Baird, Donal. Women at sea in the age of sail. Halifax: Nimbus, 2001. 226 p. ill.
Baxter-Moore, Nick. "Reelin’ ’n’ rockin’: genre-bending and boundary-crossing in Canada’s ‘east coast sound’." In Slippery pastimes. Reading the popular in Canadian culture. Edited by Joan Nicks and Jeannette Sloniowski. (Cultural studies series). Waterloo, Ont.: Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2002. pp. 217-242.
Beaudin, Maurice, and Sébestien Breau. Employment, skills and the knowledge economy in Atlantic Canada. (Maritime series - monographs; no. 11). Moncton: Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development. University of Moncton, 2001. 158 p.
_________. L’emploi, les compétences et l’économie du savoir au Canada atlantique. (Collection Maritimes/monographies; no. 11). Moncton: Institut canadien de recherche sur le développement régional. Université de Moncton, 2001. 176 p.
Bruce, Harry. "Wildcats and thrones." Imperial Oil Review 86, 444 (Spring 2002): 2-7. – re history, wildlife etc. of Atlantic Canada.
Brumwell, Stephen. Redcoats: The British soldier and war in the Americas, 1755-1763. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, 2002. 349 p. ill.; maps.
Davie, Michael B. Political losers: in Canada, U.S., Ukraine. Ancaster, Ont.: Manor House, 2001. 112 p. – includes an "examination of the meaning and significance" of the Acadian expulsion.
Effective evangelism in Atlantic Canada. Edited by Bruce Fawcett et al. Saint John: United Baptist Convention of the Atlantic Provinces, 2001. 187 p. ill. – papers presented at the Atlantic Canada Outreach Summit, 23-25 Oct. 2000, at the Main St. Baptist Church, Saint John.
Ferland, Jacques. "Teaching about Atlantic Canada outside of Atlantic Canada." Atlantic Association of Historians. Newsletter 41 (Winter 2001-02): 5-7.
Gerriets, Marilyn. "Agricultural resources, agricultural production and settlement at Confederation." Acadiensis XXXI, 2 (Spring 2002): 129-156.
Higgins, Mark. "Canada’s Cajun conundrum." Marketing 107, 12 (25 Mar. 2002): 13. – re promoting Acadie by taking advantage of U.S. familiarity with Cajun culture.
Hoyle, Gwyneth. "The siege of Fort Beauséjour." Beaver 82, 3 (June-July 2002): 8-12.
Inwood, Kris, and Jim Irwin. "Land, income and regional inequality: new estimates of provincial incomes and growth in Canada, 1871-1891." Acadiensis XXXI, 2 (Spring 2002): 157-184.
Isaac, Thomas. Aboriginal and treaty rights in the Maritimes: the Marshall decision and beyond. (Purich’s aboriginal issues series). Saskatoon: Purich Pub., 2001. 215 p.
Marie en Acadie: collectif. (Collection aux sources mariales de l’église canadienne; no. 20). Sillery, Qué.: Fondation de Marie-Immaculée, 2001. 76 p. ill.
Martin-Verenka, Nicole. Il etait une fois . . . l’Acadie (Haut-Richelieu). Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu, Qué.: L’Acadie, 2001. 53 p. ill.; carte. – re Acadians in Québec.
Railway postmarks of the Maritimes: a detailed examination of the railway post office . . . in Nova Scotia, New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island, between 1866 and 1971. Based on hammer studies originated by Lewis M. Ludlow; prepared and edited by Ross Gray. Saskatoon: British North America Philatelic Society, 2000. [107] p. ill. – cover title: a study of the cancellation devices, 1866-1971.
Rosenberg, Neil V. "Repetition, innovation, and representation in Don Messer’s media repertoire." Journal of American Folklore 115, 456 (2002): 191-208.
Saint-Pierre, Marjolaine. Saint-Castin. Baron français, chef amérindien, 1652-1707. Sillery, Qué. et Diffusion Dimédia, Saint-Laurent, Qué.: Septentrion, en coédition avec Atlantica, 1999. 258 p. ill.
Stewart, David K. "Political realignment in Atlantic Canada?" In Regionalism and party politics in Canada. Edited by Lisa Young and Keith Archer. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2002. pp. 171-187.
Des témoins marials en Acadie. Avant-propos de Marguérite Morency; préface de Robert Pichette. (Collection aux sources mariales de l’église canadienne; no. 19). Sillery, Qué.: Fondation de Marie-Immaculée, 2001. 72 p. ill. – includes biographical information on Bishop Marcel-François Richard, 1847-1915.
Ainley, Marianne Gosztonyi. "Norah Toole: scientist and social activist." In Framing our past. Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. Edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. pp. 308-310.
Andrew, Sheila. "Gender and nationalism: Acadians, Québécois, and Irish in New Brunswick nineteenth-century colleges and convent schools 1854-1888." Canadian Catholic Historical Association. Historical studies 68 (2002): 7-23.
Arsenault, Yvette. Du fleuve à la source: l’itinéraire spirituel des Filles de Marie-de-l’Assomption. Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1996. 201 p.
_________. From the river to the source: spiritual itinerary of the Daughters of Mary of the Assumption. Translated by Rosa Johnson. Moncton: Editions d’Acadie, 1996. 202 p.
Atkinson, Brian. Fredericton: photography = Fredericton: photographies . Halifax: Nimbus, 2001. 72 p. ill. – French translation of text by José Demers Beaudet.
Aucoin, Louise. "L’égalité linguistique: secteur privé." égalité 46 (2001): 115-121. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Bastarache, Michel. "Vers un Code des droits linguistiques au Nouveau-Brunswick." égalité 46 (2001): 199-211. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Beaudin, Maurice. La région économique du sud-ouest du Nouveau-Brunswick. (Collection Maritimes. Etat des régions). Moncton: Institut canadien de recherche sur le développement régional. Université de Moncton, 2001. 119 p. ill.; cartes.
_________. The economic region of southwest New Brunswick. (Maritime Series. State of the Region). Moncton: Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development. University of Moncton, 2001. 109 p. ill.; maps.
Beaulieu, Gilles. "Application des droits linguistiques au secteur de la santé." égalité 46 (2001): 67-73. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Belkhodja, Chedly. "Populism and community. The case of Reform and the Confederation of Regions party in New Brunswick." In Political parties, representation, and electoral democracy in Canada. Edited by William Cross. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2002. pp. 96-112.
Black, David W., and Christopher R. Blair. "Faunal remains from the loyalist occupation of the Bliss Islands, Quoddy region, New Brunswick." Ontario Archaeology 69 (2000): 39-54.
Bourgeois, Roy. "De croque-mort à entrepreneur de pompes funèbres: La Maritime Funeral Directors’ Association et la montée du professionnalisme au début du 20e siècle." Acadiensis XXXI, 2 (Spring 2002): 97-128.
Butler, Darrell N. "La véritable authenticité: une étude de cas du village historique de Kings Landing." Association des musées canadiens. Muse 20, 1 (janv.-fév. 2002): 34-36.
_________. "The truth about authenticity: a case of Kings Landing Historical Settlement." Canadian Museums Association. Muse 20, 1 (Jan.-Feb. 2002): 30-32.
Cantin, Roger. "Des pirates en Acadie?" La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 33, 1 et 2 (mars-juin 2002): 4-6.
Carter, Wilfred M. The story of Runnymede Lodge. St. Andrews, N.B.: W. Carter, 2001. 76 p. – Restigouche River, N.B. fishing club.
Cayoutte, Edmond. Edmond raconte . . . l’histoire de son village. [Eel River Crossing, N.-B.]: L’auteur, 2001. 117 p. ill.
Charest, Raoul. "Le Code des droits linguistiques et les administrations municipales." égalité 46 (2001): 179-182. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
"Code des droits linguistiques du Nouveau-Brunswick. Proposition de l’AJEFNB présentée au Symposium de mars 2001. Loi sur les droits linguistiques." égalité 46 (2001): 225-249. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Cross, William. "Leadership selection in New Brunswick: balancing language representation and populist impulses." In Political parties, representation, and electoral democracy in Canada. Edited by William Cross. Don Mills, Ont.: Oxford University Press, 2002. pp. 37-54.
Cross, William, and Ian Stewart. "Ethnicity and accommodation in the New Brunswick party system." Journal of Canadian Studies/Revue d’Etudes canadiennes 36, 4 (Winter 2001-02): 32-58.
Dearborn, Dorothy. An anecdotal history of Kings County, New Brunswick. Saint John: Neptune, 2001. 144 p. ill.
_________. "Looking forward to a prosperous future." Atlantic Business 13, 1 (Feb.-Mar. 2002): 28-30. – re Saint John.
Desjardins, Luc. "Ver l’égalité réelle des langues officielles." égalité 46 (2001): 193-196. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
"Dictionnaire biographique du nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick. Onzième cahier." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 2 (juinjuillet 2002): 1-87. – ce numéro comprends 22 biographies.
Doucet, Michel. "Trente années de langues officielles au Nouveau-Brunswick." égalité 46 (2001): 23-33. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Doyle, Irene. Campbellton’s family album: a walk through time. 2v. Campbellton, N.B.: Irene Doyle, 2002. ill.
Dugas, Benoit. The monument. M.Arch. thesis, Dalhousie University, 2001. 68 p. – looks at how architecture works with history and memory to create a space for public remembrance; thesis subject is the monument to the Acadian expulsion at Memramcook.
Dugas, Eudore. "Le tableau de Saint-Pierre exposé dans l’église de Caraquet." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 43-45.
"Ecoles de Gloucester en 1860." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 33-38.
Eiselt, Marianne, and H.A. Eiselt. Discovering New Brunswick. Halifax: Formac, 2002. 72 p. ill.
Fischer, George, and Claude Bouchard. Destination Fundy Trail, New Brunswick. Halifax: Nimbus, 2002. 36 p. ill. – pictorial.
Foucher, Pierre. "L’égalité linguistique: le secteur public." égalité 46 (2001): 143-146. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Gagnon, Réjean. Life on the Gaspé: farming and fishing in Fleurant Point. Related by Ralph Edwards. Escuminac, Qué.: Apropo Litterary [sic] Workshop, 2002. 313 p. ill. – includes Restigouche Co. and Bay of Chaleur history.
Genealogical account of the Estabrooks family of Sackville, N.B., Canada. Bruce T. Estabrooks and Shirley Anderson, compilers. Moncton: B. Estabrooks and S. Anderson, 2000. 2 vols.
Haffreingue, Bruno. "Mon ancêtre d’Acadie, Firmin Aucoin (1754-1802)." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 33, 1 et 2 (mars-juin 2002): 88-105.
Historic Marysville: a community strategy. Fredericton: [Heritage and Cultural Affairs Division], 2001. 19 p. ill.; map.
The history of the Rhodes Trust 1902-1999. Edited by Anthony Kenny. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2001. 606 p. – includes extensive references to Sir George Parkin.
"" – web site for St. Croix Island 400th anniversary celebration.
"" – Rowing. The Legacy of Renforth – details the rich history of rowing in the town of Rothesay, N.B. dating back to Canada’s first international champions, the Paris Crew, and extending to the area’s representation at the most recently held Canada Summer Games.
"" – University of New Brunswick Archives. Indian Affairs documents MG H54 – ninety original documents dealing with issues concerning Natives of New Brunswick in the 18th- and 19th- centuries.
"" – web site for information on the 400th anniversary of the French settlement of Pierre Dugua on St. Croix Island, 1604.
Hyson, Stewart. "New Brunswick’s gamble on VLTs: was this the way to conduct a referendum?" Canadian Parliamentary Review 24, 4 (Winter 2001-02): 19-26.
_________. "Pari du Nouveau-Brunswick sur la loterie vidéo: un référendum bien organisé?" Revue parlementaire canadienne 24, 4 (hiver 2001-02): 19-26.
"Interview de Joseph Haché, Sormany." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 39-42.
"Interview de Mme. Marie Chiasson-Blanchard." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 47-51.
Johnson, Daniel F. Vital statistics from New Brunswick (Canada) newspapers, 1893-1893; v. 88. Saint John: Daniel F. Johnson, 2001. unp. – entries taken from Saint John Messenger and Visitor.
_________. Vital statistics from New Brunswick (Canada) newspapers, 1893-1893; v. 89. Saint John: Daniel F. Johnson, 2002. unp. – entries taken from Saint John Daily Telegraph.
Lahey, Gerard R. W. Learning federalism: the experience of New Brunswick’s 19th century judges. L.L.M. thesis, University of Toronto, 2001. 253 p. – study of how New Brunswick judges interpreted the BNA Act in the first decades of Confederation.
Laprise, Raynald. "Descente d’un flibustier anglais en Acadie (1688)." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 33, 1 et 2 (mars-juin 2002): 33-40.
Leclerc, André. "Et vogue la galère . . . Les acadiens et le secteur public néobrunswickois." égalité 46 (2001): 147-168. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Lévesque, Fernand, and Marie-Ange Lévesque. André Lévesque, 1849-1912 & Bibianne Lévesque, 1853-1904: descendants. Fredericton: F. and M.-A. Lévesque, 2001. 162 p. ill. – la famille Lévesque de Saint-André, N.-B.
Lord, Bernard. "Allocution d’ouverture du Colloque sur l’égalité linguistique." égalité 46 (2001): 213-224. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Macdougall, Margaret J. The evolution of business education in New Brunswick, 1784-1984. Saint John: ImPresses, 2001. 469 p.
Machum, Susan. "De-prioritizing agriculture. Lessons from New Brunswick." In Writing off the rural west. Globalization, governments and the transformation of rural communities. Edited by Roger Epp and Dave Whitson. Edmonton: University of Alberta Press and the Parkland Institute, 2001. pp. 71-88.
Machum, Susan T. Farm wives’ work: a comparative study of dairy and potato farming in New Brunswick, Canada. Ph.D. thesis, University of Edinburgh, 1998. 345 p.
McKelvey, E. Neil. I chose law: memoirs of E. Neil McKelvey, OC, QC. Saint John: author, 2001. 260 p. ill.
Michaud, Marie. Marie the lobster queen: memoirs of a true success story. Lindsay, Ont.: M and Y Publishing, 2001. 101 p. ill.
Morrell, Geneva. History of Morrell. [Perth-Andover, N.B.]: Patricia Nicholson, n.d. 30 p. ill. – history of Morrell, New Brunswick.
Nadeau, Jean-Marie. "Panel sur le secteur privé [et des droits linguistiques]." égalité 46 (2001): 123-131. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Nason, Harlan. Back Creek and South Branch settlements. Wirral, N.B.: The author, 2002. 245 p. ill.
Ouellette, Roger. "Analyse du Code des droits linguistiques du Nouveau-Brunswick: le secteur public." égalité 46 (2001): 169-175. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Paulin, Réginald. "L’égalité linguistique: rôle des municipalités et du gouvernement provincial." égalité 46 (2001): 103-107. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Poirier, Bernard. A la poursuite d’un idéal. Mémoires de Bernard Poirier. (Collection des bâtisseurs de l’Acadie moderne). Moncton: Editions de la Francophonie, 2001. 140 p. ill.
Poirier, Donald. "L’égalité linguistique: la santé." égalité 46 (2001): 57-66. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Rankin, M. "Right honourable moms." Beaver 82, 2 (Apr.-May 2002): 22-27. – re some mothers of Canada’s prime ministers, including R.B. Bennett.
"Registre des enfants reçus à l’orphelinat de l’Hôtel-Dieu à Tracadie (1882-1930)." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX,1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 75-91.
Renault, Jeanne. "Bilan de trente années de bilinguisme officiel au Nouveau-Brunswick." égalité 46 (2001): 39-43. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Rioux, Jean-Guy. "Vers l’adoption d’un code des droits linguistiques au Nouveau-Brunswick." égalité 46 (2001): 183-192. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Robichaud, Armand. "Les flibustiers de l’Acadie, corsaires ou pirates?" La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 33, 1 et 2 (mars-juin 2002): 7-32.
_________. "Robert Chevalier dit de Beauchêne." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 33, 1 et 2 (mars-juin 2002): 56-67.
Robichaud, Donat. "Activité dans le port de Caraquet (1862-1863)." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 97-105. – date, bateau, capitaine, provenance, cargaison, destination.
_________. "Le capitaine James Godin de Petit-Rocher, une saison de cabotage (1884)." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 11-32.
Rouselle, Serge. "L’égalité linguistique: les municipalités." égalité 46 (2001): 95-101. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Savoie, Gérald. "L’importance des soins de santé en français pour une communauté minoritaire." égalité 46 (2001): 75-83. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Skaarup, Harold A. New Brunswick Hussar. Corporal Harold Jorgen Skaarup, G753, 5th Armoured Regiment (8th Princess Louise’s New Brunswick Hussars). San José, Calif.: Writers Club Press, 2001. 154 p. ill. – story of Carleton Co., N.B. corporal, killed in action in Italy in 1944.
_________. Ticonderoga soldier. Elijah Estabrook’s journal, 1758-1760. A Massachusetts provincial soldier in the French and Indian War. San José, Calif.: Writers Club Press, 2001. 264 p. ill. – Estabrooks was one of the earliest settlers on the St. John River and is buried near Jemseg.
_________. Whiz bangs & woolly bears: Walter Ray Estabrooks & the Great War. San José, Calif.: Writers Club Press, 2000. 133 p. ill. – First World War memoirs of the author’s grandfather, a Carleton Co., N.B. farmer.
Snow, Claude. "Le français, la langue des rebelles?" égalité 46 (2001): 85-92. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Snow, Gérard. "Un code des droits linguistique pour le Nouveau-Brunswick." égalité 46 (2001): 47-53. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Snow, Odette. "Le secteur privé [et des droits linguistiques]." égalité 46 (2001): 133-140. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
Somerville, Graeme F. A library of stone pages: and other records of the Wesleyan Burial Ground, Saint John, N.B. Saint John: G.F. Somerville, 2001. 314 p. ill.
"Tourisme et hôtellerie au nord-est du Nouveau-Brunswick." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 53-73.
Trail, Patricia Gunter. Bear Island, more than an island: history. Halifax: Print Atlantic, 2002. 217 p. ill.
A tribute to Dalton Camp. n.p: n.p., [2000]. 2 compact discs; 12 cm. – recorded 18 October 2000. [at Legislative Library].
Urquhart, Verna E. Descendants of Michael Earle, 1763-1999. Saint John: The author, 2000. 93 p.
Vautour, Thérèse. Histoire d’une servante centenaire. (Les trésors de la mémoire). Moncton: Editions de la Francophonie, 2002. 150 p. ill. – raconte l’histoire des 100 ans de la congrégation Notre-Dame-du-Sacré-Coeur, la première institution scolaire pour jeunes filles.
"Un vieil habitant de Miscou: William Annett." La revue d’histoire de la Société historique Nicolas-Denys XXX, 1 (janv.-avr. 2002): 93-96.
Wright, Harold E., and Deborah Stilwell. Homeport: Campobello – Saint John – St. Martins, 1780-2000. (Images of our past). Halifax: Nimbus, 2002. 172 p. ill.
Young, Stephen. "Le citoyen minoritaire dans son rapport linguistique avec sa municipalité." égalité 46 (2001): 109-112. – Actes du colloque sur l’égalité linguistique tenu à Moncton les 16 et 17 mars 2001.
"1942 – trans-Atlantic FFC from Newfoundland." Jack Knight Air Log (Jan.-Mar. 2001): 1-6. facsimiles – re Botwood – Ireland (Eire) Service.
Amulree’s legacy: . . . : papers and presentations. Truth, lies and consequences symposium 2000. Edited by Garfield Fizzard. St. John’s: Newfoundland Historical Society, 2001. 104 p. – examines the report of the 1933 Royal Commission and the impact it had on Newfoundlanders.
Baikie, Ruby. "Travelling on the S. S. Kyle." Them Days 27, 2 (Winter 2002): 43-47 – 1950s reminiscences of a teacher.
Bannister, Jerry. "The naval state in Newfoundland, 1749-1791." Journal of the Canadian Historical Association n.s., 11 (2000): 17-50.
Blake, Robert. "The life of a Barr’d Islands singer/songwriter." Downhomer 14, 6 (Nov. 2001): 84-86.
Browne, Susan Chalker. "Phoenix rising: the story of St. Bonaventure’s College." Jesuit Bulletin (2001): 4-7, 12-15. – re new Roman Catholic private school.
Burns, Jane. "The multiple role of the millworker’s lunch basket in central Newfoundland." Material History Review 55 (Spring 2002): 53-65.
Carhart, George S. "An exercise in map genealogy: Guillaume Delisle’s l’Amérique Septentrionale and its many offspring." Mercator’s World 6, 4 (July-Aug. 2001): 44-49. – facsimiles; covers 17th - 18th centuries.
Collins, Daphne F. Crossing the Narrows. St. John’s: Print Three, 2001. 81 p. ill., maps – autobiography.
Collins, Marmaduke L. The sinking of the Titanic: an ice pilot’s perspective. St. John’s: Breakwater Books, 2002. 196 p. ill., maps.
Compton, Amanda J. A seventeenth-century planter’s house at Ferryland, Newfoundland. M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 502 leaves.
Crosbie, John. "The FPI fiasco – the fuss and the fury." Atlantic Business 13, 2 (2002): 78.
_________. "The Journal of Newfoundland Studies: a review of the 50th anniversary of confederation issue." Newfoundland Quarterly (Spring 2001): 13-15.
Davis, Mercer. "The days leading up to confederation." Them Days 27, 2 (Winter 2002): 42-43. – re 1940s in Labrador.
Fitzgerald, Jack. Jack Fitzgerald’s notebook. Rev. ed., St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2002. 144 p.
Fitzgerald, John Edward. "The ‘year of joy’ and centenary renovations to the Cathedral, St. John’s, Newfoundland, 1953-55." Canadian Catholic Historical Association. Historical Studies 68 (2002): 44-65.
Fowler, Ken F. Community reaction to a social disaster: a Newfoundland case study. Ph.D. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 450 leaves. – re collapse of cod fishery.
Les Franco-Terreneuviens de la péninsule de Port-au-Port: évolution d’une identité franco-canadienne. Sous la direction d’ André Magord. Moncton: Chaire d’études acadiennes, Université de Moncton, 2002. 232 p. maps.
Gordon, Henry (Rev.) "Journal of Rev. Henry Gordon . . . Sept. 20, 1918 - May 29, 1919." Them Days 27, 2 (Winter 2002): 57-64. – in Labrador.
Gough, David. David Blackwood. Vancouver: Douglas & McIntyre, 2001. 178 p. ill., map.
Governing high seas fisheries: the interplay of global and regional regimes. Edited by Olav Schram Stokke. New York: Oxford University Press, 2001. 365 p. ill.
"Grand Bank’s fourteen generals." Downhomer 14, 1 (June 2001): 64. – re 1930s "General" ships.
Hancock, Joyce M. Exploring common ground: final report from the women’s community forums, provincial women’s conference (January 2000 -December 2000). St. John’s : Provincial Advisory Council on the Status of Women, [2001]. 68 p. ill.
Haywood, Ruth. "Between the Rock and a hard place: single mothers in St. John’s Newfoundland, during the Second World War." In Framing our past: Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. Edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. pp. 124-128.
"Hooked on Newfoundland." Mercator’s World 6, 6 (Dec. 2001): 62. – re sale of Grenfell mat showing map of Newfoundland.
In altum: seventy-five years of classical studies in Newfoundland. Edited by Mark Joyal. St. John’s: Memorial University of Newfoundland, 2001. 379 p. ill.
Irmscher, Christoph. "Nature laughs at our systems: Philip Henry Gosse’s ‘The Canadian Naturalist’." Canadian Literature 170-171 (Autumn-Winter 2001): 58-86. – covers 1810-1888.
Johnston, Clifford M. Montreal to Newfoundland aboard the coastal freighter S. S. "Belle Isle", September, 1933: the daily diary of Clifford M. Johnston. [Canada?: Donald C. Johnston, 2001?] (Allegra Print and Imaging) 55 p. ill., maps.
Keeping, Neachel. Telling the untellable: traditional beliefs related to violence against women in a rural Newfoundland community. M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 119 leaves.
Keough, Willeen. "The riddle of Peggy Mountain: regulation of Irish women’s sexuality on the southern Avalon, 1750-1860." Acadiensis XXXI, 2 (Spring 2002): 38-70.
Kirwin, William. "Linguistic approaches to names." Names 49, 4 (Dec. 2001): 304-308. – re place names.
Landry, Nicolas. "Portrait des activités de course à Plaisance, Terre-Neuve, 1700-1715." La Société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 33, 1 et 2 (mars-juin 2002): 68-87.
Lane, Barry. "Admiral Hugh Palliser." Them Days 27, 2 (Winter 2002): 28-29. – re Labrador fishery, 1766.
Ling, Katherine Anne. "A share of the sacrifice": Newfoundland servicewives in the Second World War. Ph.D. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 332 leaves.
Litchman, William M. "Shaving with Occam’s razor: a proposed descendancy for Edward Warren of Fox Island, Newfoundland, Part 1." Newfoundland Ancestor 17, 4 (Fall 2001): 185-194.
Madigan, Mike. "One room school days." Downhomer 14, 5 (Oct. 2001): 21-22.
Malone, Donna. Bars, booze, and sexual violence: young St. John’s women speak. St. John’s: Regional Coordinating Coalition Against Violence, 2001. 32, [3] p.
Marshall, Ingeborg. The Beothuk. St. John’s: Newfoundland Historical Society, 2001. 87 p. ill., maps. – previously published in A history and ethnology of the Beothuk. Kingston and Montreal: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 1996.
McNab, David T. "The perfect disguise: Frank Speck’s pilgrimage to Ktaqamkuk – the place of fog – in 1914." American Review of Canadian Studies 31, 1-2 (2001): 85-104.
Murphy, Dee. "Alex Moores: a true fishery pioneer." Downhomer 14, 2 (July 2001): 74.
Murray, Hilda Chaulk. Cows don’t know it’s Sunday: agricultural life in St. John’s. (Social and Economic Studies, no. 65). St. John’s: ISER Books, 2002. 343 p. ill., maps.
Neis, Barbara, et al. From fishplant to nickel smelter: health determinants and the health of Newfoundland’s women fish and shellfish processors in an environment of restructuring: research report. [St. John’s]: Memorial University of Newfoundland, School of Continuing Education, 2001. 166 p.
Noseworthy, Leslie H. Let there be light: paintings and drawings. St. John’s: Canadian Coast Guard, Newfoundland Region, Alumni Association Inc., 2001. 71 p. ill., maps – re lighthouses; pictorial.
"Not too long ago: Station VOGF, Grand Falls, 1933." Downhomer 14, 3 (Aug. 2001): 80-81. – re first female radio announcer.
Parsons, Robert. "Brave men of Belleoram." Downhomer 14, 8 (Jan. 2002): 64-65. – re 1943 wrecks at Louisbourg & Sable Island, N.S.
Parsons, Robert Charles. Between sea and sky: strange and unique stories of the sea: from the shipping files of Robert C. Parsons. St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2002. 288 p. ill.
_________. Lost at sea: a compilation. St. John’s: Creative Publishers, 2001. 299 p. ill.
"Passion for painting and prose." Arthritis News 19, 2 (Summer 2001): 5. – re artist Mary Pratt.
Pauls, George. "Newfoundland Rangers at Goose Bay, Labrador – 1943." Them Days 26, 4 (Summer 2001): 27-36.
Perry, Jill. "Ethel Currant: portrait of a Grenfell nurse." In Framing our past: Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. Edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. pp. 300-304.
Prowse, D. W. A history of Newfoundland. New foreword by Leslie Harris. Portugal Cove, Nfld.: Boulder Publications, 2002. 742 p. ill., maps. – originally published London: Macmillan and Co., 1895.
Reid Boland, Janice. Living under one roof: household economies in the Bay of Islands, Newfoundland, 1900-1935. M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 1 volume. maps.
Sea dogs & skippers. Edited by Garry Cranford. St. John’s: Flanker Press, 2001. 208 p.
Sinclair, Peter R. "Narrowing the gaps? Gender, employment and incomes on the Bonavista Peninsula, Newfoundland, 1951-1996." Atlantis 26, 2 (Spring-Summer 2002): 131-145.
Small, Hugh. "From Moreton’s Harbour to Massachusetts: the story of a Beaumont Hamel survivor." Downhomer 14, 6 (Nov. 2001): 76. – covers 1915-1996.
Squires, Gerald. Gerald Squires, journey: selections from four decades’ work. St. John’s: Division of University Relations for the Art Gallery of Newfoundland and Labrador, 2001. 47 p. ill.
Stuckless, Janice. "A day to remember." Downhomer 14, 6 (Nov. 2001): 10-11. – re Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.
_________. "The old is new in New Bonaventure." Downhomer 14, 5 (Oct. 2001): 85-86. – re movie "Random Passage".
Sveinbjornsdottir, Emilia Dagny. Community economic development in Newfoundland: a comparative study of the Isthmus of Avalon and the Bonavista Headland. M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 351 leaves.
Taylor, Sharon. Living on the other side of nowhere: unravelling meanings of community in the context of the TAGS era. Ph.D. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 257 leaves.
Teal, Michael A. An archaeological investigation of the Gould site in Port au Choix, northwestern Newfoundland: new insight into the recent Indian Cow Head complex. M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 136, [19] leaves.
Trites, Pat. "‘The school on Fardy’s Cross’: Shamrock school remembered." In Framing our past: Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. Edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. pp. 184-188. – re Lakeview, Newfoundland.
"What do you think?" Downhomer 14, 8 (Jan. 2002): 95. table. – poll re change of name of the province.
White, Gay J. Peddle. A history of S.P.G.-supported schools in Newfoundland: 1701-1827. M.A. thesis, Memorial University, 2001. 308 leaves.
Wilker, Kathleen. "‘Club’: laundering clothing in Newfoundland." In Framing our past: Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. Edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. pp. 7-8.
Wright, Miriam. "Women in the Newfoundland fishery." In Framing our past: Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. Edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. pp. 343-346.
Akins, Thomas B. History of Halifax City. Dartmouth: Brook House Press, 2002. 334 pages. – a reprinting of Akin’s history, first published by the N.S. Historical Society in 1895. This version incorporates corrections published separately and subsequently by the Society.
Armstrong, John Griffith. The Halifax explosion and the Royal Canadian Navy: inquiry and intrigue. (Studies in Canadian military history). Vancouver: UBC Press, 2002. 248 p. ill.
Balcom, Karen. "Scandal and social policy: the Ideal Maternity Home and the evolution of social policy in Nova Scotia, 1940-51." Acadiensis XXXI, 2 (Spring 2002): 3-37.
Bendall, S. "The uniform of Colonel Edmund Fanning (1739-1818)." Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 79, 319 (2001): 188-195.
Bernard, Candace, and Wanda Thomas Bernard. "Learning from the past / visions for the future: the Black community and child welfare in Nova Scotia." In Community work approaches to child welfare. Edited by Brian Wharf. Peterborough, Ont.: Broadview Press, 2002. pp. 116-129.
Bogart, Jo Ellen. Capturing joy: the story of Maud Lewis. Toronto: Tundra Books, 2002. 32 p. ill.
Braìgh an aÒrain = A story in every song: the songs and tales of Lauchie MacLellan. Translated and edited by John Shaw; airs transcribed by Lisa Ornstein from field recordings; foreword by Alistair MacLeod. (McGill-Queen’s studies in ethnic history). Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. 427 p. ill.
Brown, Desmond H. "They do not submit themselves to the King’s law: Amerindians and criminal justice during the French régime." Manitoba Law Journal 28, 3 (2002): 377-411. – remarks concerning Acadia from p. 407.
Brun, Josette. Le veuvage en Nouvelle-France: genre, dynamique familiale et stratégies de survie dans deux villes coloniales du XVIIIe siècle, Québec et Louisbourg. Ph.D. thesis, Université de Montréal, 2001. 316 p.
Byrd, Alexander Xavier. Captives and voyagers: Black migrants across the eighteenth-century world of Olaudah Equiano. Ph.D. thesis, Duke University, 2001. 405 p. – relates, in part to the Sierra Leone-Nova Scotia migration.
Christie, W. H. Michael. The Barrington Passage wireless station. Sheet Harbour, N.S.: The Author, 2002. 152 p. ill.
Corbett, Michael John. Learning to leave: the irony of schooling in a coastal community. Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia, 2001. 361 p. – re Digby Neck, N.S.
DeRoche, Constance P. "Workfare’s cousin: exploring a labour-force enhancement experiment in Cape Breton." Canadian Review of Sociology and Anthropology 38, 3 (Aug. 2001): 309-335.
Dhal, Suvendu Kumar. Natural gas options for Nova Scotia utilities. M.Eng. thesis, Dalhousie University, 2001. 117 p.
Dockrill, Doug. Water under the bridge: Bear River, Nova Scotia, 1920-1980: the millennium project of the Bear River Historical Society. Lockeport, N.S.: Community Books, 2001. 230 p. ill.
Dodds, Colin. The cost of crime in Nova Scotia. M.A. thesis, Saint Mary’s University, 2000. 237 p.
Dodds, Colin, and Ronald Colman. Income distribution in Nova Scotia. Tantallon, N.S.: GPI Atlantic, 2001. 50 p.
Fleischman, Richard K., and David Oldroyd. "An imperial connection? Contrasting accounting practices in the coal mines of north-east England and Nova Scotia, 1825-1900." Accounting Historians Journal 28, 2 (2001) : 31-62.
Frost, James D. "Dartmouth Ropework, 1868-1956." In Industry and Society in Nova Scotia: an illustrated history. Edited by James E. Candow. Halifax: Fernwood, 2001. pp. 115-128.
Gibson, John Graham. Old and New World Highland bagpiping. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2002. 424 p. ill.
Gibson, M. Allen. A story of the Baptists of Chester. Chester, N.S.: History Committee of the Chester United Baptist Church, 2000. 38 p. ill.
Hants County history and geography school project 1941: initiated by: M. W. Campbell, school inspector. Windsor, N.S.: West Hants Historical Society, 2002. 128 p. maps.
Hays, Daniel. On Whale Island: notes from a place I never meant to leave. Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books of Chapel Hill, 2002. 242 p. ill. – simultaneously published in Canada by Thomas Allen & Son Ltd.
The heart of Cape Breton: fiddle music recorded live along the Ceilidh Trail. (Smithsonian Folkways recordings 40491). Washington, D.C.: Smithsonian Folkways, 2002. 72 minutes, extensive notes.
Hines, Sherman. Mahone Bay: Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nimbus, 2002. 48 p. ill.
Hoddinott, Stefan Roy Charles. Wiping it off: an examination of Halifax graffiti, and prospective preventative techniques. MURP thesis, Dalhousie University, 2001. 121 p.
Jackson, Lois. "Sex trade workers in Halifax, Nova Scotia." Canadian Woman Studies 21, 2 (Summer-Fall 2001): 44-48.
Lagarrigue, Christiane. "Pierre Morpain, corsaire – capitaine de port de l’Ile Royale (1686-1749)." La société historique acadienne. Les Cahiers 33, 1 et 2 (mars-juin 2002): 41-55.
Lanning, Robert. "Awakening a demand for schooling: educational inspection’s impact on rural Nova Scotia, 1855-74." Historical Studies in Education 12, 1-2 (2000): 129-142.
LaPrairie, Carol. "Aboriginal over-representation in the criminal justice system: a tale of nine cities." Canadian Journal of Criminology 44, 2 (Apr. 2002): 181-208. – includes Halifax.
Levan, Marjorie. "Mildred Armstrong and missionary culture." In Framing our past: Canadian women’s history in the twentieth century. Edited by Sharon Anne Cook, Lorna R. McLean and Kate O’Rourke. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen’s University Press, 2001. pp. 27-32.
MacDonald, Laura. "‘Minister of the gospel and doctor of medicine’: Dr. Robert Grierson physician missionary to Korea 1898-1913." Journal of the Canadian Church Historical Society XLIII, 2 (Fall 2001): 171-190. – re Haligonian Presbyterian missionary.
MacDonald, Sharon M.H. "‘As the locusts in Egypt gathered crops’: hooked mat mania and cross-border shopping in the early twentieth century. Material History Review 54 (Fall 2001): 58-70. – examines this "mania" in Nova Scotia.
MacKenzie, A.A. The harvest train: when Maritimers worked in the Canadian West, 1890-1928. Wreck Cove, N.S.: Breton Books, 2002. 176 p. ill. – includes "The incredible harvest excursion of 1908", by W.J.C. Cherwinski.
MacLeod, Lois Mary. Chester Municipality, a history, 1759-2000. Chester, N.S.: Carol A. Nauss Presentations, 2002. 247 p. ill.
McEvoy, John P. "Marshall v. Canada: lessons from Wisconsin." National Journal of Constitutional Law 12, 1 (Sept. 2000): 85-111.
The Mi’kmaq bibliography: a guide to secondary sources. Prepared by Gillian S. Allen. Shubenacadie, N.S.: Treaty & Aboriginal Rights Research Centre, Indianbrook Mi’kmaq Nation community, 2000. 1 v.
Morrison, Jeremy Robert. Mapping the marginal: Harry Hereford, the Department of Labour, and the "politics of the middle way" in the 1923 Sydney steel strike. M.A. thesis, Queen’s University, 2001. 300 p.
Moss, Joseph B. The Moss diary of Springhill deaths, 1918-1976. Edited by the Springhill Heritage Group. Springhill, N.S.: Springhill Heritage Group, [2002?]. 107 p.
_________. The Moss diary: a collection of 1918-1976 Springhill NS genealogical data. Edited and expanded by the Springhill Heritage Group, Springhill, N.S., Canada. Sackville, N.B.: [Sybertooth], 2002. 144 p. ill.
Move your fingers: the life and music of Chris Langan. Compiled and edited by Paul Cranford, Patrick Hutchinson and David Papazian. Englishtown, N.S.: Cranford Publications, 2002. 130 p. ill.
Nelson, Jennifer Jill. The operation of whiteness and forgetting in Africville: a geography of racism. Ph.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 2001. 290 p.
_________. "The space of Africville: creating, regulating and remembering the urban ‘slum’." Canadian Journal of Law and Society 15, 2 (2000): 163-185.
Nickerson, Granville H. One hook, one fish: a memoir: my father and his brothers. Cobourg, Ont.: G.H. Nickerson, 2002. 232 p. ill. – re Liverpool, Nova Scotia.
Obituaries from the Sydney Post-Record. Compiled by Wayne Macvicar. (Publication Number 28: Genealogical Sources Series.) Halifax: Genealogical Association of Nova Scotia, 2002. 258 p.
O’Neill, Mora Dianne. Choosing their own path: Canadian women impressionists. Halifax: Art Gallery of Nova Scotia, 2001. 6 p. ill.
Parsons Doehler, Joan. Scotia Square: its impact on the downtown core. MURP thesis, Dalhousie University, 2001. 112 p.
Peart, Barbara. Lester Earl Hubley: a man of many facets: Hubley Centre. Tantallon, N.S.: The Author, 2000. 25 p. ill.
_________. As the last leaf fell: from Montbéliard to the Head of Saint Margaret’s Bay: an illustrated history. Tantallon, N.S.: The Author, 2001. 526 p. ill.
Perry, Hattie A. Soldiers of the King; [vol. 1.] 1914-1918. Barrington, N.S.: Spindrift Pub., 2002. 177 p. ill. – re Barrington and Clark’s Harbour.
Phillips, Jim, and Allyson N. May. "Female criminality in 18th-century Halifax." Acadiensis XXXI, 2 (Spring 2002): 71-96.
Phinney, Sandra. "Robert Mangue." Imperial Oil Review 86, 445 (Summer 2002): 26-27. – re Halifax art gallery owner and business man.
Pier 21: an illustrated history of Canada’s gateway. Alexa Thompson and Debi van de Wiel. Halifax: Nimbus, 2002. 140 p. ill.
A present and historical view of East Pubnico. Compiled by the Ladies Auxiliary of the East Pubnico Fire Department. Lower East Pubnico, N.S.: the Auxiliary, [2001]. 360 p. ill.
Rogers, Patricia L. "Unprincipled men who are one day British subjects and the next citizens of the United States": The Nova Scotian merchant community and colonial identity formation, c. 1780-1820. Ph.D. thesis, Michigan State University, 2001. 506 p.
Roué, Joan E. A spirit deep within: naval architect W.J. Roué and the Bluenose story. St. Catharines: Vanwell Publishing, 2002. 110 p. ill.
Sarty, Roger. "Incident on Lucknow Street: defenders and the defended in Halifax, 1915." Canadian Military History 10, 2 (Spring 2001): 55-59.
Sharp, James Fletcher. Adult educators for social change: the experience from Halifax in the 1980s and 1990s. Ed.D. thesis, University of Toronto, 2001. 319 p.
Stacy, Kim R. "Crime and punishment in the 84th Regiment of Foot, 1775-84." Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research 79, 318 (2001): 108-118.
Tennyson, Brian Douglas. "A Cape Bretoner at war. Letters from the front 1914-1919." Canadian Military History 11, 1 (Winter 2002): 37-48.
Tennyson, B. D., and Roger Sarty. Guardian of the Gulf: Sydney, Cape Breton, and the Atlantic wars. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 495 p. ill. – reprint.
Thomas, Verna. Invisible shadows: a Black woman’s life in Nova Scotia. Halifax: Nimbus, 2001. 184 p.
Thomas, Wynne. "Adams and Knickle, Lunenburg, Nova Scotia." Imperial Oil Review 86, 445 (Summer 2002): 16-19. – re fishing business begun in 1897.
Trask, Gwen Guiou. Elias Trask, his children and their succeeding race: the Trasks of Nova Scotia. 2nd ed. Yarmouth, N.S.: Stoneycroft Publishing, 2002. 277 p. ill.
We belong to the sea: a Nova Scotia anthology. Edited by Meddy Stanton. Halifax: Nimbus, 2002. 242 p. ill.
Wicken, William C. Mi’kmaq treaties on trial: history, land and Donald Marshall Junior. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2002. 301 p.
Zorde, Izida. Constructing national history at Pier 21. M.A. thesis, University of Toronto, 2001. 101 p.
L’Acadie de l’Île en images et en mots. SchoolNet Digital Collections program, Industry Canada, 2001. – this collection serves as an online guide to the history and culture of some of Prince Edward Island’s Acadian and Francophone communities and people. Profiled are Prince-Ouest, Evangéline, Miscouche, Rustico, Charlottetown, Kings-Est and Summerside.
Arsenault, Georges. "Instinct for business: pioneer Acadian entrepreneurs on Prince Edward Island." The Island Magazine 51 (Spring-Summer 2002): 24-30.
Baldacchino G. "A taste of small-island success: a case from Prince Edward Island." Journal of Small Business Management 40, 3 (July 2002): 254-259. – re the Prince Edward Island Preserve Company.
Beck, E. Boyde. Country churchyards: historic churches of Prince Edward Island. [Charlottetown]: The Prince Edward Island Museum and Heritage, 2002. 119 p. ill. – text in English and French.
Brinklow, Laurie. Prince Edward Island memories. (Travel memories series.) Indianapolis: Berg Company, 2002. 80 p. ill.
Broome, Barb A. On Duty and Pride. Edited by Susan Rodgers of Wyatt Heritage Properties, Summerside, P.E.I.; research by Jeff Boyd and Betty Enman. Tyne Valley, P.E.I.: Mount Pleasant Airport Research Project and Here to Serve Communications Inc., 2002. 100 p. ill. – history of the Mount Pleasant No. 10 Bombing & Gunnery School. – related web site at
Campbell, David. "I would not have missed it for the world: Sir Andrew MacPhail’s war." The Island Magazine 51 (Spring-Summer 2002): 2-10.
Church History Committee. Pastoral Unit of New London and Springfield. A history of the Pastoral Unit of New London and Springfield: early 1800s until 2001. Kensington, P.E.I.: Parish Councils, Parish of New London and Parish of Springfield, 2001. 486 p. ill. – includes a reprint of The Parish of New London, by Thomas R. Millman, originally published in 1959.
Cousins, John. "Great expectations: the Cape Wolfe Gold Rush of 1883." The Island Magazine 51 (Spring-Summer 2002): 11-18.
Fullerton, Robin C. Voices of the heart: an intimate self portrait of a Prince Edward Island community. Ottawa: Acroteri Associates, 2001. 213 p. ill.
Glen, William N. "How P.E.I. was ‘sold’ to potential immigrants." P.E.I. Genealogical Society Inc. Newsletter 26, 1 (Feb. 2002): 1, 9.
Governors, Lieutenant Governors and Administrators, 1769 to February 2002: pictures and biographical information. Charlottetown: Elections PEI, 2002. 53 p. ill. – also the Lieutenant Governors Gallery at
Green, John Eldon. "Flying the flag at Port-la-Joye". La Petite Souvenance 16 (mars 2002): 33-34.
Hamley, Will. "The Confederation Bridge and its likely impact on the economy of Prince Edward Island." British Journal of Canadian Studies 13, 1 (1998): 140-147.
Heritage Walking Tour: Summerside Prince Edward Island. Research and text by Faye Pound. Summerside: City of Summerside, 2000. 50 p. ill.
Hill, Marie. The horseman from Alberton: the story of harness driver Joe O’Brien. Alberton, P.E.I. : Joe O’Brien Museum Association, 2001. 91 p. ill. – rev. ed. of Gentleman Joe: the story of harness driver Joe O’Brien. New York: Arco, 1975.
Horne, Fred. Historic Summerside: 1900-1970. Halifax: Nimbus, and co-published by the City of Summerside and Wyatt Heritage Properties, 2002. 126 p. ill.
Johnson, Marc L. Agrarian and marine-based but connected: Prince County, Prince Edward Island. (Regions in the knowledge economy series). [Moncton]: Canadian Institute for Research on Regional Development, [2002?]. – in pdf format at – also published in French under title: Agraire et maritime, mais connecté: le comté de Prince à l’Île-du-Prince-Édouard.
Ketchum, Constance. A story of the Brown’s: Douglas and Carluke, Scotland – New Glasgow and Margate, Prince Edward Island: Samuel, William, William, George, and Jennie, 1787-2001. Kennebunk, Maine: The author, 2001. 1 v. ill.
Mair, Nathan H. Old Georgetown families (and some newer ones), 1832-1950. [Charlottetown: N.H. Mair, 2001.] 1 v.
McCabe, Shauna Joanne. Representing islandness: myth, memory, and modernisation in Prince Edward Island. Ph.D. thesis, University of British Columbia. 2001. 306 p.
Name Index of the PEI Genealogical Society Newsletters, Vol. 1. [Charlottetown]: PEI Genealogical Society, 2002. 1 CD ROM. – Compiled by Sandra Cullen. – index contains every name that appeared in first 75 editions of the Society’s newsletter.
Old Protestant Burying Ground Committee Inc. Records of burials in the Old Protestant Burying Ground. [Charlottetown]: The Committee, 2002. 3 vols. and index.
O’Shea, Art. A faith walk: un sentier de foi, Diocese of Charlottetown. Strasbourg, France: Editions du Signe, [2002]. 96 p. ill.
Paquet, Laura. "A passion for Anne: how Prince Edward Island’s most famous daughter came to life for Rebecca Howe, a 21st-century kindred spirit." Canadian Living 27, 5 (May 2002): 191-196.
Pound, Faye. "Summerside’s entertainment king / Le roi du divertissement de Summerside."The Island Magazine 51 (Spring-Summer 2002):31-38. – re J. J. Gaudet.
Royle, Stephen A., and Caitriona Ni Laoire. "DesBrisay’s settlers." The Island Magazine 51 (Spring-Summer 2002): 19-23.
"Temptation island: green fields hold significant natural gas promise." Atlantic Business Magazine 13, 2 (2002): 26-31. – re gas exploration in P.E.I.
Wood, Kate. "In the news: Anne of Green Gables and PEI’s Turn-of-the-Century Press." Canadian Children’s Literature 99, 26 (Fall 2000): 23-42.
Zakem, Frank The neighbourhood family run corner store experience. Charlottetown: F. Zakem, 2001. 27 leaves ill.