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2009.
Dodds, D. Challenge and Response: A History of Wildlife and Wildlife Management in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nova Scotia Department of Natural Resources, 1993.
Dunfield, R.W. The Atlantic Salmon in the History of North America. Canadian Special Publication of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 80. Ottawa: Department of Fisheries and Oceans, 1985.
Finlayson, A. Christopher. Fishing for Truth: A Sociological Analysis of Northern Cod Stock Assessment from 1977 to 1990. St. John’s: ISER, Memorial University, 1994.
Folster, David, and Canadian Forestry Association of New Brunswick. The Great Trees of New Brunswick. Fredericton: Canadian Forestry Association of New Brunswick, 1987.
Forkey, Neil S. Canadians and the Natural Environment to the Twenty-First Century. Themes in Canadian History Series, 10. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2012.
Froschauer, Karl. White Gold: Hydroelectric Power in Canada. See esp. “The Churchill Power Trap (Newfoundland),” 108-37. Vancouver: UBC Press, 1999.
Gaffield, Chad, and Pam Gaffield, eds. Consuming Canada: Readings in Environmental History. Toronto: Copp Clark, 1995.
Gallant, Cécile, et Georges Arsenault. Histoire de la pêche chez les Acadiens de l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard. Summerside, PE: Société Saint-Thomasd’Aquin, 1980.
Ganong, William Francis. Monographs of the Place-Nomenclature, Cartography, Historic Sites, Boundaries and Settlement-Origins of the Province of New Brunswick: With a Supplement Thereto, and a Plan for a General History of the Province. Ottawa: Royal Society of Canada and J. Hope, 1906.
Hallowell, Gerald. The August Gales: The Tragic Loss of Fishing Schooners in the North Atlantic, 1926 and 1927. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2013.
Hamilton-Barry, Joann. The North Atlantic Right Whale: Past, Present, and Future. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2019.
Harris, Cole R. The Reluctant Land: Society, Space, and Environment in Canada before Confederation. See esp. “Lifeworlds, circa 1500,” 1-19; “The Northwestern Atlantic, 1497-1632,” 20-51; “Acadia and Canada,” 52-91; “Newfoundland,” 137-61; and “The Maritimes,” 162-230. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2008.
Harris, Michael. Lament for an Ocean: The Collapse of the Atlantic Cod Fishery, A True Crime Story. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1999.
Holm, Paul, Tim D. Smith, and David J. Starkey. The Exploited Seas: New Directions for Marine Environmental History. Research in Maritime History, No. 21. St. John’s: International Maritime Economic History Association and Census of Marine Life, 2001.
Hornsby, Stephen J. Nineteenth Century Cape Breton: A Historical Geography. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1992.
Innis, Harold A. The Cod Fisheries: The History of an International Economy. New Haven and Toronto: Yale University Press and Ryerson Press, 1940.
Johnson, Ralph. Forests of Nova Scotia: A History. Halifax: Four East Publications and Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests, 1986.
Johnstone, K. The Aquatic Explorers: A History of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1977.
Kennedy, John C. Encounters: An Anthropological History of Southeastern Labrador. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
Kindervater, A.D. Flooding Events in New Brunswick: An Historical Perspective. 2nd ed. Dartmouth, NS: Inland Waters Directorate, 1985.
La Morandière, Charles de. Histoire de la pêche française de la morue dans l’Amérique septentrionale (des origines à 1789), tomes I et II. Paris: G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1962-1966.
-. Histoire de la pêche française de la morue dans l’Amérique septentrionale (de la revolution à nos jours), tome III. Paris: G.P. Maisonneuve et Larose, 1962-1966.
Landry, Nicolas. Les pêches dans la péninsule acadienne, 1850-1900. Moncton: Éditions d’Acadie, 1994.
Little, J.I. Fashioning the Canadian Landscape: Essays on Travel Writing, Tourism, and National Identity in the Pre-Automobile Era. See esp. “Seeing Elemental Nature: An American Transcendentalist On and Off the Coast of Labrador, 1864-65,” 150-77, and “‘A Fine, Hardy, Good-Looking Race of People’: Travellers, Tourism, and the Scots Identity on Cape Breton Island, 1859-1920,” 212-33. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2018.
Lotz, Jim. Green Horizons: The Forests and Foresters of Nova Scotia. East Lawrencetown, NS: Pottersfield, 2005.
Lower, Arthur R.M. Settlement and the Forest Frontier in Eastern Canada. Canadian Frontiers of Settlement, 9. 1936; Millwood, NY: Kraus Reprint, 1974.
MacDonald, Edward, Irené Novaczek, Joshua MacFadyen, and Graeme Wynn. Time and a Place: An Environmental History of Prince Edward Island. McGill-Queen’s Rural, Wildland, and Resource Studies Series, 5. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
MacDowell, Laurel Sefton. An Environmental History of Canada. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2012.
MacEachern, Alan. The Institute of Man and Resources: An Environmental Fable. Charlottetown: Island Studies Press, 2003.
-. The Miramichi Fire: A History. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2020.
-. Natural Selections: National Parks in Atlantic Canada, 1935-1970. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s Press, 2001.
MacEachern, Alan, and William J. Turkel. Method and Meaning in Canadian Environmental History. Toronto: Nelson Education, 2009.
MacKinnon, Wayne E., and Elinor Vass. The Best of the Past: Traditional Sustainable Agriculture in Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: Institute of Island Studies, University of Prince Edward Island, 1989.
Macpherson, Alan G., and Joyce Brown Macpherson. The Natural Environment of Newfoundland, Past and Present. St. John’s: Department of Geography, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1981.
Martin, Calvin. Keepers of the Game: Indian-Animal Relationships and the Fur Trade. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1978.
Martin, John R. The Fluorspar Mines of Newfoundland: Their History and the Epidemic of Radiation Lung Cancer. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2012.
Matthews, Ralph. Controlling Common Property: Regulating Canada’s East Coast Fishery. See esp. “The Historical Context,” 24-37. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1993.
-. There’s No Better Place than Here: Social Change in Three Newfoundland Communities. Canadian Experience Series. Toronto: P. Martin Associates, 1976.
Montevecchi, William A., and Leslie M. Tuck. Newfoundland Birds: Exploitation, Study, Conservation. Publications of the Nuttall Ornithological Club, No. 21. Cambridge, MA: Nuttall Ornithological Club, 1987.
Newell, Dianne, and Rosemary Ommer. Fishing Places, Fishing People: Traditions and Issues in Canadian Small-Scale Fisheries. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998.
Nova Scotia Department of Agriculture and Marketing. Maritime Dykelands: The 350 Year Struggle. Halifax: Province of Nova Scotia, 1987.
Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests. Lumbering in Nova Scotia: 1632-1953. Bulletin 26. Truro, NS: Extension Division, Nova Scotia Department of Lands and Forests, 1967.
Ommer, Rosemary. From Outpost to Outport: A Structural Analysis of the Jersey-Gaspé Cod Fishery, 1767-1886. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1991.
Ommer, Rosemary, and Coasts under Stress Project Team. Coasts under Stress: Restructuring and Social-Ecological Health. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2007.
Palmer, David Christian, Tracy Glynn, and Arielle DeMerchant. The Great Trees of New Brunswick, 2nd ed. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions and Conservation Council of New Brunswick, 2019.
Parker, Gerry R. Beyond the Trodden Path: Sport and Adventure in Early New Brunswick. Sackville, NB: Gerry Parker, 2010.
-. Eastern Coyote: The Story of Its Success. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 1995.
-. Men of the Autumn Woods: Non-Resident Big-Game Hunting in New Brunswick, The Golden Years, 1885-1935. Sackville, NB: Gerry Parker, 2004.
Parrish, Christopher C., Shirley M. Solberg, and Nancy J. Turner. Resetting the Kitchen Table: Food Security, Culture, Health and Resilience in Coastal Communities. New York: Nova Science, 2006.
Pauly, D., and J.L. Maclean. In a Perfect Ocean: The State of Fisheries and Ecosystems in the North Atlantic Ocean. State of the World’s Oceans Series. Washington: Island Press, 2002.
Pelletier, Emilien. Le fantôme de l’Irving Whale : enquête scientifique sur un naufrage et ses conséquences environnementales. Sainte-Foy, QC: Presses de l’Université Laval, 1996.
Penashue, Tshaukuesh Elizabeth.  Nitinikiau Innusi: I Keep the Land Alive. Winnipeg: University of Manitoba Press, 2019.
Proulx, Jean-Pierre. Whaling in the North Atlantic from the Earliest Times to the Mid-19th Century. Ottawa: Parks Canada, 1986.
-. Basque Whaling in Labrador in the Sixteenth Century. Studies in Archaeology, Architecture, and History. Ottawa: National Historic Sites Publications, Parks Service, Environment Canada, 1993.
Rees, Ronald. New Brunswick’s Early Roads: The Routes That Shaped the Province. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2012.
-. New Brunswick Was His Country: The Life of William Francis Ganong. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 2016.
Robertson, Barbara R. Sawpower: Making Lumber in the Sawmills of Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nimbus Publishing, 1986.
Rose, Alex. Who Killed the Grand Banks?: The Untold Story Behind the Decimation of One of the World’s Greatest Natural Resources. Mississauga, ON: John Wiley and Sons, 2008.
Rose, George A. Cod: The Ecological History of the North Atlantic Fisheries. St. John’s: Breakwater Books, 2007.
>Ryan, Shannon. Fish Out of Water: The Newfoundland Saltfish Trade, 1814-1914. St. John’s: Breakwater Books, 1986.
-. The Ice Hunters: A History of Newfoundland Sealing to 1914. St. John’s: Breakwater Books, 1994.
Samson, Daniel. The Spirit of Industry and Improvement: Liberal Government and Rural-Industrial Society, Nova Scotia, 1790-1862. Montreal and Kingston: McGill Queen’s University Press, 2008.
Samson, Daniel, ed. Contested Countryside: Rural Workers and Modern Society in Atlantic Canada, 1800-1850. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1994.
Sandberg, L. Anders. Trouble in the Woods: Forest Policy and Social Conflict in Nova Scotia and New Brunswick. Fredericton: Acadiensis Press, 1992.
Sandberg, L. Anders, and Peter Clancy. Against the Grain: Foresters and Politics in Nova Scotia. Vancouver: UBC Press, 2000.
Sandwell, R.W. Canada’s Rural Majority: Households, Environments, and Economies, 1870-1940. See esp. “Introduction: Rediscovering Canada’s Rural Majority, 1870-1940,” 3-28; “The Coast,” 175-216; and “Conclusion,” 217-21. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Sandwell, R.W., ed. Powering Up Canada: A History of Power, Fuel, and Energy from 1600. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2016.
Sanger, Chesley W. The Seal Fishery. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1998.
Sinclair, Peter S. From Traps to Draggers: Domestic Commodity Production in Northwestern Newfoundland, 1850-1982. St. John’s: ISER, Memorial University, 1985.
Smith, Philip. Brinco: The Story of Churchill Falls. Toronto: McClelland and Stewart, 1975.
Sobey, Douglas. Early Descriptions of the Forests of Prince Edward Island: A Source-Book. Part I: The French Period (1534-1758). Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the author, 2002.
-. Early Descriptions of the Forests of Prince Edward Island: A Source-Book. Part II: The British and Post-Confederation Periods, 1758-c. 1900 – Part A: The Analyses. Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the author, 2006.
-. Early Descriptions of the Forests of Prince Edward Island: A Source-Book. Part II: The British and Post-Confederation Periods, 1758-c. 1900 – Part B: The Extracts. Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the author, 2006.
-. Early Descriptions of the Forests of Prince Edward Island: A Source-Book. Part III: The Early Twentieth Century. Charlottetown: Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry and the author, 2008.
-. Shipbuilding and the Forests of Prince Edward Island: An Analysisof the Types and Amounts of Wood Used in Island Ships – Based on the Surveyors’ Reports of the Lloyd’s Register of British and Foreign Shipping. Charlottetown: Department of Environment, Energy and Forestry and the author, 2011.
Sobey, Douglas, William Glen, and Prince Edward Island Department of Agriculture and Forestry. Mapping the Pre-Settlement Forests of Prince Edward Island: An Analysis of the Forest and Tree Descriptions on Historical Manuscript Maps in the Prince Edward Island Public Archives. Charlottetown: University of Prince Edward Island, 2014.
Thomas, Peter. Lost Land of Moses: The Age of Discovery on New Brunswick’s Salmon Rivers. Fredericton: Goose Lane Editions, 2001.
Tuck, James A., and Robert Grenier. Red Bay, Labrador: World Whaling Capital, A.D. 1550-1600. St. John’s: Atlantic Archaeology, 1989.
Vickers, Daniel, ed. Marine Resources and Human Societies in the North Atlantic since 1500. St. John’s: ISER, Memorial University of Newfoundland, 1997.
Wadden, Marie. Nitassinan: The Innu Struggle to Reclaim Their Homeland. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 1991.
Wells, Kennedy. The Fishery of Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown: Ragweed Press, 1986.
Wieger, Axel. Agrarkolonisation, Landnutzung und Kulturlandschaftsverfall in der Provinz New Brunswick (Kanada). Aachener Geographische Arbeiten, 22. Aachen: Geographisches Institur der RWTH, 1990.
Wildish, David, R.L. Stephenson, and Jennifer Hubbard. A Century of Maritime Science: The St. Andrews Biological Station. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2016.
Wilton, W.C., and C.H. Evans. Newfoundland Forest Fire History, 1619-1960. St. John’s: Newfoundland Forest Research Centre, Forestry Service, Environment Canada, 1974.
Wright, Miriam.  A Fishery for Modern Times: The State and the Industrialization of the Newfoundland Fishery, 1934-1968. Toronto: Oxford University Press, 2001.
Wynn, Graeme. Canada and Arctic North America: An Environmental History. Santa Barbara, CA: ABC-CLIO, 2007.
-. Timber Colony: A Historical Geography of Early Nineteenth Century New Brunswick. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1981.
Wynn, Graeme, and Paul A. Bogaard. Culture and Agriculture on the Tantramar Marshes. Sackville, NB: Tantramar Heritage Trust, 2012.
Young, C. Mary. Nature’s Bounty: Four Centuries of Plant Exploration in New Brunswick. Fredericton: UNB Libraries, University of New Brunswick, 2015.
Zelazny, Vincent Frank, and New Brunswick Ecosystem Classification Working Group. Our Landscape Heritage: The Story of Ecological Land Classification in New Brunswick. Fredericton: New Brunswick Department of Natural Resources, 2007.
Zilberstein, Anya. A Temperate Empire: Making Climate Change in Early America. New York: Oxford University Press, 2016.


Arsenault, Sharon. “Packing Lobsters on the Beach: Cannery Life on Prince Edward Island.” Island Magazine 60 (Fall/Winter 2006): 13-21.
Baker, Melvin. “Rural Electrification in Newfoundland in the 1950s and the Origins of the Newfoundland Power Commission.” Newfoundland Studies 6, no. 2 (Fall 1990): 190-209.
Balcom, A.B. “Agriculture in Nova Scotia since 1870.” Dalhousie Review 8, no. 1 (1928): 37-43.
Baldwin, Douglas. “The Campaign against Odors: Sanitarians and the Genesis of Public Health in Charlottetown, Prince Edward Island (1855-1900).” Scientia Canadensis 10, no. 1 (Spring/Summer 1986): 72-82.
Bantjes, Rod, and Tanya Trussler. “Feminism and the Grass Roots: Women and Environmentalism in Nova Scotia, 1980-1983.” Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 36, no. 2 (May 1999): 179-97.
Barkham, Selma. “The Basque Whaling Establishments in Labrador 1536-1632 – A Summary.” Arctic 37, no. 4 (December 1984): 515-19.
Bavington, Dean, Brenda Grzetic, and Barbara Neis. “The Feminist Political Ecology of Fishing Down: Reflections from Newfoundland and Labrador.” Studies in Political Economy 73 (Spring-Summer 2004): 159-82.
Beaton, Meaghan, and Del Muise. “The Canso Causeway: Tartan Tourism, Industrial Development, and the Promise of Progress for Cape Breton.” Acadiensis 37, no. 2 (Summer/Autumn 2008): 39-69.
Beck, Boyde. “The Fairest Land: Prince Edward Island in its Descriptive Literature.” Island Magazine 23 (Spring/Summer 1988): 19-26.
-. “Season of Scarcity.” Island Magazine 36 (Fall/Winter 1994): 20-2.
-. “Tunnel Vision: George Howlan and the Northumberland Strait Tunnel.” Island Magazine 19 (Spring/Summer 1986): 3-8.
Betts, Matthew, Susan Blair, and David Black. “Perspectivism, Mortuary Symbolism, and Human-Shark Relationships on the Maritime Peninsula.” American Antiquity 77, no. 4 (October 2012): 621-45.
Bittermann, Rusty. “The Hierarchy of the Soil: Land and Labour in a Nineteenth Century Cape Breton Community.” Acadiensis 18, no. 1 (Autumn 1988): 33-55.
-. “Mi’kmaq Land Claims and the Escheat Movement in Prince EdwardIsland.” University of New Brunswick Law Journal 55 (2006): 172-6.
-. “The Promise and Perils of Out-Migration: The William CooperFamily in California.” Island Magazine 66 (Fall/Winter 2009): 19-25.
Bittermann, Rusty, and Margaret McCallum. “‘Are All Your Laws Left Handed!’: Property Rights and the Timber Trade in Early Nineteenth-Century Prince Edward Island.” Histoire sociale/Social History 97 (November 2015): 343-58.
-. “Bringing Nutrients from the Sea to the Soil: Maintaining the Fertility of Island Farms with Seaweed.” Island Magazine 76 (Fall/Winter 2014): 33-38.
-. “Common Resource or Private Right”: Contested Claims to Seaweed in Nineteenth-Century Prince Edward Island.” Dalhousie Law Journal 37, no. 1 (Spring 2014): 233-53.
-. “From Wine into Wood: The Goslings of London and Prince Edward Island’s Early Timber Trade.” Island Magazine 69 (Spring/Summer 2011): 15-22.
-. “‘One of the Finest Grass Countries I Have Met With’: Prince Edward Island’s Colonial-Era Cattle Trade.” Agricultural History 90, no. 2 (Spring 2016): 173-94.
-. “The One that Got Away: Fishery Reserves in Prince Edward Island.” Dalhousie Law Journal 28, no. 2 (Fall 2005): 386-408.
Bolster, W. Jeffrey. “Putting the Ocean in Atlantic History: Maritime Communities and Marine Ecology in the Northwest Atlantic, 1500-1800.” American Historical Review 113, no. 1 (February 2008): 19-47.
Boudreau, Ephrem. “La pêche en goélette au début du siècle.” Les Cahiers de la Société historique acadienne 5, no. 2 (janvier, février, mars 1974): 71-87.
Boulay, Richard. “Les territoires de chasse.” La revue de la Société historique du Madawaska, le Brayon 9, nos. 3-4 (1981): 15-16.
Bourgeois, Angela. “L’île de Shédiac, lieu de pâturage pour les fermiers de la région.” Brins d’Histoire – Cahiers de la SHGD, no. 9 (2002): 26-30.
Bourgeois, Ulysse. “Première homarderie du Nouveau-Brunswick.” Les Cahiers de la Société historique acadienne, 4e cahier (1962): 4-8.
Brown, R. Blake. “Storms, Roads and Harvest Time: Criticisms of Jury Service in Pre-Confederation Nova Scotia.” Acadiensis 36, no. 1 (Autumn 2006): 93-111.
Butler, Gary. “Culture, Cognition, and Communication: Fishermen’s Location Finding in L’anse-à-Canards, Newfoundland.” Canadian Folklore 5, nos. 1-2 (1983): 7-21.
Butzer, Karl W. “French Wetland Agriculture in Atlantic Canada and Its European Roots: Different Avenues to Historical Diffusion.” Annals of the Association of American Geographers 92, no. 3 (September 2002): 451-70.
Cadigan, Sean. “The Moral Economy of the Commons: Ecology and Equity in the Newfoundland Cod Fishery, 1815-1855.” Labour/Le Travail 43 (Spring/printemps 1999): 9-42.
-. “Recognizing the Commons in Coastal Forests: The Three-Mile Limit in Newfoundland, 1875-1939.” Newfoundland and Labrador Studies 21, no. 2 (2006): 209-33.
-. “The Staple Model Reconsidered: The Case of Agricultural Policy in Northeast Newfoundland, 1785-1855.” Acadiensis 21, no. 2 (Spring 1992): 48-71.
-. “Whose Fish? Science, Ecosystems, and Ethics in Fisheries Management Literature since 1992.” Acadiensis 31, no. 1 (Autumn 2001): 171-95.
Campbell, Claire. “Global Expectations, Local Pressures: Some Dilemmas of a World Heritage Site.” Journal of the Royal Nova Scotia Historical Society 11, no. 1 (2008): 69-88.
-. “Idyll and Industry: Rethinking the Environmental History of Grand Pré, Nova Scotia.” London Journal of Canadian Studies 31, no. 1 (January 2016): 1-18 [a special issue – “The Political and Environmental Economy of Heritage in Atlantic Canada” – edited by Edward MacDonald, John G. Reid, and Robert Summerby-Murray].
-. “On Fertile Ground: Locating Historic Sites in the Landscapes of Fundy and the Foothills.” Journal of the Canadian Historical Association 17, no. 1 (2006): 235–65.
-. “Privileges and Entanglements: Lessons from History for NovaScotia’s Politics of Energy.” Acadiensis 42, no. 2 (Summer/Autumn 2013): 114-37.
-. “‘Rising with the Tide of History’: The Age of Sail As Industrial Alibi.” Papers in Canadian History and Environment 2, no. 1 (May 2019): 1-37.
-. “Whatever Happened to Pleasant Street? Rediscovering an Urban Shoreline.” Environmental History 25, no. 1 (January 2020): 134-49.
Campbell, Robert A. “A Narrative Analysis of Success and Failure in Environmental Remediation: The Case of Incineration at the Sydney Tar Ponds.” Organization & Environment 15, no. 3 (September 2002): 259-77.
Caplan, Ronald. “Alex Poirier, Fisherman from Plateau.” Cape Breton’s Magazine 59 (1992): 65-70.
Castonguay, Stéphane. “Faire du Québec un objet de l’histoire environnementale.” Globe : Revue internationale d’études québécoises 9, no. 1 (2006): 17-49.
Charles, A. “The Atlantic Canadian Groundfishery: Roots of a Collapse.” Dalhousie Law Journal 18, no. 1 (January 1995): 65-95 [a special issue on the Atlantic Canadian fisheries].
Chouinard, Omer. “Pêcheurs et coopération dans la péninsule acadienne.” Coopératives et développement 19, no. 2 (1987/1988): 39-64.
Conrad, Margaret. “Apple Blossom Time in the Annapolis Valley, 1880-1957.” Acadiensis 9, no. 2 (Spring 1980): 14-39.
Creighton, Wilfrid, and Kenneth Donovan. “Wilfrid Creighton and the Expropriations: Clearing Land for the National Park, 1936.” Cape Breton’s Magazine 69 (August 1995): 1-20.
Croteau, John T. “The Acadian Grain Banks of Prince Edward Island.” Agricultural History 29 (July 1955): 127-30.
-. “The Farmers’ Bank of Rustico: An Episode in Acadian History.” Island Magazine 4 (Spring/Summer 1978): 3-8.
Curley, Rosemary. “The Essential Saltmarsh.” Island Magazine 41 (Spring/Summer 1997): 20-8.
-. “Expansion of Charlottetown along the Hillsborough Shore.” Island Magazine 58 (Fall/Winter 2005): 28-31.
-. “The Ubiquitous Hare.” Island Magazine 25 (Spring/Summer 1989):29-34.
Cyr, Jean-Roch. “Aspects de l’agriculture chez les francophones du Nouveau-Brunswick au XIXe siècle. Le recensement de 1861.” Material Culture Review 27 (Spring/Printemps 1988): 51-60.
Davidson, Jonathan H. “Francklyn v. The People’s Heat and Light Company Limited: A Nineteenth-Century Environmental Lawsuit in Nova Scotia.” Nova Scotia Historical Review 16, no. 2 (December 1996): 34-48.
Devor, Teresa. “The Explanatory Power of Climate History for the 19th-Century Maritimes and Newfoundland: A Prospectus.” Acadiensis 43, no. 2 (Summer/Autumn 2014): 57-78.
-. “Volcano Years and the Historic Climate of Prince Edward Island.” Island Magazine 80 (Fall/Winter 2016): 23-9.
Dibblee, Randy. “The Beaver on Prince Edward Island.” Island Magazine 35 (Spring/Summer 1994): 18-22.
Donovan, Ken. “Imposing Discipline upon Nature: Gardens, Agriculture, and Animal Husbandry in Cape Breton, 1713-1758.” Material Culture Review 64 (Fall 2006): 20-37.
Dupuis, Todd. “The Early History of Atlantic Salmon on Prince Edward Island.” Island Magazine 64 (Fall/Winter 2008): 21-5.
Evans, Reginald D. “Stage Coaches in Nova Scotia, 1815 to 1867.” Collections of the Nova Scotia Historical Society 24 (1938): 107-34.
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TERESA DEVOR HALL est une historienne du climat et une chercheuse indépendante qui étudie présentement les changements climatiques et la résilience des collectivités rurales. Sa plus récente publication, en collaboration avec Anne Dance et Kimberly Bittermann, est « Canada After COP21 », Journal of Parliamentary and Political Review/Revue de droit parlementaire et politique, vol. 10, no. 3 (novembre 2016), p. 629-639.
TERESA DEVOR HALL is a climate historian and independent scholar currently studying climate change and the resilience of rural communities. Her most recent publication, with Anne Dance and Kimberly Bittermann, is “Canada After COP21,” Journal of Parliamentary and Political Law/Revue de droit parlementaire et politique 10, no. 3 (November 2016): 629-39.